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Pharus footprints are nearly invisible

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I've held off on this post as I didn't want to bring this up when first released as it was during the time of the mass layoffs and I'm sure the last thing they wanted to hear was a gripe. So..


Pharus' footprints are almost invisible, indistinct and evaporate quickly... Compare them to Edge of the Queen, Kudzu, Astralaria or most other legendaries. I would really appreciate, after all that cost & work, to be on par with the other legendaries.

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I still want a toggle to turn OFF other peoples' footprints and particle effects etc.


I like a good-looking weapon, but all the particle effects _hide_ it's beauty, and footprints have nothing at all to do with a weapon (unless the weapon is a spiked boot). Yet the designers seem to believe that all the Legendaries have got to have them. It's the modern-day Hollywood disease: no originality anymore. Surely they can come up with a few _new_ "gimmicks" to make a Legendary weapon legendary looking. Footprints and swooshes and clouds have been done to death.


You may not want to hear it, but I admire your Legendary more for it's tasteful LACK of goofy footprints.

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I agree Pharus in particular has very hard to notice footfalls. I feel like it might be fixable by just making them....bigger and/or a little brighter. Idk.

As for how long they last, I don't really care. Honestly, I kinda dislike how long the G1 legendary trails last.

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