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Anet! Fix Scrapper

Warrior Xsr.1672

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Scrapper is horrible now. Please fix it! :/ Besides the forum, How else can I complain about this travesty? I sent in a ticket. They told me to come here. My play time has been cut in half because I cant survive the simplest fight now. Every profession slaughters me now. If I'm lucky i win 1 out of 10. It's beyond frustrating. Scrapper wasn't perfect by any means. I could fight and win from time to time. I feel like my hands are tied now and can't preform even close to the previous level. I have spent years building my Engineer a certain way. I don't craft or buy ascended gear. I wait on boxes and skirmish rewards and Grandmaster shards to get what I have or need. And with these changes you made, I feel like I wasted years. Do I really need to start from scratch again? Do you even think about the little guy. When you make wholesale changes? And I am really getting frustrated with your lack of communication regarding this! I'm not gonna rest till I see some reaction from you! It's blatantly obvious you serve to please other professions in this game. And Engineer gets shafted. Oh and wait...It's not a profession getting shafted. It's your customers. And we deserve exactly the same attention you give others. 13 years playing GW. As a customer, I demand something! Anything! Change or communication. I'm Not going away!

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You won't get communication, in general they don't care whether their customers are affected by change or not unless a large part of their player base leaves. You just need to start over and find something else you can enjoy or a different playstyle or regearing.


That's how I ended up here in the engineer forums - my main, druid, was completely killed in all forms of play except raids, I've cycled through all classes and landed on engineer as my last attempt at having a main for now. If it's not enjoyable I'll quit again and check back in a year or two, if I ever do.

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> @"Strider.7849" said:

> You won't get communication, in general they don't care whether their customers are affected by change or not unless a large part of their player base leaves. You just need to start over and find something else you can enjoy or a different playstyle or regearing.


> That's how I ended up here in the engineer forums - my main, druid, was completely killed in all forms of play except raids, I've cycled through all classes and landed on engineer as my last attempt at having a main for now. If it's not enjoyable I'll quit again and check back in a year or two, if I ever do.


I'm hopeful they care enough to fix it. So I don't have to leave or change my whole game up. :s

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BUMP!, Holy cow ANET I have been spending hours with build editor crunching numbers and listening to People like Warrior Xrs.1672 who got me into Engineer in the first place. It was a wonderful class, now at best boring. I can't even enjoy it in PVE. This is just another in a string of poorly tested changes as of late. Please fix this class!

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Also Anet. I don't Pvp. And it seems all these changes are due to "Pvp problems". Not necessarily WvW and Pve. Why make us suffer in other game modes? You can not make Engineer with 1 balance for all game modes. I guess that's your ultimate goal. It doesn't work! It pooches the innocent , non hard ball, fun loving players. (Fyi Now that I'm dying a poop ton more in my game. It's not the fun game I was playing a few weeks ago. ) Fix it and quit messing up our game! You give so much love to other professions. Stop circumventing us and nerfing anything that might be good or decent for us. Engineer deserves the same attention and time as Necros, Guards , and Warriors get. It's only the right and fair thing to do. Reaper and Scourge have a lot more of your time and development. It's blatantly obvious. Almost cruel. :/ Thanks for listening. ( If u are)

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> @"Warrior Xsr.1672" said:

> Also Anet. I don't Pvp. And it seems all these changes are due to "Pvp problems". Not necessarily WvW and Pve. Why make us suffer in other game modes? You can not make Engineer with 1 balance for all game modes. I guess that's your ultimate goal. It doesn't work! It pooches the innocent , non hard ball, fun loving players. (Fyi Now that I'm dying a poop ton more in my game. It's not the fun game I was playing a few weeks ago. ) Fix it and quit messing up our game! You give so much love to other professions. Stop circumventing us and nerfing anything that might be good or decent for us. Engineer deserves the same attention and time as Necros, Guards , and Warriors get. It's only the right and fair thing to do. Reaper and Scourge have a lot more of your time and development. It's blatantly obvious. Almost cruel. :/ Thanks for listening. ( If u are)


You know they arent listening XD

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