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Crystal Oasis Rift hub

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I'm very new to the game, so I don't know if this has been discussed. Having to travel back and forth to the furthest edge of the map with no hub at a reasonable midpoint adds up fast, especially for new players. I get that you need gold sinks but when it's 6 silver to go from lion's arch to Kourna and 4 to go from Lion's Arch to Crystal Oasis, a hub should be introduced into crystal oasis to balance this. People waypoint all over the maps very regularly so the gold sink will always exist, but when you have grown the map to this degree? A hub like lion's arch needs to exist in the south. There are several maps that people use regularly and if you move around the maps to do other things, it gets to be a waste of gold. A map this large should have more than one main hub. Crystal Oasis is already a hub for the south with banking, crafting, etc. Would it not be reasonable to add in a rift portal to Lion's Arch as well?

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You can travel to Lion's Arch free from _anywhere_ through the WvW portal or the PvP Lobby.





You can purchase Portal Scrolls to any Desert map outside of core PoF maps.

Example: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Domain_of_Kourna_Portal_Scroll

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> You can travel to Lion's Arch free from _anywhere_ through the WvW portal or the PvP Lobby.

> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Lion%27s_Arch#Unique_features

> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/World_versus_World#Getting_there

> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Structured_PvP#Getting_there


Also if you complete the PoF story you will get an item which can teleport you to Vabbi for free, and if you complete A Star To Guide Us it can take you to Jahai Bluffs as well. Alternatively if you're in a guild with Windswept Haven as their guild hall you can teleport there for free, and then exit to Vabbi.


I could be wrong (and can't log in to check now) but I think you can speak to the airship captain beside the lighthouse in LA to be taken to Amnoon, and there's either a boat or another form of transportation to get back to LA. I'm not sure because I use the methods listed above, but I'm sure I remember seeing it. (There's definitely a boat from Amnoon to Istan.)


Finally, it's not a great option because it's expensive but if you bought the Deluxe edition of PoF or buy the Upgrade from the gem store one of the items you get is the Lily of the Elon pass, which will teleport you to a miniature town just south of Amnoon. The upgrade is 2,400 gems and a VIP pass is normally 1000 gems, so it's not a good deal if you just want that item but if you want the other stuff too or _really_ want a teleport direct to Crystal Oasis it is an option.

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If you're looking to get from LA to Crystal Oasis there's an airship you can take for free at the southern end of the city. I can't remember if there's free travel back to LA from there, though, although there is a boat you can take out to Istan for free if you want to go there.


As for getting back to LA you can hop through WvW or the PvP lobby as mentiined, or if you're in a guild that has a portal in it's guild hall you can just go there and take that back to LA for free as well.

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I have never understood why people think the waypoint costs are an issue..

You guys must be doing world completion by jumping across the world after every POI or something lol


It costs almost nothing to WP around the world and you get 2g per day just doing dailies.. not to mention the extra incoming from trash items you sell and the mats etc you sell on the trading post if you have excess or just don't horde them.


If it bothers you that much though there's teleport scrolls.

I believe every map in living world season 3 and 4 has a portal scroll and a seasonal case for all of them so they only take up 1 item slot instead of 1 per map, there's a free portal scroll for the Sun's refuge, also a scroll you can buy for the minidungon/JP in Lake Doric and with PoF deluxe upgrade you get a free one for the Crystal Desert.

There's also the world boss portal device in the gemstore which is limited by what bosses are due to spawn but still grants free teleports to all 13 core world boss locations.

And as others have said, joining any WvW map will place you right next to a portal that'll take you to lions arch for free.

Oh and Guild Halls.. having access to all 3 Guildhalls again gives you free teleports to Verdant Brink, Auric Basin and Domain of Vabbi.. so there's that too.


Plenty of options there to get around those tiny WP costs if they bother you that much.

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> @"NanoEliteSixSixSix.8935" said:

> If you're looking to get from LA to Crystal Oasis there's an airship you can take for free at the southern end of the city


this is only for characters (individual characters) which completed the first PoF story instance - me and my 16 alts do not like doing that story instance over and over without a lot of spacing so only about 4 of them can use that airship. xD


kind of weird considering post LS2 they opened up story achievements for all characters so long as you did the story b4 at all, so dunno why it doesn't do a similar check here.

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