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Heart of thorns veteran armor voucher /Mordem glider what for??

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So I opened up my game today and I saw the mail from Anet and they gave me this things ! At the beginning I didn't knew why and since I lost today's live stream I wasn't able to understand some told me is for HoT and PoF veterans others asked me where did i got those ! But after searching in gw2 pages I was wondering what is the point for those things !

Some also told me that i had to wait but I didn't knew why !


So does anybody knows what these are and why did anet gave it any explanation !!!??? OR is it just another gift ??

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It's because form today Heart of Thorns will be included when players buy Path of Fire.


Anyone who already owned HoT is given these items, as a thank you and 'proof' that they bought it before it was bundled. Like how they gave the Royal Guard Outfit to people who bought the base game before free-to-play was introduced.

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> It's because form today Heart of Thorns will be included when players buy Path of Fire.


> Anyone who already owned HoT is given these items, as a thank you and 'proof' that they bought it before it was bundled. Like how they gave the Royal Guard Outfit to people who bought the base game before free-to-play was introduced.


I had been trying to figure out how I had gotten the royal guard armor.

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