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Is power ranger fun to play in fractals?


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I dont see many.

With the Aligade/firebrand being meta in fractals atm

Power ranger can be brought for the dps spirit

But I almost never see the Dps ranger version in T4 fractals


I do see a ton of elementalist/warriors/scourge/reapers/dragonhunters and sometimes a chrono

But rarely a power ranger, anyone know why?

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I play power soulbeast in fractals quite a bit. In my personal opinion, it is not quite as fun to play in fractals as it is in raids because of the short duration of a lot of the fights.


A lot of your DPS comes from Sic Em, which has a relatively long cooldown compared to the length of a lot of encounters. Because of this, you lose a bit of damage when you are fighting trash, mini bosses, or bosses with a lot of phases. It requires a decent bit of timing to get things close to perfect. Another thing that I dislike is that soulbeast has a lot of movement skills that can kind of screw you over if your target dies. This is more of a L2P issue than anything, but it causes me problems quite often either way.


It is still an effective class that does good DPS and provides some good party buffs though. I just think it is more fun in raids where you are hitting 1 boss for much longer rather than fractals where you are hitting a lot of things all the time.


edit: One more thing I dislike that I forgot to mention. Maul is kind of annoying. Even with quickness, maul is such a slow attack. Soulbeast has a couple of attacks that are slow but maul is particularly annoying. If you are trying to go through your rotation too fast, you end up cancelling a lot of skills with other skills by accident. This can obviously be an issue on any class, but I find it the worst with ranger. (at least out of the classes I play)

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As fun as any other class i imagine, i personally get a lot of enjoyment out of seeing my little asura stomp with worldy impact and do so much damage at once to lots of trash mobs :D


That said, as said above, power range rotation is primarly based around the timer of sic em- and since things die so fast, often a power ranger can't use sic em properly which is a huge cut to dps. Not that it stops me though.... :P

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I'm sorry I don't have much to contribute to the topic seeing how I have not played my ranger since the druid/chrono nerf.


However I was disappointed in myself that when I saw the topic I instantly thought about the 90's show Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.... and in no way related to the ranger for the game whose forum I currently was in. Somewhere along the way I failed lol.

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> @"Rico.6873" said:

> I dont see many.

> With the Aligade/firebrand being meta in fractals atm

> Power ranger can be brought for the dps spirit

> But I almost never see the Dps ranger version in T4 fractals


> I do see a ton of elementalist/warriors/scourge/reapers/dragonhunters and sometimes a chrono

> But rarely a power ranger, anyone know why?


Fun to play?


Fun to play with?


It's been months since I have seen a "Power Ranger" in any content who doesn't rock a longbow as if it were useful and LB4 at all times off cooldown because "situational" means "every situation".

I don't know what it is about the spec but it really does attract a larger number of really bad, selfish players.

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> @"Rico.6873" said:

> I dont see many.

> With the Aligade/firebrand being meta in fractals atm

> Power ranger can be brought for the dps spirit

> But I almost never see the Dps ranger version in T4 fractals


> I do see a ton of elementalist/warriors/scourge/reapers/dragonhunters and sometimes a chrono

> But rarely a power ranger, anyone know why?


It's called power soulbeast and is meta (https://discretize.eu/builds/ranger/power-soulbeast), but not many people play the build since DH or Berserker are easier and more reliable.


I've played power soulbeast a couple of times. It's okay but relies heavily on the rest of your setup, especially cc. Doesn't help that it drops from just about any damage to the face where any DH or Berserker would just shrug the damage off.

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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > @"Rico.6873" said:

> > I dont see many.

> > With the Aligade/firebrand being meta in fractals atm

> > Power ranger can be brought for the dps spirit

> > But I almost never see the Dps ranger version in T4 fractals

> >

> > I do see a ton of elementalist/warriors/scourge/reapers/dragonhunters and sometimes a chrono

> > But rarely a power ranger, anyone know why?


> It's called power soulbeast and is meta (https://discretize.eu/builds/ranger/power-soulbeast), but not many people play the build since DH or Berserker are easier and more reliable.


> I've played power soulbeast a couple of times. It's okay but relies heavily on the rest of your setup, especially cc. Doesn't help that it drops from just about any damage to the face where any DH or Berserker would just shrug the damage off.


Soulbeast brings 70k+ damage per player per burst phase with elite stance share alone though. Dh and a 2nd berserker are very selfish while slb adds a lot of group dps.

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