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since upgrade windows sevent to windows ten have lagg spike graphig lagg and fps drop

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Good evening and sorry but English is not my native language and you are my last hope before I leave the game.


since i'm on windows 10 my game level is degrading, i have internet ping ups


as soon as I turn the camera right or left my screen hangs for a half or a second



and sometimes I lose images without reasons from - 10 to -50 per moment


my network : ![](https://pic.nperf.com/r/3209076654994913-4iBhu2IS.png "")

my config : https://www.userbenchmark.com/UserRun/17155024


I did a lot of stuff on the pc but I'd like fresh ideas anything


thank you to liten to me

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> You can contact the Tech CS Team via the 'Support' link above/below and 'Submit a Ticket' for assistance.


> Good luck.


allready did and they just say " your graphic card is not good for play , upgrade her "

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GTX 770, it 2 steps down to what I had, which was GTX780 Tiduring LW S3 there was a constant upgrade of game textures to the engine, then bout before PoF launch there was some massive upgrade that pushed my card to run from avg 65% to constantly at 90-99% at the same settings, which a lot were already set to medium or lowerupgraded to 980Ti and back to smooth game play, and able to set most settings to medium or slightly above

you can run the game even on an integrated Intel graphics from the CPU, but you need to set everything on lowest to be able to play slightly smoothly

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> @"SoldatSylvain.7984" said:

> Good evening and sorry but English is not my native language and you are my last hope before I leave the game.


> since i'm on windows 10 my game level is degrading, i have internet ping ups


> as soon as I turn the camera right or left my screen hangs for a half or a second



> and sometimes I lose images without reasons from - 10 to -50 per moment


> my network : ![](https://pic.nperf.com/r/3209076654994913-4iBhu2IS.png "")

> my config : https://www.userbenchmark.com/UserRun/17155024


> I did a lot of stuff on the pc but I'd like fresh ideas anything


> thank you to liten to me


The upgrade may have done one of two things :

* Switched you to Intel HD graphics instead of the NVidia

* Installed *Microsoft* drivers rather than NVidia drivers for the graphics card.


Both of those will reduce your achievable frame rates.

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Since you're on windows 10, you will have to adjust to it's advantanges and disadvantages. Make sure you turn off gamebar and dvr in windows 10. Unless of course if you're using them. Most probably not. They eat alot of fps which will be very important for your older card. You can google how to do this. Secondly, windows 10 is kind of a bandwidth eater. I use network monitoring on my gateway and a local firewall that can show me bandwidth usage on an application and port basis so I can throttle any of them to whatever I want, but I can't suggest that to you. A simpler way would be just to trust windows and lower down the allowed bandwidth alloted to windows updates. You can google again how to do this. Your graphics chip is indeed a bit dated. Until you update, don't go wild with the graphics settings. Your scan with user benchmark also warns you that your cpu usage is at 47%. Do check if this is happening on a constant basis, if yes, find what's causing it.

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Thank you for your help guys have disable xbox bar , dvr and put at 5% back allowed bandwidth donwloading for windows update . and i have see have probleme with my display drivers have reinstaling them ![](https://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2019/35/3/1567004625-sans-titre.png "")


now it's fine for display problem have +50fps at lion arch and around 140/70 everywhere with problem whe i turn left or right it's now fine but i continue to have probleme with ping have allways 100 + ping and dont know where the problem came come.


anyways thx for your help guys


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