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Chaotic Interruption Isn't The Main Concern


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First off let me just say that I'm not blaming them for doing "something" until they fix the root of the problem, but Chaotic Interruption isn't the main conern, it's Mantra of Distraction.


Mantra of Distraction

- Instant Cast

- Can cast while you're not facing the target

- Hits instantly with no travel time


Does anyone actually believe this is balanced? I've spoken of this before back when confounding suggestions was getting flack because it worked with mantra of distraction back then, and what did they do? Instead of nerfing mantra of distraction, which was the main cause of confounding being so strong, they instead decide to redesign the trait "which is still very strong btw" instead, which is backwards logic. And now history is repeating itself, but instead with another trait to take it's place with the same root cause. Do yourselves a favor and just balance Mantra of Distraction, here's a great way how.


Mantra of Distraction.


Mantra - Meditate, charging a spell that will shoot a projectile that will daze your target, Diversion's recharge time is partially refunded when Mantra of Distraction is fully charged. "This part is the same"


Power Lock - Shoots a single projectile that dazes your target and nearby foes.

- No activation time

- Projectile shoots instantly upon activation "roughly the same speed as magic bullet"

- Power lock will not activate if you are not facing your target. "same treatment as mirage ambush abilities"


So this way, there's some decent counter play to Mantra of distraction since it's now a projectile, while keeping Chaotic Interruption intact. There's quite a few things that makes the CI build work, the damage with high crit via bleeds, infinite horizon, deceptive evasion, and the immob through CI, but it all starts with mantra of distraction because of it's forgiving nature and ease of use, a baby can press a button within 1200 range and get interrupts. If you took this mantra out of the equation, this would be a non issue, so do yourselves a favor and balance MOD first, thanks.



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I don't always agree with you but you're spot on with MoD making CI such an issue and it's spam nature.


Personally I'd say make mantra of distraction interrupt your current action in addition so you can't simply use it while using other skills.


MoD buffs over the years:

July 28, 2015 - Reduced this skill's recharge from 30 seconds to 20 seconds. 3 months before HoT.

July 26, 2016 - The recharge of this skill has been reduced from 20 seconds to 12 seconds.

August 08, 2017 - Mantra of Distraction: When fully charged, this skill reduces the recharge of Diversion by 15 seconds.

April 23, 2019 - Daze time for this skill has been increased from 1 second to 1.5 seconds.

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> @"apharma.3741" said:

> I don't always agree with you but you're spot on with MoD making CI such an issue and it's spam nature.


> Personally I'd say make mantra of distraction interrupt your current action in addition so you can't simply use it while using other skills.


> MoD buffs over the years:

> July 28, 2015 - Reduced this skill's recharge from 30 seconds to 20 seconds. 3 months before HoT.

> July 26, 2016 - The recharge of this skill has been reduced from 20 seconds to 12 seconds.

> August 08, 2017 - Mantra of Distraction: When fully charged, this skill reduces the recharge of Diversion by 15 seconds.

> April 23, 2019 - Daze time for this skill has been increased from 1 second to 1.5 seconds.


I don't think that's necessary, not to mention that's a nerf to all mesmer mantras, which really isn't founded. Also being able to use them while using other skills is worth the trade of charging the skill prior, otherwise you might as well get rid of the charge and convert it into any other cooldown utility mesmer has.

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> @"Trigr.6481" said:

> > @"apharma.3741" said:

> > I don't always agree with you but you're spot on with MoD making CI such an issue and it's spam nature.

> >

> > Personally I'd say make mantra of distraction interrupt your current action in addition so you can't simply use it while using other skills.

> >

> > MoD buffs over the years:

> > July 28, 2015 - Reduced this skill's recharge from 30 seconds to 20 seconds. 3 months before HoT.

> > July 26, 2016 - The recharge of this skill has been reduced from 20 seconds to 12 seconds.

> > August 08, 2017 - Mantra of Distraction: When fully charged, this skill reduces the recharge of Diversion by 15 seconds.

> > April 23, 2019 - Daze time for this skill has been increased from 1 second to 1.5 seconds.


> I don't think that's necessary, not to mention that's a nerf to all mesmer mantras, which really isn't founded. Also being able to use them while using other skills is worth the trade of charging the skill prior, otherwise you might as well get rid of the charge and convert it into any other cooldown utility mesmer has.


It's a fair point, I still don't really like the way MoD and MoP can be stacked on other effects but certainly MoRx2 and MoC would suffer under their current effects. I guess it all depends on what they do with mirage cloak at the end of the day, if you can no longer dodge while casting mantra's have meaningful drawbacks again.

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Had to log in for this.


First of all MoD isn't that strong or else it would have been more of an obvious choice than it has been, tell me how many mesmer tournament winners have used mantra. The reality is that SoM, SoI, illusionary ambush, arcane thievery are all competitive. And blink is far superior, so maybe we should halve blink range.


Secondly, if you want to nerf it just copy arcane blast from ele to mesmer and make it daze instead.

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You guys must be faster than god itself in your reaction time or able to see future permanently when you can interrupt skills with 0,5- 0,75 secs casttime with a skill that is not instant and range itself. For a not completely useles interrupt tool Mantra needs to be instant, it has more counterplay, is more reactive, less spammy and more skillbased than most other mesmer utilities in particular the signet spam builds you NA guys like so much. Or explain to me how Signet of Illusion which rewards shatterspam and lower punishment for shatterwastes or Signet of Midnight what is only another out of jail mistake cover card (another stunbreak and stealth) need more skill than a tool you need to reactively read enemie skills and react fast enough to interrupt them. A Mesmer running Mantra of Distraction with only Powerblock does nothing to you when only random spamming the Mantra on autoattacks, even when lucky hit a big skill accidently here and there it will not be rewarding enough to win the fight and other traits like MA would be way more impactful.


At least i prefer to fight a Powermes running Mantra of Distraction over fighting vs Zeromis signet spam, double invuln, mirror-dodge for day(ze)s, only spam your skills Powerbuild from NA. (btw aren't you even playing inspiration signet invul trait build? I mean you are way more carried by your build than any pure glass Powermes no matter what utilities)


When Mantra needs to be instant it is logical that you need to balance interrupt traits around that instant Mantra. CI was even an issue without Mantra but with Mantra it became an instant lock down and that rly should not exist. If you don't want to kill the most skillbased and least spammy playstyle (interrupt playstyle) on Mesmer than don't touch how this Mantra works (instant, ranged). You can lower the daze duration and increase the cd a little bit and lower the recharge on f3. I highly recommend to do nothing else or it would dumb down Mesmer instead making it more skillbased.


@"Quadox.7834" : Copy Arcane Blast i already suggested but for Mantra of Pain (that Mantra rly is an issue, no counterplay, braindead spammable etc) but Mantra of Distraction would be totally killed as an interrupt tool.

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This is kinda funny and ridiculous.

Ive been using a cc oriented mesmers builds, at least, since PoF cames out, not only mirages, with and without CI. Not the mantra. Not CI is the problem, that combo was there for years and ppl didnt used it, not that, some ppl on my team insulted me for my "noob and useless build"... And now is a problem and needs to be removed hahahaha.

The problem is ppl dont use the brain, just copy paste what a few do, not trying to have fun, just searching for the easiest way to win and when something cames out it is in a massive scale, so, what is happening now is that lot of ppl with mantra and lot of ppl with CI, something that was here for ages now is a problem... Just because becomes copy-paste and used on almost every mesmer.

The problem is not anet, is that cheesy concept lot of players got to win no matter how, going for builds that dont needs even to face or aims a target, or leaving the work for pets or clones... Just take a look. Last year 0 scrappers on games. After revamp there were 2-4 on EVERY game. The same with mirage... Therer were 4 mirages every game... After mesmer nerfs 1...2....


So CI and mantra being kinda old, ppl keep blaming anet for its decissions on balance patches, but the truth is that if players used their own builds and trying to have fun insted of just winning... Im pretty sure anet didnt appy bad balance patches as it did.

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CI IS NOT THE PROBLEM, the trait was one of the very few traits that actually rewarded skillful gameplay if NOT combined with Infinite Horizon.

I was playing core interrupt mesmer for 2 seasons with pretty great succcess before this sh*t came to meta and everyone started running the mirage variant, which is a very dumb and no-skill build especially compared to the original core version. But CI is NOT the problem itself.. If you want a quick fix to this, rework IH..

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I understand both sides on this.

On one side like bravan said interrupt need to be instant or close to it (1/4) to work otherwise you can only preemptively rupt, but that is on a perfect healthy game, in which rupts are done in key skills.

On this one where spamming is the key, you will rupt something everytime, not that healing or that big damage skill, but something, and it doesn't matter because you'll still be rewarded, and it doesn't matter much for foe either, he will spam some other skills until cd gets reset.


Just get energy back on game and don't introduce(and remove) energy recovering tools. That way the game would have a more skillfull and tactical approach. Of course almost all playerbase would leave because no spam spam spam.

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I'll take it a step further and say it's not even mesmer that is the problem but the issue of too many instant cast skills being usable while stunned.


It's completely stupid that some classes can continue to attack **while they are knocked down.** Did you know pre-nerf scourge could nearly oneshot people while on the ground? Funfact.


The only skills usable through CC should be 1. Stunbreaks and 2. Skills designed to swap out other skills, like attunements, legend swaps, and whatnot.


No more of this "Oh screwed up and didn't dodge a CC? No problem, I'll just interrupt you while I am CCed and then dodge/activate barrier skill/etc while CCed so I take no damage gg."



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CI is just overturnedp.If you get stunned, 2s inmob is too much for no ICD.


To avoid the burst you need to break stun, remove the roots and dodge. On the other side, the mesmer have full 2s to burst you down.


Because you beak the first MoD, evade the bullet from pistol, block the Chaos Storm...or whatever.... but the mesmer still have F3 (if traited) and another charge of MoD... or other resources to root and burst the enemy down, is too much control.


That could be alright if CI have a shorter Inmob, so the mesmer have to react quick to prepare the burst or have some ICD, so is not spammable and have to be wise on the use the interrupts.


With any of these changes the trait will still be good having counterplay because been that long and spammable is too much for a healthy environment.



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> @"ApaWanka.2698" said:

> CI is just overturnedp.If you get stunned, 2s inmob is too much for no ICD.


> To avoid the burst you need to break stun, remove the roots and dodge. On the other side, the mesmer have full 2s to burst you down.


> Because you beak the first MoD, evade the bullet from pistol, block the Chaos Storm...or whatever.... but the mesmer still have F3 (if traited) and another charge of MoD... or other resources to root and burst the enemy down, is too much control.


> That could be alright if CI have a shorter Inmob, so the mesmer have to react quick to prepare the burst or have some ICD, so is not spammable and have to be wise on the use the interrupts.


> With any of these changes the trait will still be good having counterplay because been that long and spammable is too much for a healthy environment.




2s? how about 3,75s with condi duration :D

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