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... and NERF DEIMOS.

Me a ranged/Melee dps. I am about to unlock the last part of the crystalline heart achievment and get my precourser armor. But guess what, Big Boi Deimos need to stand in my way and make every- single -attermpt on 1.killing 2. surviving him impossible. his black fields alone can wipe a raidgroup if one player just stands in there for a fracture of a second, boom everyone dies- gg- next attempt. But there is more. the tears, the Saul-phases. If only ONE guy makes ONE mistake, the punishment is just too grave like, why should the entire raid suffer from the mistakes of one? + what do we need for deimos? handkiter, bosskiter, two healers, and a tank. already 2 spots already wasted for nothing, where there could be some dps.


So Please either remove him, nerf him or simply tone him down, like the rest of the wing is just a cakewalk with a blindfold through heaven, while deimos is just hell on earth.

I beg you A-net

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Inb4 troll post but I'll still answer it.


Ranged strat Deimos is literally one of the easiest bosses for 7 players in a 10 men squad. 3 players - hand kiter, black kiter and tank - are taking on responsibility while all the others can just spam stuff. If you or another player have problems being healer in the middle and keep people alive you/he must be terrible at the game. It's afk healing, seriously.

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If rest is cakewalk then they need to make it harder right?


And you know that you dont need to waste those slots? You can just run 2 chronos, druid, handkiter, warrior and 5 dps.

No need for black kiter or second healer. They are there to make it primitive for those 7 players afking in the middle. Maybe actualy learn something instead of complaining. If your tank is failing learn to tank and do it yourself. Same for both kiters. You decided that you will instead afk and let others carry you. Then too bad. You need to get lucky for right players.

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> @"Lucas.3718" said:

> ... and NERF DEIMOS.

> Me a ranged/Melee dps. I am about to unlock the last part of the crystalline heart achievment and get my precourser armor. But guess what, Big Boi Deimos need to stand in my way and make every- single -attermpt on 1.killing 2. surviving him impossible. his black fields alone can wipe a raidgroup if one player just stands in there for a fracture of a second, boom everyone dies- gg- next attempt.


So don't stand in blacks?


Better yet, since it's usually dps players who stand in blacks, kick the dps and get a new one. Dps are dime a dozen for deimos once a tank and handkiter are found. Finally if your dps are still to incompetent to walk out of highly obvious orange circles: use ranged strat and pewpew from the middle and let the black kite and tank do all the work.


> @"Lucas.3718" said:

>But there is more. the tears, the Saul-phases.


You are a dps. It is your job to collect tears. If multiple people do this, the field remains clear (5 players to be exact). You can see who has piecked up tears because they have a blue border in the squad menu. If this becomes an issue, have someone pay attention and then remove players who aren't helping. Now, since you have litereally no other job in this fight, is it to much to ask for you to move out and collect tears occasionally?


> @"Lucas.3718" said:

> If only ONE guy makes ONE mistake, the punishment is just too grave like, why should the entire raid suffer from the mistakes of one? + what do we need for deimos? handkiter, bosskiter, two healers, and a tank. already 2 spots already wasted for nothing, where there could be some dps.


Welcome to wing boss fights. Most of them have multiple mechanics and usually at least 1 which wipes a squad.


> @"Lucas.3718" said:

> So Please either remove him, nerf him or simply tone him down, like the rest of the wing is just a cakewalk with a blindfold through heaven, while deimos is just hell on earth.

> I beg you A-net


Yeah, wing 4 was a bit easy. Arenanet themselves admitted it. Sorry, most bad players only do wing 4 b1-3 because they can't be bothered with an actual boss.

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