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PvP open world

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Hello, I read in several parts of the forum about the pvp in the open world and this would bring many disadvantages in the PvE, so I had written a long post about the advantages and disadvantages of the open world pvp, giving solutions to the disadvantages , until I was an idea, more SIMPLE and delete everything: neutral:

Because don't add a button that the one who wants pvp activates it and the one that doesn't pvp want anything to be activated: wink:

This system does not harm those who do PvE in the least, and people who want PvP while doing PvE have fun.

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As a 90% WvW player (with PvE only for my legendary fix) I would say definitely not.


It would quickly damage the PvE maps and modes. Too many people would play significantly less.


The novelty that some would enjoy with it would wear off quickly.


GW2 just isn’t the population for this.

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Topic idk how many on this topic, search button anyone?


WvW is your place as its a PvEPvP map (you use pve gear setup (with adjusted skills) and perform pvp in it). WvW would be more populated if they gave it more attention and make it fun to play for hours without it feeling too repetative samey, gave a little better tutorial in game on how things work (can be written info), allow you to play with friends regardless of server (without need to be in same guild as well) and to have a seperate slot for gears/weapons/trinkets which you can easy swap around when you change from pve to wvw and the other way around. And on top of that a good balancing of all classes at once so things are not "flavor of the month". Oh and the queues of "world is full" where you see a line and just stop even trying to enter. Those are walls I run into when I stepped into WvW. I liked the mode during the warclaw intro but you just hit your head into a wall after when the fancy is off and everyone goes back to what they have done before.

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Even absent any possible technical issues, I can't see ANet doing this.


MMO's with PvP in open world come in three basic flavors. There are the story-driven games (Elder Scrolls, WoW and ToR) which have opposing _factions_ for players to belong to. There are sandboxes (Archeage, Black Desert) where players are in competition for resources. Then there are the F2P, generic grinder games (Rappelz).


At the moment, GW2 looks a lot more like ESO and WoW -- minus factions -- than it does like a sandbox or a game as an excuse for a gankfest. There are no opposing factions for players to belong to to lend immersion to player conflicts. ANet had factions (oddly enough) in the Factions campaign in Guild Wars, and opted not to include them in GW2. This suggests, as indeed ANet has stated, that WvW is the game mode that players wanting PvPvE can find ANet's version of it.


I can't picture ANet wanting to add player v player combat to open world GW2 _without_ also offering the immersion factor of conflict between nations, races or organizations. In addition to any technical issues that would need to be tackled, revamping basic interactions across the game world to accommodate factions would be prohibitive. For instance, the Pact -- if it could even exist -- would have to be very different.

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Not needed. Factional PvP (here with worlds insteadof races fighting each other) is more fun - since it is with bigger groups and you have more of a reaseon. Even though I usually prefer races or factions of different races - like in WoW alliances vs horde - but the lore doesn't allow for this. Fighting just everyone randomly also doesn't with with the lore. Would make you an enemy/criminal to everyone when you are supposed to be the hero.


Different maps for PvP would be okay. But it should be strictly separated from PvE. Would feel to out of place there - without adding anything additional fun. (And for just 1 vs 1 dueling would be enough.)

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