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Not having Level Grind with each expansion is one of the best things about GW2

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> @"calb.3128" said:

> > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > **Feels pointless lol just so little in terms of meaningful content or reward **with little feeling of progress or accomplishment to keep players playing. Pvp for the challenge of fighting other players is all there is left.

> A "more powerful staff or a more powerful gear piece" is not what I consider "meaningful content or reward". Each to their own, but I am very happy with the way GW2 handles it. There are many other games out there for those who enjoy gear grind, but let's please leave this USP of GW2 alone...


I agree.


It doesnt help that even if they did raise the level cap theyd just increase the level of legendary weapons to that level cap, which would promptly piss me off due to not being able to use what id made still.


Ill stick to earning new appearances. Its alot more fun because i dont have to if i dont want to.

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> @"Mushuchalaka.9437" said:

> Thank god my chars/weapons are still relevant after long breaks. But I wish they would provide some unique abilities either skills and/or weapons that aren't easy to get that you can quest/collection for open world PVE(for instanced and pvp content this would cause gear/ability checks for something easily attainable and would be toxic). Nothing gamebreaking as it'd be for PVE , but something cool/somewhat useful would be great.


> For instance and item that can proc and give you 1 extra intiative for a thief with cooldown(dunno 30 seconds?). For Warriror an item that can give adrenaline with cooldown.


> A skill that allows you to replace your elite skill or one of your skills, instead of making more professions.




We get that with Elite specs in terms of new skills. Also get new maps and metas to run. In PoF the mounts provides new aspects of gameplay.

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