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> @"Lighter.5631" said:

> > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > @"Lighter.5631" said:

> > > ![](https://i.imgur.com/jd7YdzB.jpg "")

> > >

> > > before holo nerf, there's so many should be nerfed, for example, fire weaver, poison thief, support fb

> > > after that power rev and holo, scourge nerfs at the same time

> > >

> > >

> >

> > Yeah ele and thief can now win some 1v1's ooohhhh noooo nerf nerf now lmao least ur match was close so not sure what the pics showing, or is it cuz theres 3 thieves on one side? I just did a match where we won 500-5 lol that's uneven.


> No, the problem is ele is currently the best side noder and does way too much burning damage, and poison thief requires no skill to play and melt most builds, including holo and warrior and imo performs better then power s/d


I can agree with condi thief. It doesn't really give any counterplay and honestly isn't that fun to play in general. But I've never been a fan of sword thief. The whole teleport spam thing just gets as annoying to me to play as it does to fight against, and does it really need a condi clear as well? But at least the power build takes quite a bit of skill to be able to be successful. Condi you just sword 2 and dodge spam.


Ele is annoying, but it still takes skill and timing and is still easily countered with high cc builds.

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > @"Lighter.5631" said:

> > ![](https://i.imgur.com/jd7YdzB.jpg "")

> >

> > before holo nerf, there's so many should be nerfed, for example, fire weaver, poison thief, support fb

> > after that power rev and holo, scourge nerfs at the same time

> >

> >


> Yeah ele and thief can now win some 1v1's ooohhhh noooo nerf nerf now lmao least ur match was close so not sure what the pics showing, or is it cuz theres 3 thieves on one side? I just did a match where we won 500-5 lol that's uneven.


How core thief get top offense, kills, and healing when both these others were condi rambos?


Bottom duo probably carried the game.

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> @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > @"Lighter.5631" said:

> > > ![](https://i.imgur.com/jd7YdzB.jpg "")

> > >

> > > before holo nerf, there's so many should be nerfed, for example, fire weaver, poison thief, support fb

> > > after that power rev and holo, scourge nerfs at the same time

> > >

> > >

> >

> > Yeah ele and thief can now win some 1v1's ooohhhh noooo nerf nerf now lmao least ur match was close so not sure what the pics showing, or is it cuz theres 3 thieves on one side? I just did a match where we won 500-5 lol that's uneven.


> How core thief get top offense, kills, and healing when both these others were condi rambos?


> Bottom duo probably carried the game.


I don't much buy into those top stat things anyway. They don't really mean much to me when a bunker scrapper can come into a match and get almost all of the top stats simply because they've spent the entire time bunkering a point against multiple people. I mean, it doesn't really matter either way I guess, but it's not surprising. I've gotten top healing on my condi mirage before, but that's just because I'm pretty sure at least three of the people on the team were bots and didn't even press the heal button or do anything but auto.


I've seen probably the same 4 or 5 bots in every at least 20 matches now. I've dropped significantly lower in my ranking, partially because I'm out of practice and wasn't that good to begin with, but going from struggling to stay in plat to probably dropping to silver, I'm seeing a lot of people that were usually MUCH higher than me in my matches so I think the population drop is a lot more apparent this season. I guess I was going up against WAY worse people that made it higher up pushing me further, and now that the ones that stuck around are significantly higher skill than me they've all remained in their previous rankings or left all together.


But that's beside the point. I think I actually got top damage and healing on a joke acro staff thief build I ran a few days ago in Capricorn. lol


I know people don't want more elite specs because of it causing more "imbalance" but balance isn't obtainable. There are serious offenders though, and I'm not expecting anything groundbreaking from the upcoming announcement on the 30th, but I'd be excited for new specs if for no other reason than to break up the monotony of the current meta. You either run holo for it's insanely overpowered toolkit, cc, and damage, mirage to disorient people, spread condis, and clutter the screen with as many clones as possible, or some variation of necro which is honestly a coin flip as to whether or not they will actually be useful or just running what they think will get them an easy win. Or the necro IS decent, but the other team actually focuses them to the point that they don't even feel like leaving the base anymore.


Holo needs some fixing, but in general the whole system just breaks down to playing what you HAVE to play to be successful instead of what you enjoy playing that still has a chance to be successful. And that boils down to mirages forcing you to break condition cleanse oriented builds with reasonable sustain or enough random constant damage to burst them and their endless armies of clones down, or you have to play something condi heavy to counter holo's that can chain cc the majority of your team while doing insane damage, a reaper that can 100-0 people with aoe stuns, high damage and boon removal, or a scourge that if left unchecked and good enough can just fear spam, load people up with condis, remove boons, and revive their downs.


If you're at a high enough skill level I suppose anything you play can be viable, but does it have to be so much more work for things that aren't the current meta?

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> @"cptaylor.2670" said:

> > @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > > @"Lighter.5631" said:

> > > > ![](https://i.imgur.com/jd7YdzB.jpg "")

> > > >

> > > > before holo nerf, there's so many should be nerfed, for example, fire weaver, poison thief, support fb

> > > > after that power rev and holo, scourge nerfs at the same time

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > Yeah ele and thief can now win some 1v1's ooohhhh noooo nerf nerf now lmao least ur match was close so not sure what the pics showing, or is it cuz theres 3 thieves on one side? I just did a match where we won 500-5 lol that's uneven.

> >

> > How core thief get top offense, kills, and healing when both these others were condi rambos?

> >

> > Bottom duo probably carried the game.


> I don't much buy into those top stat things anyway. They don't really mean much to me when a bunker scrapper can come into a match and get almost all of the top stats simply because they've spent the entire time bunkering a point against multiple people. I mean, it doesn't really matter either way I guess, but it's not surprising. I've gotten top healing on my condi mirage before, but that's just because I'm pretty sure at least three of the people on the team were bots and didn't even press the heal button or do anything but auto.


> I've seen probably the same 4 or 5 bots in every at least 20 matches now. I've dropped significantly lower in my ranking, partially because I'm out of practice and wasn't that good to begin with, but going from struggling to stay in plat to probably dropping to silver, I'm seeing a lot of people that were usually MUCH higher than me in my matches so I think the population drop is a lot more apparent this season. I guess I was going up against WAY worse people that made it higher up pushing me further, and now that the ones that stuck around are significantly higher skill than me they've all remained in their previous rankings or left all together.


> But that's beside the point. I think I actually got top damage and healing on a joke acro staff thief build I ran a few days ago in Capricorn. lol


> I know people don't want more elite specs because of it causing more "imbalance" but balance isn't obtainable. There are serious offenders though, and I'm not expecting anything groundbreaking from the upcoming announcement on the 30th, but I'd be excited for new specs if for no other reason than to break up the monotony of the current meta. You either run holo for it's insanely overpowered toolkit, cc, and damage, mirage to disorient people, spread condis, and clutter the screen with as many clones as possible, or some variation of necro which is honestly a coin flip as to whether or not they will actually be useful or just running what they think will get them an easy win. Or the necro IS decent, but the other team actually focuses them to the point that they don't even feel like leaving the base anymore.


> Holo needs some fixing, but in general the whole system just breaks down to playing what you HAVE to play to be successful instead of what you enjoy playing that still has a chance to be successful. And that boils down to mirages forcing you to break condition cleanse oriented builds with reasonable sustain or enough random constant damage to burst them and their endless armies of clones down, or you have to play something condi heavy to counter holo's that can chain cc the majority of your team while doing insane damage, a reaper that can 100-0 people with aoe stuns, high damage and boon removal, or a scourge that if left unchecked and good enough can just fear spam, load people up with condis, remove boons, and revive their downs.


> If you're at a high enough skill level I suppose anything you play can be viable, but does it have to be so much more work for things that aren't the current meta?


Yeah, I was being sarcastic.


forgot the /s



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