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Small pvp arena in towns?


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> @"Ralkuth.1456" said:

> Well that would sound fun to me, since I PvP for the win daily and like to watch streams. It would just be like another Heart of the Mists (the one at present with the FFA Arena).

> Won't be opposed to new and exciting environments in which my friends and I can bash each other's skulls in. Maybe it could get an interface like the Crown Pavilion arenas.

> Plus, we would be able to fight while enjoying thematic scenery like The Grove, Ebonhawke, Lion's Arch and whatnot. That's top tier roleplay right there, fulfilling our RPPvP needs.


> That's just me personally.


> Another idea is to make these small scale thematic arenas and put them in portals in the cities/hubs, so people can walk-in for duels and stuff. Having 1 or few in each city means that there needn't be overlap and queue-ups for usage while allowing interaction if new people do arrive in these spots.


Yeah, I just visualize an arena similar to the crown pavilion where people can watch from outside, this idea comes exactly from there.


Could also increase pvp interest from pve players, who knows

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I would be fine with a specific area that is observable from a PVE space being used for PVP, like a version of the arena in heart of the mists being available to and part of the open world.


But, it must be completely walled off to prevent people from wandering in without talking to an NPC, and no points of interest or vistas must require entering that space. It should be completely isolated for anything but watching, unless you opt in.

.... And yknow seeing as how the PVP arena literally does all of that AND upgrades your gear for you so you dont get curb stomped due to being lvl1...

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> @"neoteo.3975" said:

> Yeah, I just visualize an arena similar to the crown pavilion where people can watch from outside, this idea comes exactly from there.


Yeah, that could be one way. You send spar invi to someone, and when accepted, you are taken to such arena. Other way is just have an open area, where you can spar with people.


> Could also increase pvp interest from pve players, who knows


I got pulled to PvP side because of duels in my previous game. I was not even yet on level cap. At first I had not even slightest idea what to do, I was only used to "stationary" PvE side. I think that in my first duels I was not able to land even single hit to my opponent.


> @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

> I would be fine with a specific area that is observable from a PVE space being used for PVP, like a version of the arena in heart of the mists being available to and part of the open world.


You know, it would not be bad idea to have observable arena in some major town to queue up as teams for deadmatch fight. Like gladiator arena. It could increase the interest to PvP by random people.


> But, it must be completely walled off to prevent people from wandering in without talking to an NPC, and no points of interest or vistas must require entering that space. It should be completely isolated for anything but watching, unless you opt in.


Why? The whole idea would be "marketing" PvP side to people, with all its both good and bad sides. Except if you mean some sort of all vs all thingie, which we already have in PvP lobby, and that is completely different story. It is chaotic and you really can't use it to purposes that 1vs1 or team vs team fights would be good.


> .... And yknow seeing as how the PVP arena literally does all of that AND upgrades your gear for you so you dont get curb stomped due to being lvl1...


You mean PvP lobby all vs all arena? It really serves not many purposes. You enter there only if you are in absolute boredom.

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> @"TamX.1870" said:



> Why? The whole idea would be "marketing" PvP side to people, with all its both good and bad sides. Except if you mean some sort of all vs all thingie, which we already have in PvP lobby, and that is completely different story. It is chaotic and you really can't use it to purposes that 1vs1 or team vs team fights would be good.



Some(probably alot of us against it) of us know we dont like PVP already thank you, id hate to have to walk into a pvp arena just to finish mapping a city.


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> @"Dante.1763" said:

> Some(probably alot of us against it) of us know we dont like PVP already thank you, id hate to have to walk into a pvp arena just to finish mapping a city.


I bet you're talking about some sort of free to all PvP area in PvE zones. But this thread has not been about that for a while, as you can see, even OP edited her/his post. What we - or at least I - have been talking, have been some sort of observable 1vs1 arena, either one pair at any given moment like Queen's Gauntlet, or area where you can send duel request to people. I already said why those duels need audience.


Let's think that a bit. Easy and relatively good way is to implement one at sPvP lobby. Give some largish area where you can challenge people to duels. Exiting the area while duelling would lead to automatic loose. The size of the area depends of course how many people there are fighting, but basically more would be better (if not going to extremes). I would suggest some central area, where people spend their time while not in matches. It would be good to have necessary services near (bank, trading post).


Fights would be done with PvP builds and skills. As you know, there is already training area with NPCs and observable all vs all arena. I don't really get the idea of all vs all arena, but at some point in the future there could be observable 2vs2 deathmatch arenas?


WvW could have similar thing, basically somewhere near spawn points. But it would be nicer to have WvW duelling area, where you would be with people from all the servers. It is probably bit harder to make it work than at PvP side, where all the players anyways share the same lobby. WvW population is divided to servers, and thus they may never really find common duel regions.


It would be nice to have similar area at PvE side. For example, there is large and usually empty area at Lion's Arch, Grand Plazza, where there is only that vista, and it would be close perfect for duelling area (location, size, having PoI and vista so people would find it anyways). I am pretty sure these duels would go with PvE skills, which are "broken" in terms of balanced PvP. But the reason for this is that this sort of place would "advertise" PvP for people, I mean, **real marketing** showing both the good and bad sides of PvPers. Based on my experience, you would find there both very helpful people introducing you to PvP fights and willing to teach you, as well as very bitter people, and people and groups with deep hatred between them :D


Duel request should be accepted before duel starts. There should be checkbox to disable duel requests. If someone mocks you, pressures you or so because you don't accept duel requests, there is already block list for those people.

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I’ve said this many times but I’ll say it again.


Having duel areas, with the limitations imposed by what others have said (with an invite and an option to enable being invited, and limited to dueling in only specific areas, like an arena in the town) are tantamount to revitalizing COMMUNITY interaction.


Just look at over 90% of the open world PVE maps and you’ll see that NOBODY talks to each other. There’s people in the map but everyone is dead silent...why? It’s because this game is so self sufficient that there’s no need to talk to anyone.


1) quests are so easy there’s no need to party with anyone...world bosses are so easy you can stand there and auto attack to get the chest. Why even bother discussing mechanics of a fight?


2) crafting has no need for interaction because all the materials you need MUST be farmed or bought...and you buy from the TP...there’s no need to approach another player for a material that you might need, even if the material you need is specialized t a single profession. So let’s say you are a tailor and you need some kind of leather working exclusive Rune....guess what...you have to become a leatherworker...how he kitten does that even make any sense?


3) lack of fighting interaction in PVE means that PVE’ers don’t learn how to fight other players until they get to PVP. People usto ask in the forums that we need a tutorial for PvP...which is dumb because that’s still not how to learn how to fight people, learn mechanics and learning PvP edicates. Having arenas in PVE introduces newer pvp players into pvp scenarios and gives them a chance to learn. Meanwhile in SPVP we have level 10 upleveled newbies queuing up ranked because that’s the only way they can pvp, landing in gold tier, and then everyone wonders why they get melted in seconds because veteran players are mixed in with players completely new to the game.


There’s so many more reasons...but all together they compound into a singular issue...that there no community interaction and not only does pvp suffer...but PVE and everyone else suffers. The game is to self sufficient and there needs to be mechanisms in place to provide players the opportunity to speak, listen and learn.


Not only that but it’s also a good way to meet new friends...I’m sure everyone who frequents duel arenas knows how friendly a place it is and that everyone basically knows each other.




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