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Future Plans: Competitive

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> @"Stephane Lo Presti.7258" said:

> We don’t feel it’s appropriate for your 2v2/3v3 rank to have any bearing on your conquest rank.


Do everyone a favor and don't worry about this. Throw rating out, it's a garbage, cruel, inhumane system that lets you think you can get a title but only ever gives the exact same reward to the exact same 250 of the entire population. The exact same players have won the exact same rewards for 18 seasons now. Enough. Do better. Drop this garbage and you might lose *some* of the horrible toxicity of your pvp atmosphere.


Btw losing the dancing and forcing ppl to treat each others like humans by having to say gg would be better.


Also enough with the dreams of esports its obviously not happening when you patch random changes a week before the end of a season. Think outside the box. The rest of your game is best in market. Do better in your pvp. Maybe make it fun. Worry about how to monetize it after its fun.

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> @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

> > @"lare.5129" said:

> > So may be add Spirit Watch only for 1 pvp season, and after end rethink is that was ok or not.


> Doesn't matter if it's for 1 season or not that map is just not fun to play specially in a competitive game.


The map design in itself isn't that bad with the y-axis and LoS, however I believe the secondary objective simply needs to be made something entirely else in order to make the map better suited for ranked. Look at Temple, it's the same kind of terrain yet properly executed.

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  • 4 weeks later...

> @"Stephane Lo Presti.7258" said:

> Hello everyone!


> During our Live Event today, we dropped some hints about our future plans for the competitive game modes. We wanted to go into a bit more detail here. This list is not all-inclusive, but has some of the bigger things that are currently on our list. Please keep in mind, this list is not carved in stone. Many of these plans could be changed dramatically or outright cancelled depending on changing priorities.


> # World Vs. World


> ## Scaling Objective Rewards


> We’re looking to add some additional rewards to WvW. One of the big ways we’re looking into doing this is added rewards for capturing and defending objectives that scale up based on how big the action was. For example successfully capturing a keep that was defended by 50 players should be a lot more rewarding than capturing a keep that was completely undefended.


> ## World Restructuring


> World restructuring, commonly referred to as the Alliance system, remains our top priority for WvW. We’re not going into details on this post, since a lot of detail has been released previously. We are still not in a place where we feel comfortable releasing a target date, but we are still working on it.


> There remain big issues in WvW there are not addressed by World Restructuring. The biggest one is finding a means to make winning mean something in WvW without motivating players to burn themselves out trying to maintain 24/7 coverage. We have some early designs built around this and will be investigating them once World Restructuring is finished so it is a bit too early for us to go into details around the ideas, but we’re thinking about them.


> # sPvP


> ## Monthly Tournaments


> Getting monthly tournaments back on, is currently our #1 priority for PvP. We’re working on this as fast as we can. (Note: Fixes may already be live by the time this post is up.)


> ## Swiss Tournaments


> Swiss tournaments remain our top priority for sPvP. Our current plan is that once the system is ready, we’ll create some special tournaments using the swiss format. Given the complexity of the automated tournament system, there is almost certainly going to be issues that we cannot discover until the system is stressed with real players and teams. Once we’ve addressed issues coming from there, we will convert all automated tournaments to the swiss format.


> ## Special Tournaments


> At this point, we’re holding off on the return of special tournament formats (2v2, 3v3, Tournament of Legends), until after swiss tournaments are complete. But now that some other bugs have been resolved, we’re hoping to get these going on a more regularly cadence.


> ## Mini-Seasons


> We are currently planning on experimenting with mini-seasons with alternate game modes (2v2, 3v3, etc.) during what would normally be off-season time. The key tech we’re missing for this is currently getting additional rating types, as we currently only have ranked and unranked. We don’t feel it’s appropriate for your 2v2/3v3 rank to have any bearing on your conquest rank. We don’t have a timeframe for that change, however, it’s something we’re very interested in doing. Having conquest seasons not overlap with ranked queue for other game modes alleviates most of the concerns we have for splitting the population base.





Right, so I have been at this game for a year now, and I wanted to post a few suggestions for pvp (I feel wvw changes are great as you plan them)

so First of all, I think in pvp gamemode, we shouldn't be allowed to change characters once we are called in for a match. I for one like playing on my spellbreaker if its a good or a bad matchup, I am sticking to it, but there is nothing more annoying when the opposite team switches around characters to outplay us. I have never seen such a thing being done in any other mmo, and I think it has nothing to do with the player skill whatsoever, It is a "legal exploit" nothing more, I am strongly against this.

Another thing I would like to suggest is to bring in a vote to kick system, where 3 or 4 votes to kick a player from a team would result the immediate removal of that person from match and replacement from solo q. The amount of times I have encountered a player who threw the match right after the first encounter is shocking, I think we shouldn't be forced to play out a match with ppl who don't want to contribute. I see no downside of this, if we want to make sure its not abused make it a 4 vote system so everyone else has to agree that the player has to go.

as a positive, and put it this way, I am talking from personal experience: the level of toxicity and verbal offensive comments would be significantly reduced by having the vote to kick option as we could salvage the match and wouldn't end up fuming after playing through a 4v5 match to the end.

That's just my experience/opinion, feel free to discuss.

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  • 2 weeks later...

> @"Arden.7480" said:

> some of the community makes me: :#


> Keep up the amazing job Arenanet! No matter those pitiful reactions, don't care about them, just do your work. <3


they arnt doing "their work". At least not as it relates to the game modes we all care about. thats the problem. they have been stating the same things for a very long time as "new things that are coming to pvp/wvw". The real issue is that pvp and wvw dont make the company any money so anything invested in those modes has a poor ROI. Thats why they focus on making the game appealing to new audiences rather than focusing on their existing fan base.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So.. Just a curious question. Since season 20 is a big deal being #20. Will it still be 5v5 circlequest duo wintrade wars? Or are we finally going to have some competitive play like back in seasons 1-4?


I really hope things are changed up. let teams que again. Add a TDM button for ranked, Let stronghold be played in ranked like before. Anything but the duo wintrade wars with the only option being circlequest for maps.

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Wouldn't it be a good idea to test new game modes? Like removing the central node from Spirit Watch and make it a Capture the Orb map? And Legacy of the Foefire could be an 10v10/15v15 GvG map. Remove the side nodes but leave the two paths towards the gates, then remove the central capture node functionality. And additional work on Stronghold, I really like that mode but it needs more love from you ArenaNet <3

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Why focus on Competitive Play? It never works.

In every game I’ve played one truth remains the same, you cannot “balance” every class in order to make everyone happy. You will and should have one class that can overpower another. Balancing should come from the person playing the character and not the game compensating for your lack of skill or effort in obtaining better gear.


Obviously, this creates un-happy players, and un-happy players leave or quite the game.


I’d like to say I can provide some options but there just isn’t any when it comes to “balancing” a game in connection with PvP or WvW. Maybe drop everyone on a map with the same gear and the same weapons and let them hack it out? Example would be Doom. Skill played a major part, at least until Bots arrived.


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> The biggest one is finding a means to make winning mean something in WvW without motivating players to burn themselves out trying to maintain 24/7 coverage.


Tend to agree about participation feast followed by famine, particularly when the better nature of WvW play is sustained participation, aka continuous meaningful content. Seems this where WvW is suffering most atm, lowered populations while peak hours of participation narrow; and that's without meaningful contest rewards.


Seems like something is missing considering Anet's dominant market position in this area. I never quite get how Fortnite Battle Royale has a player base counted in millions and WvW can't even sustain meaningful content populations. Zero queue resets are the norm now, even on T1 servers. Though clearly different games in a variety of ways, both seem to have more in common than not when it comes to likely market interest. And so, is there a marketing problem?


Leadership rewards? Never understood why some form of credit isn't given to tags, at least tags that so substantially contribute to WvW game content. Seems there's a metric there to make such a reward system workable without exploit. Pugmanders in particular, at least the resilient, committed ones deserve some form of tangible acknowledgement as new players often initially experience WvW through them. The game suffers in their absence, and it's effectively the WvW tag "farm system."


Finally, how about a path to WvW legendary weapons akin to the current armor rewards/incentive system? (Doubtless a very old request at this point.)


[edited for grammar/spelling/punctuation]

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  • 2 weeks later...

>We’re looking to add some additional rewards to WvW. One of the big ways we’re looking into doing this is added rewards for capturing and defending objectives that scale up based on how big the action was. For example successfully capturing a keep that was defended by 50 players should be a lot more rewarding than capturing a keep that was completely undefended.

VERY BAD idea .. why I shroud so care and get penalty if play not it very popular wvw server ?

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> @"lare.5129" said:

> >We’re looking to add some additional rewards to WvW. One of the big ways we’re looking into doing this is added rewards for capturing and defending objectives that scale up based on how big the action was. For example successfully capturing a keep that was defended by 50 players should be a lot more rewarding than capturing a keep that was completely undefended.

> VERY BAD idea .. why I shroud so care and get penalty if play not it very popular wvw server ?


Don't WvW servers rotate regularly so that this situation shifts in favor of everyone successively?

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What a load of BS.


I am ashamed to say that I have owned your game since very near the original launch and I have only seen PvP get worse and worse. You nerf. You buff. You tweak and you adjust but you have no real idea of how to balance the game and no idea how to create a true "competitive" PVP game. This game is a joke to a pro gamer.


Fix the builds and fix the grouping. The same old content would continue to be exciting if you created true balance within the game. It isnt as if people are begging for new and different types of basketball courts! One well made and well designed basketball court is all that is needed. Great games are played by generation after generation because they are based on levels of skill and creativity. Chess or Go have been played for hundreds of years because each player is balanced on the same simple playing field.


Great online gaming is no different. Why cant you guys get your shit together? If you are unable to balance the classes, then create a mode where players are forced to play a particular class and build. That way, at the very least, the teams builds are balanced. Then, remove all grouping. Why do you even allow duos in ranked matches? It is an obvious advantage to some and obvious disadvantage to others. Then, setup a fair system to deal with disconnects. The only fair system in my mind would be that the match is null and void and would need to restart if any player goes afk or disconnects.


These things all seem glaringly obvious so I just assume you are a shitty company that is tryign to stretch and squeeze this badly made game for every last dime.


SAD .....

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I don't know about the problem with Spirit Watch. Back then in 2013 I enjoyed it. Though I'm more of a noob. And I haven't played from end 2013 until June 2019 and still playing core without expansions.


The problem I have with that "competitive" play is that most players seem to want the classes to be balanced in a way that they can survice 1 vs. 1 against any build (or even better 1 vs 2 or 1 vs 3). They seem to ignore that the matches are team matches. People one-shotting others might not be good ad defending or overly bunkerish guys might not be good at capping (lower dps and more defensive build).


With the random queues it is a problem of having random players playing random classes (a lot probably can't just switch build or char for playing another class cause they would need to have trained playing with that as well but if they play 1 main only 99 percent ...)


With pre-made teams (first searching a party, then talking strategies, then going into matches) it would be less of a problem even if some class has problems vs. another class. (Actually I guess it is builds ... where certain builds seem to be strong vs everyone but stll mighthave some weakness). Good teamplay is more important. Well ... thats at least what I would like ideally.


And I prefer maps that have secondary mechanics where teamplay is very important. Spirit Watch and Temple are my favorite ones. Having to defend an orb carrier ... or deciding wether to get a buff or just cap the points - is an interesting tactical aspect. (For example if in Temple at the bottom mid buff all enemies are rushing there it might be good to let them cap and have your players retake the capture points immediately while blocking the enemy from getting up - at the mid point. I can understand why in a ranked with random queue some people would not want to play certain maps because of the randomness of teams.

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Please take the gold out of PvP. Tired of people just doing pvp for gold farming aka bots and players that dont care about there rank or anyone else. If you got ride of the gold heres what would happen: No more bots to farm it, so that they can sell it, it would lower the toxic community, people would actually care about there rank and play inside of farming for gold, and just make it like the WvW reward Chest.

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  • 1 year later...

> @"ROMANG.1903" said:

> > @"lare.5129" said:

> > >We’re looking to add some additional rewards to WvW. One of the big ways we’re looking into doing this is added rewards for capturing and defending objectives that scale up based on how big the action was. For example successfully capturing a keep that was defended by 50 players should be a lot more rewarding than capturing a keep that was completely undefended.

> > VERY BAD idea .. why I shroud so care and get penalty if play not it very popular wvw server ?


> Don't WvW servers rotate regularly so that this situation shifts in favor of everyone successively?


These rotations don't help when every single time you are attached to the weakest servers. I'm from one of the lowest population servers, and we are routinely attached to OTHER weak servers. This does not help us one bit. Two weak servers doesn't equal a strong server. Weak servers are generally weak because of coverage issues. If anything the lowest pop servers should be attached to servers that are known for high WvW populations, not the lowest ones!

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