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Why DuoQ Should be Removed for Season 18 and Never Come Back

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> @"megilandil.7506" said:

> > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > > @"yanniell.1236" said:

> > > Separated teamQ and SoloQ is the way to go. Anything else is just people asking for easy wins.

> > >

> > > There's no place for a merged queue in an individual leaderboard. That is just stupid.

> >

> >

> >

> > on one hand theres players who say "easy wins"... on the other hand is game developers with facts and data saying premades lost more than they won...

> >

> >


> Duo Q is easy wins but for real cordinated players with real experience in playing coordinated and bringing sinergetic builds and coms, numbers are made counting all players, and in low ranks are a lot of persons who read the easy win thing and try to get in to that train and bring some random friend without none coordination, none sinergy and none playing together experience, or worse they duoed with some random guy from the previous match that they won


sorry I should have been more clear, it was about 5 man queues. I'm not sure if they've mentioned the stats on duo.


but your analysis would also be correct for 5 man.

all the mid ranks lost a lot because thats where all the casuals sit, that is where most of our playerbase should be. there should be incentive to play these ranks like playing with friends for fun... thats how you build population for all ranks.


The top players will obviously win more than they lose but hows that any different to now?

I can always learn from facing better players and better players will beat me 90% of the time. I feel like a lot people forget that fact and that it also applies to them.. Better players will beat you regardless of queue format.


when it comes to team queue for 5 mans... theres so many issues with the game that could be eliminated just from bringing back a team queue. Theres also a lot of builds that would suffer too.

Im sure those who have been around a while remember how "op" side noder builds became with the introduction of solo queue. So theres obviously balance issues that could be eliminated aswell..

an example would be CI Mesmer... imagine if you had the opportunity to assign roles to each player, one for stab one for condi removal and so on... I dont think CI would be nearly as strong if we were allowed to coordinate just simple things like our builds.


tldr: Im not a fan of duo or solo queue. Thankful I can still play with atleast 1 friend though.

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> @"Gamble.4580" said:

> What I would like to see is gold up to 5 and it highers their vs. P1 can que with 3 same rank or below p2 duo and p3-leg solo


I'm not sure I fully understand, but really; anything works, any way to play with friends. It just has to be split from SoloQ.


I feel you when it comes to closing those gaps in rating disparity too. If you ever played ranked in just about any team-based game, there's usually restrictions in place on that. Like, a diamond can't queue with a gold, and a master/grandmaster can't queue with anyone who isn't fairly close in rating. For some reason Gw2 is the exception, in that there is absolutely no restrictions. A legend can queue with a bronze and be matched with low level golds as though it was intended.


If we do get split queues, I hope they do something about that too.

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> @"Axl.8924" said:

> If they nerf duoq then I want huge buffs to sustain to some classes so they can soloq effectively. Some classes I will repeat are not good at soloing and soloq with randoms many times get ignored and get destroyed.


The only classes; imho, that are more reliant on their team than others are Necro, Guardian, and Thief, yet back when the game was SoloQ these were as common if not more common than they are now. People still managed fine, and that was when Firebrand/Scourge was dare I say; at it's most popular, during the bunker meta before either saw any nerfs.


I've seen top players use this to excuse DuoQ's existence before, and I think it's little more than fear mongering that targets an innate distrust of SoloQ players. They assume a gold Firebrand won't know how to support their Scourge or Reaper, or that the thief won't know how to create rotations and plus the right fights, yet; it's been done before, and if they were afraid of having to synergize with low ranks; matchmaking and the likelyhood of being teamed with lower-ranked players is much higher when you DuoQ.


They've put the fear into others as well ever since DuoQ came back. Class switching used to be about individual rock, paper, scissors counter-picking and maybe switching to Firebrand to support a Necro, or a Necro if you didn't have one, but had a Firebrand. With DuoQ it's become an exploitative mess because two people can queue together as Necro, pretty much guaranteeing a Necro to the other team, and then safely switch off to something that counters Necro leaving the enemy Necro or Necroes to rely on SoloQ RNG to get any support.


They could just split the queues like i've said to others. For people who play those classes and are afraid of getting matched with bad teammates, they'd have the option to coordinate with people they can trust to synergize with their build properly, and for people who trust their team and/or can't be bothered to find a team of their own; they can SoloQ and be matched purely against other uncoordinated SoloQ players.


I don't really want to get into balance here. If you talk about balance anywhere on the forums, the discussion becomes solely about balance; no matter how far from the topic the discussion in question actually is.





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> @"Multicolorhipster.9751" said:

> > @"Axl.8924" said:

> > If they nerf duoq then I want huge buffs to sustain to some classes so they can soloq effectively. Some classes I will repeat are not good at soloing and soloq with randoms many times get ignored and get destroyed.


> The only classes; imho, that are more reliant on their team than others are Necro, Guardian, and Thief, yet back when the game was SoloQ these were as common if not more common than they are now. People still managed fine, and that was when Firebrand/Scourge was dare I say; at it's most popular, during the bunker meta before either saw any nerfs.


> I've seen top players use this to excuse DuoQ's existence before, and I think it's little more than fear mongering that targets an innate distrust of SoloQ players. They assume a gold Firebrand won't know how to support their Scourge or Reaper, or that the thief won't know how to create rotations and plus the right fights, yet; it's been done before, and if they were afraid of having to synergize with low ranks; matchmaking and the likelyhood of being teamed with lower-ranked players is much higher when you DuoQ.


> They've put the fear into others as well ever since DuoQ came back. Class switching used to be about individual rock, paper, scissors counter-picking and maybe switching to Firebrand to support a Necro, or a Necro if you didn't have one, but had a Firebrand. With DuoQ it's become an exploitative mess because two people can queue together as Necro, pretty much guaranteeing a Necro to the other team, and then safely switch off to something that counters Necro leaving the enemy Necro or Necroes to rely on SoloQ RNG to get any support.


> They could just split the queues like i've said to others. For people who play those classes and are afraid of getting matched with bad teammates, they'd have the option to coordinate with people they can trust to synergize with their build properly, and for people who trust their team and/or can't be bothered to find a team of their own; they can SoloQ and be matched purely against other uncoordinated SoloQ players.


> I don't really want to get into balance here. If you talk about balance anywhere on the forums, the discussion becomes solely about balance; no matter how far from the topic the discussion in question actually is.






I had games where I solo queued and every single time nobody protects me everyone just runs off, and its a frustrating mess. I mean if you are good it shouldn't be a problem people duo queue no? you can still win, so what is the problem? What if for instance I want to duo queue as a necro with a guildy? why should I be told I cant and must depend on randoms who may or may not help?

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> @"Axl.8924" said:

> I had games where I solo queued and every single time nobody protects me everyone just runs off, and its a frustrating mess. I mean if you are good it shouldn't be a problem people duo queue no? you can still win, so what is the problem? What if for instance I want to duo queue as a necro with a guildy? why should I be told I cant and must depend on randoms who may or may not help?


> @"Multicolorhipster.9751" said:

> They could just split the queues like i've said to others. For people who play those classes and are afraid of getting matched with bad teammates, they'd have the option to coordinate with people they can trust to synergize with their build properly, and for people who trust their team and/or can't be bothered to find a team of their own; they can SoloQ and be matched purely against other uncoordinated SoloQ players.


Again, split queues give people the option to how they want to queue. If you don't want to SoloQ in that system, you wouldn't have to. It just gives people the a choice in being matched against similarly structured and coordinated teams. If someone queuing Solo completely separate to you still frustrates you; then in every way, that's really a personal problem at that point.


Merged queues breaking the game goes far beyond just those examples, and it removes the choice from players who've become fed up with merged queues ruining the Leaderboards and the match quality of hundreds of games affected by top players exploiting them every season.


I've already said it just short of a million times on this thread, and I already added a disclaimer to the OP, but i'll say it again: Nobody is saying you should have to play SoloQ, but you shouldn't be able to have the coordination you want, and be matched against lower-ranked SoloQ players at the same time. It's not fair, and there should be a choice there. Merged queues are the real problem, and DuoQ as it is right now, is a merged queue.


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Why DuoQ Should be Removed for Season 18 and Never Come Back


So that Next season ppl can post threads titled (Why DuoQ's Should be reinstated for Season 19 ) or push poll's to bring back Duo & team Q's just to have season after new poll's to have it removed. & so on.. You all sheeps.

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> @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> Why DuoQ Should be Removed for Season 18 and Never Come Back

> Why?

> So that Next season ppl can post threads titled (Why DuoQ's Should be reinstated for Season 19 ) or push poll's to bring back Duo & team Q's just to have season after new poll's to have it removed. & so on.. You all sheeps.


Yeah, put it on everybody. Too much blame to put on any one group anyway.


It's the world's fault that Mr. or Mrs. Top100reptile are allowed to get features that exclusively benefit them and their posse of 1-4 other top 100 reptiles back into the game at the first cry of "I'm lonely" or "I just want to play with friends."


Meanwhile, mention split queues and TeamQ as the answer, and you're immediately shot down with "the population is too low" if they even say anything. Most the reptiles just nod their head and bide their time, because; you're right. The elite know if they complain later, chances are Arenanet will give them whatever they want; and what that is, is only looking out for number one.


Can't break the cycle unless you see it though, so props there.

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The discussion of top players’ intentions in advocating Duo over Solo queue aside...


Don’t limit your perspective to only these 2 options, those are 2 pretty depressing choices that don’t represent all options; arguments about “low population” do not exclusively justify Solo or Duo only. If the official excuse for sticking to any of these 2 choices is “low pop”, then that’s a done deal and I have nothing to say.


Solo (“anarchy”) is an insane mess, while Duo (“pyramid scheme”) in 5v5 only gives advantage to the expert team of 2 (and makes 3-5 person team setups unable to shine, indirectly empowering Duos more) not to mention the problem of the matchmaker not matching duo teams on both sides (at least ensuring equal number of Duos).


If all Duo is better at is letting you play with friends, what’s wrong with a 2-5 people party mixed queue for an unrestricted team queue?


I do Duo intermittently and with my friend we stomp some matches in high gold/low plat, that’s good and all but what about the other team with no Duo or ones that just duo casually? What’s it like repeatedly running into Duos while you aren’t in one? Of course it’s expected you’ll face Duos in Ranked since it’s an option and you willingly signed on to it, but good Duos repeatedly kick you in the match expectation gonads because they perform above the normal effectiveness level of your rating.


Full team ranked queue, separate solo ranked queue, unranked queue.

Give a winner’s reward buff (so people who farm loss rewards don’t get anything) to any players in parties of less than 5 and make it exponential for the “yolo queuer” (if you were here during solo into team queue days, you know the thug life); I call it the mercenary’s reward scheme.


You want to feel like you matter in a match even though you don’t like coordinated play? Play Solo Queue.

You want to experience the unfairness of life and occasionally conquer suffering and emerge victorious, living the thug life as Tupac taught us? Play Team Queue.

You want to express your indifference to PvP by wasting time PvPing? Play Unranked.


If after all these changes you fear you’ll lose more matches compared to before, what about people who won more instead? Are you going to blame yourself, or the system?


And if you leave because it’s gone back to the wild days, that’s great, good for you.


>! wew ok bt wen u leav cn I hv ur stuff??


Other PvP modes would be nice but no expectations for those.

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> @"Ralkuth.1456" said:

> The discussion of top players’ intentions in advocating Duo over Solo queue aside...


> Don’t limit your perspective to only these 2 options, those are 2 pretty depressing choices that don’t represent all options; arguments about “low population” do not exclusively justify Solo or Duo only. If the official excuse for sticking to any of these 2 choices is “low pop”, then that’s a done deal and I have nothing to say.


> Solo (“anarchy”) is an insane mess, while Duo (“pyramid scheme”) in 5v5 only gives advantage to the expert team of 2 (and makes 3-5 person team setups unable to shine, indirectly empowering Duos more) not to mention the problem of the matchmaker not matching duo teams on both sides (at least ensuring equal number of Duos).


> If all Duo is better at is letting you play with friends, what’s wrong with a 2-5 people party mixed queue for an unrestricted team queue?


> I do Duo intermittently and with my friend we stomp some matches in high gold/low plat, that’s good and all but what about the other team with no Duo or ones that just duo casually? What’s it like repeatedly running into Duos while you aren’t in one? Of course it’s expected you’ll face Duos in Ranked since it’s an option and you willingly signed on to it, but good Duos repeatedly kick you in the match expectation gonads because they perform above the normal effectiveness level of your rating.


> Full team ranked queue, separate solo ranked queue, unranked queue.

> Give a winner’s reward buff (so people who farm loss rewards don’t get anything) to any players in parties of less than 5 and make it exponential for the “yolo queuer” (if you were here during solo into team queue days, you know the thug life); I call it the mercenary’s reward scheme.


> You want to feel like you matter in a match even though you don’t like coordinated play? Play Solo Queue.

> You want to experience the unfairness of life and occasionally conquer suffering and emerge victorious, living the thug life as Tupac taught us? Play Team Queue.

> You want to express your indifference to PvP by wasting time PvPing? Play Unranked.


> If after all these changes you fear you’ll lose more matches compared to before, what about people who won more instead? Are you going to blame yourself, or the system?


> And if you leave because it’s gone back to the wild days, that’s great, good for you.


> >! wew ok bt wen u leav cn I hv ur stuff??


> Other PvP modes would be nice but no expectations for those.


Honestly, couldn't have said it better myself. Split-queue; SoloQ and TeamQ, is the way to go.


Unfortunately the issue tends to fall on deaf ears, because; Arenanet is clearly listening to the top%, and a good chunk of the top% don't want more equal matchmaking. They want to stomp new, lower-rank, and uncoordinated players. More fair and equal matchmaking ruins that fun for them. That's the truth, whereas "the population is too low" is the excuse they use to rationalize it.


I encourage you to just look through some of these comments. The mere mention of splitting the queues is like speaking a different language to some of these people, and that only applies to the ones that are able to recognize there's more ways to play this game other than just either SoloQ or merged with Solos with one other friend.


To a lot of them, critiquing DuoQ in its current state or suggesting splitting the queues gets a response similar to this:


And like @"Vieux P.1238" was saying, even if we got split queues, a few months later it's almost guaranteed the same people who brought back DuoQ; in the same way it was when it was originally removed being broken and easily exploitable, would probably be pushing to bring it back in the exact same way. Unless they get ignored, it's likely you'd see another "Why X Queue should be removed for Season Y and never come back" just a few seasons later. Steps have to be taken to assure the past doesn't repeat itself.


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Yep, I’ve read a lot of the comments in here. People are very focused on supporting the options that makes it fun for themselves alone. They have fun at the expense of people curious about PvP then crushed mercilessly before they even know how gloriously joyful it can be to meet and fight other players.


I believe the act of listening to the top % streamers and big names shows the maximum extent of the token effort ANet is willing to make, to put up the show that they “listen to feedback”.


They don’t have the brazen confidence to change things radically and defy expectations to make things fun and challenging with opportunities for everyone to take. Or maybe it’s just bad code. Either way, as long as streamers make PvP appear entertaining with all the dressing, their interest is served. They know their game has amazing combat, but since GW2 stopped the “esports” efforts, it’s always been maintenance mode with a jolt here and there, but not enough to make PvP “alive” game.


(I have nothing against BenP or other ANet staff. But it just seems like there's little they can do.)


At this point reverting it to Team Ranked/Solo Ranked/Unranked might be the idea with the biggest possibility of success. Otherwise I would hope for the luxury of proper duel rooms, 2v2, 3v3 and other game modes, which would create opportunities for more meme builds and therefore quality content.


>! PS and like a recent thread in the PvP sub-forum, improve PvP Scoreboard metrics so that the metrics actually guide you to make good plays.

>! PPS make Team Queue rewards scale higher and maximise at winning a match while you have a Solo*5 team vs a 5-man party. Or not, because thug life.

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> @"Axl.8924" said:

> If they nerf duoq then I want huge buffs to sustain to some classes so they can soloq effectively. Some classes I will repeat are not good at soloing and soloq with randoms many times get ignored and get destroyed.


Are you really relying on other people to protect you? I always solo que on necro and have run into no such issues, just kite properly.

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