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Buy a good Revenant, Holo or w/e that deals damage/cc chain and wont use important skills while enemy dodges/uses evade skills. Weaver has rotations, sw/d needs water and blasts in order to heal and when it does it doesnt deal damage, just dont spam mindlessly skills and kite.


Warrior has neverending FC and Enduring pain + stupid cc chain, Holo damage is bs also cc chains to death and good healing, rev has some stupid teleports and deals massive damage, teef stays in stealth, teleports and can run around map as Usain Bolt, mezmer dodges everything, condi out of nowhere and clone spam, ranger boonspam, 1,5k range and 44k maul damage, FB neverending healing machine with boons, Scourge AoE spam stupid condis. Moom, please fix this bs i want to play a game with sticks and stones.


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The problem is that it's the only nodesustain Weaver has unfortunately, same as Thief. The better option would be to utilize more barrier instead of evasion uptime (which already scales with healing power) so we get defensive (weaver), offensive (scrapper) and support (scourge) applicators.


An ele's kit almost always (except sc/f which has a ton of defense) contain atleast 1 evade, so my suggestion would be to move the evade frame from Earthen Vortex to Polaric Leap instead, forcing use of an offensive cooldown if you need it. This can still be comboed with Riptide for a personal heal, and Earthen Vortex could now grant Tectonic Shift in addition to it's current effects.


The main issue in my opinion is how they can resustain fully during evade frames leaving little counterplay. To this end I believe Soothing Mist needs a limitation of only lingering after attunement swap if you have Soothing Power Equipped - this would directly lower Weaver's passive sustain while making another unused trait more competitive.


Another necessary change is to reduce the duration of Riptide and it's evasion to 1 second, and remove the regen to reduce passive healing over time which compounds with the signet.


Lastly I would let Twist of Faith give barrier per spin instead of evade, however allow it to reflect projectiles for it's duration. You can already get stab with it if you have the trait and the superspeed stays. Tougher, not unhittable is what I'm going for. Reduce count recharge to 40 seconds, keep the 5 second limitation per use (perfect since this allows you to chain that barrier).

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The reason ele full heals from 20% easily is because their health pool, like gaurd, is of the lowest in the game without vitality as classes. To properly fight an ele you need to pay attention to their elemental attunments and kill them after they heal, if they are sword and swap to earth or water you should know they have sword 2 to evade so you shouldn't risk high cooldowns while in fire and or air they have skills you should prob dodge like fire air 3 and fire 2. Also dont wanna waste cds on ele's fire earth lava skin constant barrier because ele gains super value if u dmging their barrier while they dmging your real health.

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Ahh I was waiting for this topic for quite some time. Yes weaver is really powerful, especially when played with condi-heal. I have been seeing many condi weavers and tanky weavers lately, and they are really strong. As an ele player I find it quite powerful. It will be a big problem if the balance stays same. But as someone said, I do not mind some ele opness. After all it requires pushing some buttons, positioning and a really strong fashion sense (4 elements, different colors, hard to balance your outfit). There are still more op / bugged professions(with specific builds) in the game.

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This is part of the problem when you guys keep asking for nerfs on classes that didn't need to be nerfed into oblivion: it lets loose the toxic builds they kept in check. Back just before GW2 eSports died, people kept crying for warrior and thief to get nerfed; the result was a heavy bunker meta that made GW2 so boring, it was the last we ever saw of it in eSports. The devs are killing this game enough on their own without you clowns wanting to destroy everything else.

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> @"Xervite.5493" said:

> Weaver has far to many ways to avoid damage, evade block invul and teleport too. Along with dumping those aoes and a skill bar (water) dedicated to healing. Yea its busted tbh.


Everyone had evade, so why even mention that... Plus, what block does weaver build have. Plz tell me one single block


This is trolling at its finest

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> @"Stallic.2397" said:

> > @"Xervite.5493" said:

> > Weaver has far to many ways to avoid damage, evade block invul and teleport too. Along with dumping those aoes and a skill bar (water) dedicated to healing. Yea its busted tbh.


> Everyone had evade, so why even mention that... Plus, what block does weaver build have. Plz tell me one single block


> This is trolling at its finest


These have to be new players to gw2 or people fresh to the PvP ranks. NO WAY one of the plat forum warriors is saying this. If they are these forums have reached an all time low.

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Fire weaver and Water sages weaver are balanced in my opinion.


They are the new ideal side noder with almost no losing matchups.


Warrior CAN beat it 1v1, but top tier weavers will out play them in a duel.


Additionally— if you play scourge just roll into that 1v1 on bm scourge and it’s a winning matchup.


However you might die if the weaver is runing S/D water.

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> @"VALARMORGHULIS.9173" said:

> Fire weaver and Water sages weaver are balanced in my opinion.


> They are the new ideal side noder with almost no losing matchups.


> Warrior CAN beat it 1v1, but top tier weavers will out play them in a duel.


> Additionally— if you play scourge just roll into that 1v1 on bm scourge and it’s a winning matchup.


> However you might die if the weaver is runing S/D water.


Balanced yet no losing matchups. Sounds legit!

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> @"Stallic.2397" said:

> > @"Xervite.5493" said:

> > Weaver has far to many ways to avoid damage, evade block invul and teleport too. Along with dumping those aoes and a skill bar (water) dedicated to healing. Yea its busted tbh.


> Everyone had evade, so why even mention that... Plus, what block does weaver build have. Plz tell me one single block


> This is trolling at its finest


Earth Shield 2. Checkmate.

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> @"YTKafka.4681" said:

> > @"Stallic.2397" said:

> > > @"Xervite.5493" said:

> > > Weaver has far to many ways to avoid damage, evade block invul and teleport too. Along with dumping those aoes and a skill bar (water) dedicated to healing. Yea its busted tbh.

> >

> > Everyone had evade, so why even mention that... Plus, what block does weaver build have. Plz tell me one single block

> >

> > This is trolling at its finest


> Earth Shield 2. Checkmate.


no, see better, arcane shield is only block with skill, earth 0 block

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A class that has to spec into vitality and healing power to be viable has good sustain? This is a shocker, i tell you. Truly shocking.


Mender weaver has good sustain but very little damage. Twist of fate is usually its only stun break. Bait those then cc the weaver and they pretty much melt. Boon corruption or strip is also quite useful against weavers since they often take arcane for boons when swapping. Of players of equal skill level a mender weaver prob will be able to sustain a 1v1 forever while also not being able to kill the opponent. 2v1 the weaver will die if they dont kite off the point.


Fire weaver is quite bursty and nasty but it stacks only 1 condi (burning) and their brust is predictable allowing it to be mitigated. Fire weavers stack alot of burns through mostly two utilities glyph of elemental power and primodial stance. Glyph is shown on their buff bar and only affects the next 5 attacks unlike every other classes +25% damage utilities which are time based. Auto attacks count too. Primodial stance is an aoe pulse what is centered on the weaver. It makes a very distinct sound. When you see this kite the weaver for 5s then resume the attack. Another ability they use to stack burns is lava skin which is a dual attunement fire/earth. It behaves like primordial stance and is countered by kitting as well.


You can prob face tank a fire weaver if you have enough condi cleanse. Since most of their damage is in condis. Fire weaver sacrifaces a bunch of sustain for its condi burts once its burst is played they will melt.


Weavers arent your typical ele where it is just a free kill. Its abilities and utilities have plenty of obvious visual and sound cues.

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