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character models update?

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> @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> > @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> > A facelift to the models wouldn't hurt along with a ton more customization dumped in for good measure. With all they have learned and done Im sure it could be cool; I mean imagine if you could choose to be in beast form all the time as a norn? Or an Awoken human? Or a reformed Mordrem sylvari? Could be cool as hell, heck even having us choose to play customization wise as an Olmakhan charr with new aesthetics.

> >

> > When it comes to the character models, and armor outside of humans it mostly looks hideous. (Unless you are female norn/sylvary of course.)


> We differ there. Norn makes have the best look for armor,

> Were as the Human has best weapon size scaling


Norn females maybe, Norn males? Nah. Id love for them to have more customization and be able to be the monsters they could be, I didn't make a norn to be a giant human I made it because of what they were in guild wars 1. Which they clearly ARE NOT in this game.

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> @"NigthMaremoon.7185" said:

> > @"Tiviana.2650" said:

> > I have to ask, are you talking graphics or aesthetics? Another thing , how are your graphics set up? Because the game looks completely different from low to high, post processing or not. Also the gw2 reshade hook is amazing.

> >

> >

> >

> >


> I'm referring no to aesthetic, but base character models per se, for example what league of legends do when they rework a champion,

> new more polish character models, the aesthetic is great, I just would love to have better base models, for example to give you an Idea:


> ![](https://i.imgur.com/32dsXM2.jpg "")



That is actually a pretty bad example unless you are trying to provide an example of why no change should be done. GW2 is basically starting at the right side already. The GW2 equivalent of going from the left to the right would be heading into photo realism territory or uncanny valley territory if they mess up.

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> @"NigthMaremoon.7185" said:

> I'm referring no to aesthetic, but base character models per se, for example what league of legends do when they rework a champion,

> new more polish character models, the aesthetic is great, I just would love to have better base models, for example to give you an Idea:


> ![](https://i.imgur.com/32dsXM2.jpg "")


If you're really not talking about aesthetics, I don't think that example is well-chosen. To me that's a huge change in aesthetics, especially for the bear, whose proportions and posture, as well as some other aspects of the design, have changed significantly. I wouldn't want any of my player characters to be changed that much. Especially since, in my opinion, the aesthetics of the game have deteriorated since release. Can you imagine what the sylvari glow would be like if they made new models for them now!?


On the other hand, I do think there are some armour textures (and probably others) that could do with updating with a higher-resolution version. Check out, for example, the pixelation on the [light Bladed Armour skirt](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/8/84/Bladed_armor_%28light%29_charr_female_back.jpg "light Bladed Armour skirt"). ANet would have to tread carefully on this though - even something that seems innoccuous to me, like updating old armour skins to accommodate charr tails and horns and asura ears properly, would likely be met with hostility from someone.


> @"Tiviana.2650" said:

> I have to ask, are you talking graphics or aesthetics? Another thing , how are your graphics set up? Because the game looks completely different from low to high, post processing or not. Also the gw2 reshade hook is amazing.






Wow, I was expecting this to be all ["Lens flare! Plastic wrap!"](

""Lens flare! Plastic wrap!"") but actually, it does seem to improve things, and in particular, make the game less of a gaudy HDR lightshow. That is, assuming that, in the Zackgasm video, it's the second shot of each scene that has GW2Hook enabled.
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