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Option of making players being able to attack/get attacked in the open world

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with what i recommended you have to manually activate the mode there is no accidental flagging unless you flag yourself. If you would quit the game because you clicked a thing read a warning and said ok then could toggle it off any time also then you'd be foolish.


System i suggest is completely opt in or out with a toggle at players whim you could not attack other players nor they you unless you toggled PK on.






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> @"Gopaka.7839" said:

> Where's the middle ground between PvE and PvP/WvW ? The PvE is too sterile while PvP/WvW is too brutal. Most PvE players are afraid to enter PvP because of points and competition, and failing the team, and for WvW it's just train with the zerg or get trained by the other zergs and you are there for the pure reason to kill or get killed. PvP in the open world would me more like....I'm doing PvE stuff but can do PvP stuff at any moment while at it. I gave the WoW example for a reason. People enjoy open world PvP, if not, the game wouldn't be so popular. Players like to experience PvE and PvP in the same time, there is a moment of surprise.


WvW is actually the middle ground between PvP and PvE. Even though the roaming is dying off in WvW, one can still find solo or small groups meandering around looking for fights. Although a PvE'er looking to test the waters against roamers would likely get decimated before they could even think about what skill to use first. EoTM is probably a better option for this.

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**No.** I've said it in another post asking for pvp in towns and I'll say it here. **_Everyone's definition of pvp is different._** And it doesn't work in WoW, hence why most the pvp realms are either extremely onesided (Sargeras; Alliance:Horde is 10:1), or low pop. I remember doing the 'find Thrall' quest line and the one part was a nightmare because of aoe. See, in WoW, someone can flag and if you aoe an area and they walk into it, IT AUTO FLAGS YOU saying you attacked them, when in honesty, you didn't, you aoe'd the mob. It'd auto flag you if you accidentally healed someone that was flagged. So small platform, tons of griefers flagged and it was an immediate hotfix where they had to make the area a no pvp zone until they worked out coding because it was unfair being on a quest and then being ganked by 5 players who flagged themselves because I hit a mob with a aoe radius spell and they made sure it hit them.

So no. I won't find it _fun_ to find myself being corpse camped to the point I log off. No it would not be fun to be doing a jumping puzzle only to have someone with knockback at the end of it making people fall to their deaths for the lulz. So yeah, if that was every implemented, it'd might honestly destroy some of the ways the game functions. I mean, would you trust a mesmer to port you for a JP knowing that they could flag themselves quite easily and taking the port would flag you as well and find that hello, they have a ranger on the other side with a longbow and a cliff on the other? Would you trust a person who was flagged during a World Boss fight where all sorts of spells are going off that they could be hit with? I could see bounties being purposely failed because someone won't unflag. I can see events being griefed (Choya Pinata) because someone wants to flag and troll.


So no. I like this game because of the fact that there is no consequence to helping someone out if I see them downed, dead or getting overwhelmed other than hey you look like you needed help. I do not want to go back to being the way I was on my shaman in WoW where I see a flagged player getting their butt handed to them by a mob and not do a thing because I don't know if it's a trap. To have to target and look for the words flagged and tell them to graveyard walk if they are because I don't know if it's a trap to res them. To have them jump in the middle of a group of mobs I'm taking down because they know chain lightning is in my rotation and having to abandon what I am doing because I don't want to be corpse camped. And if you look at most the wow forum posts about it? WPvP is actually considered dead to most of the players, even to those on PvP servers. When players themselves are having to organize events to get people to WPvP, you know the idea doesn't truly work because, as I said, everyone's definition of pvp is different.


And to add, I played WoW up to Warlords of Draenor on both PvP and PvE servers. Nothing like going after the boss arena at Timeless Isle trying to get all the fights in only to have to bail because a raid group of Alliance dropped in. Nothing like going through Spires of Arak and having to log off and come back in the wee hours of the night because the Alliance multi-boxxer with 5 accounts was sitting on top of the area for the rep grind daily.

And in PvP, I pretty much leveled to max in the city without really setting foot outside of it grinding dungeons because sadly it was faster than actually playing the game and being out questing since most the npcs were dead or I was corpse camped at the graveyard to the point I just logged off for the day. And good luck at doing the battlegrounds because you'll get a few good ones and then oh hello multi-boxer who just hit me with 5 frostbolts at once but in no way is it considered 'botting' by their standards.

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Hard no.


There are already several places to PvP/duel people: WvW, PvP, Edge of the Mists, Guild Halls, and Armistice Bastion.

Places to PvE: Open World, Raids.


GW2 was a major player in the shift of MMO's moving away from competing with other players. No competing for nodes, no PvP outside of specific areas, loot not being affected by other players, no kill stealing. A _lot_ of people don't like dealing with other players affecting their own experience in MMO's. Competing for resources because nodes are a free-for-all is one of them. PvP flagged players denying access to areas and/or spawn camping is another.


There's a reason why WoW's PvP-only servers always skewed heavily to on faction or the other, with several such servers having next to no one playing the opposing side. There's also a reason why people on PvE servers in games which allow flagging rarely do so.


I've played multiple MMO's and PvP on PvE servers was always a bad thing and one of the deciding factors for me leaving several of them. One of the worst was one where if you attacked someone flagged for PvP you got flagged automatically, so you had a bunch of max level people standing on top of objectives and mobs in starting zones just waiting for someone to accidentally get flagged and kill them.


Tons of people enjoy MMO's _despite_ the option for PvP.


And Arenanet has stated from the beginning that they will not do open world PvP, that it goes against their design philosophies, and at this point it would take a major engine overhaul to try to get it to work. They haven't even gone back to flag objects in the core game to be able to take condi damage because that's a lot of work and that would benefit a whole lot more people than PvP flagging ever would.


Plus open world PvP goes against the lore. Charr, humans, asura, norn, and sylvari have to come together to keep the planet from being destroyed. Separatists, Flame Legion, Inquest, Sons of Svanir, and the Nightmare Court are the sub-factions that go to war with the other races and that's a huge reason why they are enemies and you can't play them. You can roleplay one who is going along with things, but you can't play as them.

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> @"Lady Vanithy.6495" said:

> NCSoft already has the game you seek....Lineage 2 did pk'ing best. It's still around, I think. Lovely game but that aspect killed it (for me).


> Typo. Words are hard.


Aion also has open world PvP, another NCSoft game. And the most annoying thing there was the upper levels descending on a low level area and wiping out new players. Lots of fun, right? Well, most annoying other than all the whispers from gold sellers that they didn't (or couldn't) do anything about.


Also, a huge turn off for me about PvP is the toxicity. Leave that out of my PVE map chat, thank you.

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What I find interesting about this type of suggestion is the reasoning behind it. In this game SPvP is low population and WvW is announced to be dying by those who play it, yet they think that adding PvP to PvE is going to be popular and it will somehow pay for the _“prohibitive amount of work to even make it possible._” In WoW they ended up removing PvP from the PvE maps to make pure PvP realms in hopes of revitalizing world PvP. These PvP realms have ended up becoming PvP deserts because the losing faction simply stops PvP flagging. It didn’t revitalize world PvP at all.


Just because you enjoy PvP and ganking doesn’t mean it’s popular with the PvE crowd and that there’s enough PvPers to make this suggestion worth the dev time and development money to do.

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> @"Blanche Neige.7241" said:

> > @"Gopaka.7839" said:

> > People enjoy open world PvP, if not, the game wouldn't be so popular. Players like to experience PvE and PvP in the same time, there is a moment of surprise.


> Correction : YOU enjoy open world PVP.



I don't know why all of you people assume that I am a PvP player because I'm suggesting an idea. I have 33k AP and my account value is around 128k gold. My rank in PvP is shark and my WvW rank is below 500. I don't know if I'll enjoy open world PvP, I'll observe it because of curiosity that's for sure, but will I participate in it? Maybe? From time to time? I'm just sure many bored players would gather and fight without waiting 5-10 mins for matching up, then decide which map to choose, then protect or attack a small circle an if they don't like the match... they can't quit because of penalties. In WvW on the other hand... You have 1 waypont and your enemy have 1 waypoint... good luck fighting over and over again with each other...

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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > @"Gopaka.7839" said:

> > > @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> > > Play pvp or wvw. Problem solved for everyone.

> >

> > You can say the same thing about the prehistoric man, not using tools to hunt or fire to cook. The idea is progression, moving forward, getting bigger, stronger... this is the way of the bigger companies to be big and stay big. Last time I checked ArenaNet is a company... yes ? What we are talking about here is a way for ArenaNet to get bigger and stay big.


> You got it backwards. Games used to have open pvp then gaming progressed and it was removed from most games. You aren't asking for progress you are asking to go back to the dark ages.


I have been playing MMORPGs since 1997 - Ultima Online. You got the right answer! It would be trying to move this game backwards. The WvW and PvP zones are the only reasonable way to handle it. I think this game has it exactly right already. It is a cooperative game, and works well.


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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Gopaka.7839" said:

> > PvE players on the other hand will get used to seeing players getting killed by other players and maybe learn more about the PvP/WvW community a little bit more while communicating with some WvW/PvP players.


> I don't think seeing people duel in open world will make any PvP deniers more likely to become interested in PvP or WvW, since the directives in both game modes are much more complicated and not just about "killing others on the way". I imagine they might even feel stressed out by such encounters and no longer "safe" in their environment, regardless of whether it's an optional thing or not.


> > @"Lilyanna.9361" said:

> > PvP folks are leaving because Anet is not respecting their own system and letting people abuse what monsters they created to please YOU PVE folks.


> How exactly is the PvE community at fault when it comes to ANet's inability to handle their game's balancing properly by, for instance, making completely separate skill sets and trait lines for each game mode or blocking elite specs in PvP, or to add new map content to WvW?


The game got tailored to PvErs. The overly spammy skills. Low cooldowns. Absurd damage. Those classes that were dominating your guy's meta? Yea, PvPers and WvWers felt it ten times worst. The only spec that has not flourished in PvP because stupid mechanics to deal with high health targets like fractals or raids or zerf tactics is Renegade. Renegade legit cannot function in PVP. Every other popular class that people have fun in with open world and all that content? Absolutely bonkers at some point.












All of them were popular at some point or another and all of them were stupid in competitive to go up against in our competitive modes. So yes, even when us filthy PvPers/WvWers try to go to our designated areas, YOUR unbalanced mechanics balanced for PVE trickle into the other gamemodes and downright make it toxic for the people that enjoy the competition. Because all I've seen is PVERs defending balance saying things are 'too weak' or 'this is not fair, we deserve all of this.'


It blows my mind. Especially since PvPer/WvWers tend to know the classes better than by casual PvErs. The only people that don't have these kind of screeching outcrys are the raiders and I already see how they are treated by the 'casual' crowd.

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Why are we even discussing this.


What's WvW if not PvP + PvE with a foolproof opt in system?

Let them add more maps to WvW (without bashing them immediately, maybe), that should do the trick.


I'm mostly playing WvW for quick dailies, so I'm more on the PvE side there. I'm a very low level player (about 50), mostly solo roaming, looking for a dolyak or a ruin. Getting outnumbered and killed all the time. I get it, red is dead, no problem. I sigh, waypoint and try again. And then leave WvW immediately as soon as I have my daily.


Would NOT want this in PvE as well. Certainly not.

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No thanks, go play PVP if that's what you want. Like a lot of people here, I played my share of WoW and got sick and tired of blocking people who continually hassled me asking for duels.


Personally, I like the co-operative, open-world side of the game the way it is; it's far less toxic than the competitive side of it. I left WoW because everything - even questing and farming mats - was a competition, and I hate what that does to some people.

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Option already suggested in the past few weeks (and I think more than 1 other thread).

Not happening. Doesn't fit with the lore and the core idea of having cooperation (all those group events). Even if it was manually and you could just decide not to opt in it would feel weird to have players suddenly fighting near you while you did other stuff.


Dueling and/or certain open world areas (arenas) would be the best option. Maybe make some on newer future maps.

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A comprimise could be a couple of the older unpopular zones where you can flag yourself on/off (and also block groups so no zerging) That's best of both worlds, negligible impact on pve, and a different type of open world pve.


Equally you could create a new wvw map designed for this setup. I other words same as existing wvw maps, but no keeps, option to switch off pvp. More pve content and designed to avoid zerging.

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An idea that is coming to my mind is make an Undergroud City where there are no rules. It will be the same as LA but the dark version of it... One system to make order in the city could be player bounties depending on how much they've killed players, so this way you can put order in the city just by the players. There can be bounty hunters-like players who act as guards of the city and bandits-like players who just can exploit the city as much as it'possible. Depending on which side you are on can be decided like the scale in the vanilla gw2 for Honorable or Brute and depending on how you act you have the one scaled more than the other. The city can be populated and handled by all the baddies like nightmare court, inquests, aetherblades, white mantles, sons of svanir, burning legion etc. We can also get some different point of view and lore from them.

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> @"Gopaka.7839" said:

> PvE players on the other hand will get used to seeing players getting killed by other players

What makes you think that people want to get used to that? Personally I play this game precisely because I don't have to watch people bash in each others' heads if I don't want to.


I do my fair share of WvW roaming if I feel like it, spending roughly half my gametime on the borderlands these days. I don't want the competition, the aggressiveness, the general stressful athmosphere that any kind of pvp breeds when I'm in PvE. And yes, I do avoid farm maps as well as new living story maps, too, to find peaceful, relaxed PvE maps when I feel like it. I don't want to get used to the stress and aggression pvp breeds, I just want that to stay in its place, and leave the relaxed, peaceful PvE as is.


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> @"Dami.5046" said:

> You never know, for all you leavers if open world pvp existed, how many would come and play because 1) they want to try it and 2) they don't play because normal pve maps don't interest them. Obviously this game doesn't appeal to all and this may create a different market and different players.

> A different game.

Changing your product to appeal to a different market is rarely a good business decision, especially if you have a decently stable and profitable customer base and the new target market is already served by other products.


If you want a different game, there are many out there that offer open world PvP.

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> @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> > @"Gopaka.7839" said:

> > An idea that is coming to my mind is make an Undergroud City where there are no rules.

> That sounds like a pretty large developement project. Wouldn't those resources be better used to develop more content for the existing pvp modes (sPvP and WvW)?



No. The idea is to have this city in the open world on the open world map and not in the mists where you have to use the menu to enter it and then wait for queues for a match or border. The idea of an Underground City is different than competing. The idea is to have something different in the game than just a competition or points...PvP - reach 500 points, WvW - make the most points for the week. This is too repetitive and that's why it's getting boring. There must be a place where people who like PvP-ing is disconnected from all the points and the toxic competition of the mass. And yes I know there are guild arenas and sun's refuge and stuff. But there isn't a huge place that can gather a lot of players to just fight without disturbing the competing people and torn off the toxic behavior of the PvP/WvW where you have to fight in the ring, you have to go in groups to survive, you have to stay with the zerg. Maybe that was the whole point of me suggesting the open world PvP, just a free zone where you can chill and fight others from time to time while doing open world content events without disturbing the players who actually are trying hard to do something competitive and you are in their way or take place of someone who can be more capable than you.

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