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All these years, and we still don't have a mini Crimson Moa.

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I just wish there was some other function to mini's

Minipet battles.

Mini menagerie.

Minipet quests. (Send mini's on timed daily adventures for rewards)

Mini Clusters, (pick your favourite 3-5 minis and have them merge into one cluster pet that would follow you)

Use Random Minipet option.

Option to play with mini's or have them capable of different abilities like Jackalope revealing all plant nodes on the map for a short time.


I dunno, I feel like the minipet system has an excessive amount of pets and a lot of potential that's just not being used.

As someone who's collected over 61% of them so far it's getting a little harder to justify spending gold or gems on them..

At least the first few generations had collections to complete, and the black lion chest mount minis had collections too.

But many of them just seem like a waste now and most are overshadowed by the handful of really cool ones everyone likes.

I mean who (aside from new players with no mini's) honestly ever runs around with any of those Mini Sunspears? or Mini Seraph Heavy Guard.. etc

Be great if we could use them for something like pet battles or send them on quests or something.

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Yeah, it's disppointing that anet dares to dishonor our legendary Logan's Lover. Think of how he would react if he sees this.

> @"ROMANG.1903" said:

> > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > Mini Clusters, (pick your favourite 3-5 minis and have them merge into one cluster pet that would follow you)


> I want that. Let me have a Moa cluster!


I want. Post that on the gemstore request thing. They might just get a lotta dosh out of it.

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