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Queen Guantlet too hard? Why release impossible fights for festivals?


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Very well said, @"Ashen.2907"! I especially like: "As you say, a festival is supposed to be for everyone...including those who enjoy a challenge."


> @"ugrakarma.9416" said:

> i had done them all except Liadri and Turai, on past year just using a necro minionmancer.


Yeah, those two are the hardest. For me, especially Liadri. Turai I have, but I can't say I can beat him routineously with all classes.

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> @"Friday.7864" said:

> > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > The bosses are designed to be challenging. The are meant to test your skills. As an average at best player, I think they are an outstanding design added to the festival given there are plenty of easy things to do for the exact same rewards. It took me multiple festivals to finally clear all but the Liadri orb achievement, which I may or mot not attempt this year.

> >

> > The first boss alone is just a normal mob. The rest are just about mechanics. If you can adjust your playstyle and adapt and learn the encounters, then most will be straightforward.

> >

> > They are nowhere near the high end of the skill ladder, but I don't understand why people who want to test their skill shouldn't have something for them. The Gauntlet has largely been praised and welcomed over the years and the feeling of accomplishment in beating Liadri has been one of the top memorable moments for many a player.

> >

> > I don't raid and I'm not really an elite player, a meta player or the such. And yeah I got largely pissed off when I was doing them back in the day. But, coming to the forums and asking for a nerf in a popular and successful piece of content which is as designed, is never going to happen since none of them are overtuned. Not a single one.


> The whole point of this thread is: **Challenging content doesn't belong in festivals.**

> It's supposed to be a casual thing, something everyone can do, not an experience that makes you want to smash your keyboard ._.


> Luckily I had a theif which made the worst achievements doable without it taking hundreds of tries.

> Crown pavilion just sucks, labyrinthine cliffs is the ok part of the festival.



There's no reason to remove challenging aspects of the game that have been there since 2013. Part of the problem of the game atm is that the challenging aspects are low enough as it is. You dont have to be a meta player, or a raider. You just need to think about the fight and adapt.

Festival content without challenges means its worse to replay as well. Games that do well in the long term have replayability. Queen's Gauntlet has a decent baseline for people who actually understand their character, and additional gambits to change the challenge. No one is asking you to play with the gambits either. You simply need to figure out the mechanics and change your build a bit to adapt. You dont have to be "elite" to learn.

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this morning i logged onto my mesmer ( i have no clue how to play him), took a open world Axe/x build from metabattle and killed every boss first try (Stage 1-3 )( only that thief with the riffle killed me once )


but when watching some players fight bosses i think they dont understand the concept of the combat in this game. players who can not kill one of the bosses from the first stage intime. Stop throwing cotton balls ;-)

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For the devs - Don't worry you just can't win with people

Asks for challenging content and complains it is too challenging


I tried this last night, I have never done any gauntlet event in the past

Jumped on the warrior, changed E Spec to spellbreaker to suit and watched a video on how to fight Turai Ossa

Took me about 30 odd trys but I got it in the end.

He is definitely challenging but NOT impossible and im glad for it too


Keep it the way it is guys! Kingslayer title is not for the crybabies

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> @"DoRi Silvia.4159" said:

> Asks for challenging content and complains it is too challenging

You realize that the people asking for challenging content are not the ones claiming that festivals shouldn't include challenging content. Largely those asking for challenging content have said that GW2 still doesn't have enough of it.



> I tried this last night, I have never done any gauntlet event in the past

> Jumped on the warrior, changed E Spec to spellbreaker to suit and watched a video on how to fight Turai Ossa

> Took me about 30 odd trys but I got it in the end.

> He is definitely challenging but NOT impossible and im glad for it too


First, congratulations :)

Second: your description implies that you're more skilled at gaming than most players. So it's plausible that what seems "easy enough" for you could be "way too hard" from someone else's perspective, given that the DPS output might vary in this game by a factor of 10 or more, based on player (not gear).



To be clear, I don't agree with the OP that challenging content doesn't belong in festivals. The evidence doesn't support the claim that this content is too difficult (as people managed it just fine in 2013, before HoT or PoF builds).


Nevertheless, I don't think we need to misstate the argument made by those against festival-oriented challenges.


I think the OP should have asked for help (or looked at guides) before claiming "impossibility." But that doesn't mean that they weren't frustrated to despair by the difficulty.


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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"DoRi Silvia.4159" said:

> > Asks for challenging content and complains it is too challenging

> You realize that the people asking for challenging content are not the ones claiming that festivals shouldn't include challenging content. Largely those asking for challenging content have said that GW2 still doesn't have enough of it.



> > I tried this last night, I have never done any gauntlet event in the past

> > Jumped on the warrior, changed E Spec to spellbreaker to suit and watched a video on how to fight Turai Ossa

> > Took me about 30 odd trys but I got it in the end.

> > He is definitely challenging but NOT impossible and im glad for it too


> First, congratulations :)

> Second: your description implies that you're more skilled at gaming than most players. So it's plausible that what seems "easy enough" for you could be "way too hard" from someone else's perspective, given that the DPS output might vary in this game by a factor of 10 or more, based on player (not gear).


> ****

> To be clear, I don't agree with the OP that challenging content doesn't belong in festivals. The evidence doesn't support the claim that this content is too difficult (as people managed it just fine in 2013, before HoT or PoF builds).


> Nevertheless, I don't think we need to misstate the argument made by those against festival-oriented challenges.


> I think the OP should have asked for help (or looked at guides) before claiming "impossibility." But that doesn't mean that they weren't frustrated to despair by the difficulty.



Yes I understand that people are asking for a more challenging content in general- but this this event itself is a challenge and somewhat fits into the criteria of a challenge for achievers


Definitely agree with everything else you have said, I just got a bit fed up with the way this post was worded by the OP i guess


Back to Turai Ossa though, thank you and it definitely was NOT EASY , also not saying just cause i did it every one else can but i think it just took a little bit of patience on this one :)


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Today I went to the new map Heart of the Mists, I tried to escort the NPCs to the capture point, but they just kept on running off to attack the mobs, I submitted a bug report 3 months ago, still got no response from customer support, when will they be fixed?! :angry:

... and the mobs need to be nerfed please, they kept on killing me within 1 sec, I'm gonna quit the game if the devs wont nerf them

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