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Legendary Armor, a dolyak's conundrum + fix

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So I am almost finished with my first set of legendary armor, consuming all my LI's in the process. Problem now arising is:

_How will I continue proving my raidability?_


The legendary armor won't be on the character I commonly raid with, so the characters I plan to use it on always have to deposit it in the bank so my raiding

character has access to it at any moment's notice.



[Mark of the Hero] (trophy quality)

description: A mark proving the efforts this hero went through. Wonder if I can sell it..


Essentially, a grey item (non merchantable) that proves you've finished 1 set of legendary armor, so I can carry it on my raiding character (and people with lots of

alts can drop it in a shared slot or I dunno)


But please, give us something so we don't always have to carry our legendary armor with us, even when we don't want to use it.

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> @Malediktus.9250 said:

> There is a title for completing all 3 sets of legendary envoy armor.


I have neither the time nor the resources to craft 2 more sets, I just raid like.. 4-5 bosses a week, future sets cost twice as many LI as the first set, so that will never happen for a casual like me. So I need something to prove I have finished 1 set (have 150+ LI). which most parties will ask for

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a friend of mine transmuted the skin of the legendary armor onto some white gear and kept that in the inventories of his other raiding characters. most teams will request each piece be linked individually in chat, really fast, which can't be replicated (faked) by pasting chatcodes. so carrying the white transmuted gear to the skins as proof worked as a solution :)

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> @"Alaia Skyhawk.5064" said:

> a friend of mine transmuted the skin of the legendary armor onto some white gear and kept that in the inventories of his other raiding characters. most teams will request each piece be linked individually in chat, really fast, which can't be replicated (faked) by pasting chatcodes. so carrying the white transmuted gear to the skins as proof worked as a solution :)


That's actually a good idea

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> @Static.9841 said:

> When I join a pug group, I link my legendary armor regardless of what class I'm playing as. So far, I've not had a single refusal from doing this.


Yea, but that's the issue now. To link it i have to carry it. Meaning the character i want it to wear, can't.

Luckily i just got the tip to transmute it on white armour. It raises some eyebrows but is accepted so far

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