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Finally, a small/medium Buff to PVE DPS


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> @"Ivantreil.3092" said:

> Nice i would like to say, but i'm probably expecting this change to be irrelevant, and we will still stay at the bottom of the benchmarks.


The ECSU build is going to shoot up in DPS from the Laser's Edge change. Not that it'll be worth playing, but w/e.

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For holosmith, I still argue that it is an overall nerf. The small buffs exist basically because the Photonic Blasting Module got nerfed, and ECSU wasn't capable of holding its own with Anets new narrative design. In a prolonged fight it looks like the DPS is roughly the same, but what holosmith lost was ease of use:


(1): Pre-generating heat for burst is now incredibly tedious and generally no longer worth it. This lowers opening burst of the holosmith, which basically means we lose 15% DPS at the start of the fight. It doesn't seem like much, but as a fractal runner the "start of the fight" happens every 20 seconds or so.

(2): The ECSU build is harder to play than PBM and much more punishing for failure. The rotation can get messed up pretty easily if you underestimate corona bursts lingering heat generation, or if you need holographic shockwave in the middle of the fight. This forces me to play with more leeway (at a damage loss) just to make sure I don't blow up.


EDIT: or maybe I can realize that those were today's updates, and not the previous updates. I guess we'll see how strong these new changes are, because a 25% innate (37.5% ECSU) seems like it might be pretty good.


Poor scrapper, though. Still terrible.

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It was a good update, no negative points. But yeah, even then people complain with "too less boost." Rebuilding of Core will be a difficult process and probably take ages. But with today's small update, I have hope again. It is only a 2 % increase with the GC trait, but it affects all three of us. I am not happy with Scrapper at the moment, but as long as they do not decide to balance us even more, I am fine. The changes of the past months still apply, we are just weak at the moment.

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The numbers seem okay but rifle pbm is still garbage to play. forge 3,4, aa to 75heat, use toolbelts, 3,4 again and laser disk. After that its just 16! seconds of bomb aa with a grenade thrown in here and there.


Tried ecsu build today and totally forgot how clunky the sword is. Aftercasts out of hell the why the heck is my character whirling the sword around for an eternity on the 3rd aa chain instead of attacking. Sword attacks with quickness feel like other weapon abilities without.

It is also super risky to play in an actual raid. Dropping alacrity or having a minor lag spike can be a death sentence.

This was a bandaid fix but there needs to be a followup targeting the gameplay or mechanics. I get higher dps on weaver first try without even trying. Weaver has still his 39kdps spec and mirage still his 45k+ bullshit.

I just don't understand why the forge is so punishing in the first place. It has kit lock, toolbelt lock and can even take half of your hp and force you to sword aa for 22sec and the reward is bottom of the pack dps. Necromancer is the only class being lower.

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> @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:


> EDIT: or maybe I can realize that those were today's updates, and not the previous updates. I guess we'll see how strong these new changes are, because a 25% innate (37.5% ECSU) seems like it might be pretty good.


Even with these changes, ECSU is still an inferior build because it requires more micromanaging. Even if we got back all our damage and then some, it would have to be significantly more than pre-nerf holo to justify running the ECSU build, because the cost of failure is so high, and it requires to pay even more attention to our rotation. No other class that deals more damage has to worry about that kind of problem.

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I think they buffed the wrong things, kit lockout with PBM shouldn't exist and ECSU builds need to preheat to have any semblance of burst and that's pretty gimmicky. Sword skills have this disgusting aftercast too.


Holo is in a better spot damage wise but not sure they were the right buffs.

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