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Condi S/D Daredevil is overperforming and overpowered.

Crab Fear.1624

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> @"foste.3098" said:

> I am so sick and tired of ppl tossing around nerfs for condi s/d that nerf everything except the actual root of the build.

> You want to nerf weakening strikes so that daredevil has no access to weakness outside of staff yet you fail to understand that no elite line is tied to it's weapon. What would happen if you wanted to play non staff daredevil? you would have a minor trait that would be half dead.

> Then you might argue that you are meant to synergyse the daredevil line with deadly arts to enable the damage modification of weakening strikes for non staff builds, in which case every non staff build will be deadly arts, trickery, daredevil, which is terrible (i mean it more or less was that for a long time and still is to a lesser extent, but the point is that such a change would cement a lack of build diversity for daredevil).


> The issue of condi daredevil lies in deadly arts, not in acrobatic, not in daredevil, not in critical strikes but in deadly arts. Changing anything other than deadly arts would hurt other builds while having a minimal impact on the build you want nerfed, that then would need more nerfs that target the things which actually make build over preform.


> So, what is it in deadly arts that causes s/d to be over tuned? I see 2 things sticking out: deadly ambition and panic strike. So the solution is to change one of these and nothing else. I already wrote about deadly ambition in another post, but panic strike might be a simpler fix in that they could just give the poison application part of the trait a icd of ~6 sec and be done with it. Or change the poison to another condition and be done with it. Or just delete the secondary part of panic strike and revert it back to what it was; a long cd long duration immobilize application.


> EDIT: move this post to the thief subforum


The issue does NOT lie in deadly arts. Deadly arts is fine. If the root cause was deadly arts ALL weapon sets would be affected and not just s/d. No changes to Deadly ambition or Panic strike can be made that would not affect other weapon sets that use those traits. The P/d use of Panic strike is hardly an issue. The SB use of Panic strike is hardly an issue. The D/P use of Panic strike is hardly an issue.


The same applies to deadly ambition where again your proposed changes affect all other sets from Rifle to SB , all for the worse and none of which can be deemed as over performing.


Now while I sill reserve judgement on the use of Panic strike coupled with #2 on the s/x sets as to whether or not they are overperforming , there are ways to mitigate and avoid that damage source. At the end of the day the use of #2 on the s/x sets is something people complain about on power builds as well as both can port from behind walls and such and both spam to get in damage and out again. The difference between s/x power and s/x condition is people have always had a larger beef against condition builds because people tend not want to take cleanses and or change the way they fight to deal with a condition build. I can face s/x condition using Panic strike and a number of my builds and have no real issues with it. Unless it can be demonstrated that there no way of coping with the way the build works it can not be deemed OP.

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Spec's not even viable. It lacks the condition cover that other con specs have, If you honestly think dropping [sleight of hand] and [bountiful theft] for [Pressure striking] and [bewildering ambush], is a viable option i don't even know what to tell you.


The spec is quite cheesy, but the only reason it's "Working" is because of professions like Mirage and Necro dropping unique cover conditions (Spam bots that they are) that is allowing the thief to bury his psn stacks deep. I know this because i'm using {trickster] as my only damage removing condition clear and have no problems fighting this spec.


once they nerf this where just going to switch to the other non viable meme spec they added. And that one is far more of a pain in the ass to fight.

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> @"Highlie.7641" said:

> Spec's not even viable. It lacks the condition cover that other con specs have, If you honestly think dropping [sleight of hand] and [bountiful theft] for [Pressure striking] and [bewildering ambush], is a viable option i don't even know what to tell you.


> The spec is quite cheesy, but the only reason it's "Working" is because of professions like Mirage and Necro dropping unique cover conditions (Spam bots that they are) that is allowing the thief to bury his psn stacks deep. I know this because i'm using {trickster] as my only damage removing condition clear and have no problems fighting this spec.


> once they nerf this where just going to switch to the other non viable meme spec they added. And that one is far more of a pain in the kitten to fight.


This pretty well it in a nutshell. The spec is reliant on one condition and that poison and in that regard very much like those Condition builds that can stack on lots of burning but little else. Yes the burn can kill you if there no cleanse but it easily countered with cleanses.


Now you COULD in fact drop SOH for BA and might be better off but that confusion just is not reliable as a cover condition . Cover conditions need to be readily available and not be on a 20 second cooldown. BA and or pressure strike work much better with a p/d build or alternative condition build where there more conditions readily available.


I face these builds with s/p power thief can can clean poisons just on my own ports.

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D/D and S/D thieves are in a good spot at the moment. They can fight 1v1s and group fights with ease. But still are squishy enough, if not played right will die instantly. They are on a good balance now and people are just going to have to accept the fact they are not a pushover like the old D/P builds. Now people are going to have to learn to fight them.

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