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Not getting "Out of Combat" at all

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I am starting to wonder if this is something others are experiencing as well. Ever since the balance patch a few weeks ago, I seem to run into the issue that I am not recovering at all.

This is happening on both my Reapers and it is starting to become a show stopper for me.


Not only is recovering any health during a battle a nightmare, after I defeated the enemy, it seems it takes forever and sometimes never to recover to the point that I can mount or Waypoint out. The biggest example being done with a combat in Silverwastes, not recovering and walking back all the way to camp resolve and still not recovering there. I had to log out and back in to recover.


Currently I have the same issue in Draconis Mons. I am done here, and am out of combat already ever since I started typing this message and am STILL in combat.


No conditions - no enemy nearby - full health - NOTHING on cooldown...


It is really starting to annoy me to be honest. 100% health + no conditions should bring me out of combat right away.


Ps, I have NO minions rezzed out, in case some wonder if one of those might still be in combat.

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I have after reading your comment, and unfortunately that made no difference.

The problems for me started when the recovering while in Reaper Shroud was changed. From that moment on, I often do not recover at all.

And offcourse the problem I spoke about earlier. Being in combat with no conditions, no enemies, no health loss.


I have noticed this problem does not occur on my other classes.

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