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The Next Elementalist Elite spec


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> @"juno.1840" said:

> I think a long bow would be nice because (in my imagination) it would be a more responsive version of the staff. I love the 1200 range of the staff but it's clunky outside of PvE and WvW zerging. Magical pew-pew ftw.


> ANet has not given a 2H weapon in either of the elites so far. I believe this is due to the work involved (20 new skills instead of 8 or 12). That's a pretty big delta to balance.


> Dual pistol would also be epic, but I bet we'd get only main hand (or off hand) instead of both. Spell Breaker did get dagger/dagger, but that's only 5 new skills instead of 20.


I'm voting for longbow as well. It's about time Ele has 1200 range burst instead of Staff's slow crowd control build.


I can already see the abilities. A blast in water that heals and preforms as a leap away. Kinda like engineer rifle leap. Or fast lightning bolts like ranger's longbow 2. Earth can have a charge up strong hit that roots the enemy and deals massive bleeds... A gamer can dream...


If they go with pistol instead, I hope they do both main hand and off hand. It'll revolutionize Ele! And that's what elites are for. Woodenpotatoes had a great elite idea where Ele gets an F5 arcane set of abilities. This would also include filling the gaps of core utility skills (elite signet, healing conjure, arcane cantrip, etc). He suggested offhand scepter to create a new and improved scepter burst build but pistol offhand could fill the same role. The idea of this whole elite is extensive, but I would literally pay big cash to get this implemented!


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> @"Aylpse.6280" said:

> A bow. Yes, a Bow. Why a Bow? Have you ever played Dragon's Dogma? Have you ever seen a MYSTIC ARCHER? Imagine conjure ice bow but on kitten crack. Throw in some irony like Longbow - Physical. Make the utilities do cool flips and evasive stunts, make the F1-5 have some kind of volley mechanic on attunement swap. Or ammo for "charged shots" that either change the weapon 1-5 or add additional effects. Make the ammo refresh on attunement swap.


oh wow the 2nd dragons dogma player I've seen on the forums. cheers.

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My top three, keeping it short:


* **Dervish:** Inspired by the GW1 profession. Since the gods are gone, now they channel dragon magic, using it against the dragon themselves. Can transform into a djinn-like avatar, the form depending on your active attunement. Wields a polearm (new weapon type which covers greataxes and scythes) and uses wells. Good at melee and tanking.

* **Skyreach:** Based on shamanistic themes, an elemental effigy walks by his side (works like a ranger pet). Wields a longbow and summons support totems (working like engineer turrets and warrior banners). Good at long-range combat and support.

* **Chaplain:** Battlepriest of sorts, can mark areas with symbols. Wields maces and chants mantras. Good at support and healing.

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