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Are devs actually Reading our comments About pof?

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Never have i ever post So many threads But with The new expac i feel The urge. In My other topic i discuss How bad pof is and iT makes me sad...


I really am interested what The devs and others from anet think About all our post and negative comments About pof.

Is there such message from anet?


Instead of making five maps i rather had Three fun ones with meaningfull things to do and a mixof timer/No timer metas and good loot pay off system...

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I think that stuff is coming, sounds like they wanted to get a lot of new environments into the game that they could build off of, instead of perfecting just a few maps. In their AMA they state that while map wide metas weren't the focus, they are looking at offering more substantial rewards for participation in the ones that exist. I tend to agree with you though, map wide metas and map wide coordination amongst players really makes a difference. You can have "deep and meeningful exploration" AND an environment that actually feels alive. As far as I'm concerned this expansion was a swing and a miss. Last night I went and did some factals, nothing too hefty, just some T3s. I was reminded about how much fun this game actually is to play when you are not roaming a wasteland devoid of players, constantly trying to click a 32x32 pixel swap mount button just to get around. If or when ANet decide to release a new expansion, I will not be prepurchasing it.

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Believe me, they are aware of the posts.

But the thing about Anet is that they read the forums and complaints, then they start working on Changes, once the changes are created then they implement them in game and only AFTER that, they go on Forums like: "Hey, we read it and did it!"

So this entire time you feel like absolutely nothing is going to change and that nobody is watching this, while actually it has been noted and worked on. From my experience this happens all the time.

So, yeah. They do read your Comments and are definitely taking them into account, only they won't let you know until it's done. Only exception I remember was with new PvP Badges where they actually let people know in advance that they are rolling them back as requested =D

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> @nosleepdemon.1368 said:

> "I was reminded about how much fun this game actually is to play when you are not roaming a wasteland devoid of players, constantly trying to click a 32x32 pixel

> swap mount button just to get around."


Come on, you can remap your keys so that you don't have to click to mount/dismount at all. I have mine mapped to a mouse key, and unused Function (F1-F12 keys) keys. My major gripe is the aggro distance and enemy numbers/level (Veterans every six feet, anyone?).

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> @Jimmus.2083 said:

> > @nosleepdemon.1368 said:

> > "I was reminded about how much fun this game actually is to play when you are not roaming a wasteland devoid of players, constantly trying to click a 32x32 pixel

> > swap mount button just to get around."


> Come on, you can remap your keys so that you don't have to click to mount/dismount at all. I have mine mapped to a mouse key, and unused Function (F1-F12 keys) keys. My major gripe is the aggro distance and enemy numbers/level (Veterans every six feet, anyone?).


The "swap" bit is important. I can mount/dismount with a mouse button, but I still need to select between different mounts, which is a royal pain in the ass. Why couldn't they just implement a wheel or something for quick selection? Hold your mouse in place to select the same mount, or move it to a quadrant to change. Seriously, it's 2017.

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> @nosleepdemon.1368 said:

> The "swap" bit is important. I can mount/dismount with a mouse button, but I still need to select between different mounts, which is a royal pain in the kitten. Why couldn't they just implement a wheel or something for quick selection? Hold your mouse in place to select the same mount, or move it to a quadrant to change. Seriously, it's 2017.


He meant you can keybind each mount individually, and pressing any mount keybind will dismount you from your current mount. It's surprising how many havn't realised that yet, guess they should have been more clear about that.

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> @BattleRattle.5420 said:

> > @nosleepdemon.1368 said:

> > The "swap" bit is important. I can mount/dismount with a mouse button, but I still need to select between different mounts, which is a royal pain in the kitten. Why couldn't they just implement a wheel or something for quick selection? Hold your mouse in place to select the same mount, or move it to a quadrant to change. Seriously, it's 2017.


> He meant you can keybind each mount individually, and pressing any mount keybind will dismount you from your current mount. It's surprising how many havn't realised that yet, guess they should have been more clear about that.


Oh perfect, thanks! I'll bind them to shift + a movement direction.

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