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Why people so mad?

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I am not mad, just very disappointed. I knew no expansion was coming and this would be about the next season (saga) and a few extras. A surprised would have been nice.

Something to do pvp, wvw, raids, guild halls, jeweller up to 500?

Going deeper into the lore and more story I think is good. Strike missions is an interesting idea. Maybe they will have different hardness levels?

It was over hyped and that is it. Most of the stuff has already been announced. Why the hype? Why the show?

If they would just come out with a blog post and say this is where we are going, this is what we are looking at.

I think it would have gone over a lot better.

I hope Mike is feeling better.

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> @"Holgarf.6581" said:

> As somewhat of a critic of ANet and GW2 but someone who of course still enjoys the game, I don't see why people are so maaadddddd about the reveal event. The story is what drives the game. What did you expect?


> Assuming there is more more easily accessible content, instead of the super grind that 99% of GW2 is and perhaps some more cosmetics outside of the ever looming Gem Store, I think this will be great. If I could pick anything though, it'd be more optimisation and bug fixes to the old game, since so many were left behind and haven't been touched in 7 years. These guys need more than a 1 man patch team. I would very much like to see QoL updates, improved cursors, and such. I hope each of our characters gets 1 free build slot each. I'd be pretty mad if it cost 1200 gems for a build slot. All of these things can still be achieved.


> Overall I think the event was pretty good. And it's nice of Anet to give HoT away for free - that's also beneficial to everybody else.


> (Please though, no more mount unlock grinds... the Griffon and Skyscale I can live with... but, no more... I'll die).


People are just venting because they aren't getting what they think Anet should be giving them. The real problem is that these people aren't being honest with themselves because at this point, if someone don't have some concept of how, when and what kinds of content Anet is going to deliver to them, they just aren't paying attention.


i mean, what did they expect to hear? Anet tell them that they have been working for 2 years and are going to deliver easy mode raids, balanced classes in all game modes and a complete revamp in WVW with 5 new awesome things for players to do in one big release? People set unreasonable expectations for themselves, not Anet. Observe what is real, because we are only going to get more of that reality.

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I'm primarily play wvw. The only time I step into pve is for legendary requirements.


I have spent thousands of dollars on this franchise. More then any game ever.


I'm mad because the game mode I choose to play has been neglected for 4? Years?


-The lack of balance.

-The lack of content.

-And most important of all, the lack of fixing the lag, that anets own devs admit there is a serious problem with.


I won't spend another dime on this franchise. I'm officially done.


45 minutes and we got 20 second of it. And it was literally to push us aside.


Shameful doesn't even describe it.

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Anet probably thought of the event along these lines :


" Let's have a cheer up moment for the team after the rough times of the lay offs and share some quality time with our community to boost the morale of both the studio and the players.


With a free live event, we'll announce some free content, and since we explicitly said the announcement would be just about the living world and not features or expansion, what can possibly go wrong?"



Well, this is community management 101: long months of wait, the teapot erp drama, and a very vocal minority pushed a part of the player base to the edge.


Once on that edge, the backlash bomb was just a spark away to explode, and it is the hype surrounding the event that ignited that spark.


Imagine a keynote where Apple doesn't even showcase the new iPhone: they just tease about how great it's going to be but they dont show the actual phone.


The saga may be more ambitious than anything before, but because they didn't want to spoil anything there was nothing concrete to show or discuss. Just tease.


And to add the insult to the injury, they closed the event with some arguable merchandising fluff.



Tl:Dr Anet thought they had managed expectations by advertising the event as living world only. But they didn't even get to show anything meaty by fear of spoil.


Worse, instead of being upfront and advertise the event as just a humble community gathering to cheer the team up and share the trailer + some teaser, they hyped the event to the extreme.


It really is a case study of expectation management and what it means to offer a Game As A Service with a demanding and vocal customer base...

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> @"jbondo.9817" said:


> This also would cause a lot of uproar because a lot of us spent 60$ (more depending on the HoT pack we bought) to get that expansion, the same way we bought core GW2, so I'm sorry but getting an armor skin (just one piece by the way, not even a full outfit) and a poorly designed glider didn't really soften the blow of hearing that I've now spent 120$ that had I waited and not been invested in this game whatsoever I could've just spent 30$ and had 3 games. It's beneficial towards new players, but it feels like a last stitch cash grab.


Honestly for this one... just get over it, and get over yourself. This is industry standard. What does WoW charge for its older expansions now? What does FFXIV charge now? Reducing the price on two year old expansions or games is expected. Giving it away with the latest expansion is something lots of games, particularly MMOs do. I can go buy a GotY edition of a game and pay LESS than I did for the original game with no expansions, and still get everything it came with. I can buy the full edition of Shadowbringers on XIV and get the core game, Stormblood and Heavensward for the same price that I paid for each individually. If you think they owe you ANYTHING just cause you got them sooner, you need to calm down. You already got your investment.

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> @"Hugs.1856" said:

> Anet probably thought of the event along these lines :


> " Let's have a cheer up moment for the team after the rough times of the lay offs and share some quality time with our community to boost the morale of both the studio and the players.


> With a free live event, we'll announce some free content, and since we explicitly said the announcement would be just about the living world and not features or expansion, what can possibly go wrong?"



> Well, this is community management 101: long months of wait, the teapot erp drama, and a very vocal minority pushed a part of the player base to the edge.


> Once on that edge, the backlash bomb was just a spark away to explode, and it is the hype surrounding the event that ignited that spark.


> Imagine a keynote where Apple doesn't even showcase the new iPhone: they just tease about how great it's going to be but they dont show the actual phone.


> The saga may be more ambitious than anything before, but because they didn't want to spoil anything there was nothing concrete to show or discuss. Just tease.


> And to add the insult to the injury, they closed the event with some arguable merchandising fluff.



> Tl:Dr Anet thought they had managed expectations by advertising the event as living world only. But they didn't even get to show anything meaty by fear of spoil.


> Worse, instead of being upfront and advertise the event as just a humble community gathering to cheer the team up and share the trailer + some teaser, they hyped the event to the extreme.


> It really is a case study of expectation management and what it means to offer a Game As A Service with a demanding and vocal customer base...


To be honest... I have a hard time being upset about the merchandising fluff. People have been saying for years that ANet does zero marketing and a lot of people outside the game don't even know it exists. There has hardly been any RL Merch released for the game that wasn't specifically organized by the community. The fact that in this past year a whole bunch of merchandising deals have been pushed through is actually kindof a big deal to be honest. It means the marketing department is actually... marketing. Also I wouldn't be surprised if daddy NC made them include it in their segment.

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> @"Sojourner.4621" said:

> > @"Hugs.1856" said:

> > Anet probably thought of the event along these lines :

> >

> > " Let's have a cheer up moment for the team after the rough times of the lay offs and share some quality time with our community to boost the morale of both the studio and the players.

> >

> > With a free live event, we'll announce some free content, and since we explicitly said the announcement would be just about the living world and not features or expansion, what can possibly go wrong?"

> >

> >

> > Well, this is community management 101: long months of wait, the teapot erp drama, and a very vocal minority pushed a part of the player base to the edge.

> >

> > Once on that edge, the backlash bomb was just a spark away to explode, and it is the hype surrounding the event that ignited that spark.

> >

> > Imagine a keynote where Apple doesn't even showcase the new iPhone: they just tease about how great it's going to be but they dont show the actual phone.

> >

> > The saga may be more ambitious than anything before, but because they didn't want to spoil anything there was nothing concrete to show or discuss. Just tease.

> >

> > And to add the insult to the injury, they closed the event with some arguable merchandising fluff.

> >

> >

> > Tl:Dr Anet thought they had managed expectations by advertising the event as living world only. But they didn't even get to show anything meaty by fear of spoil.

> >

> > Worse, instead of being upfront and advertise the event as just a humble community gathering to cheer the team up and share the trailer + some teaser, they hyped the event to the extreme.

> >

> > It really is a case study of expectation management and what it means to offer a Game As A Service with a demanding and vocal customer base...


> To be honest... I have a hard time being upset about the merchandising fluff. People have been saying for years that ANet does zero marketing and a lot of people outside the game don't even know it exists. There has hardly been any RL Merch released for the game that wasn't specifically organized by the community. The fact that in this past year a whole bunch of merchandising deals have been pushed through is actually kindof a big deal to be honest. It means the marketing department is actually... marketing. Also I wouldn't be surprised if daddy NC made them include it in their segment.


It is akin to the blizzard and diablo mobile case: wrong crowd at the wrong time.


The merchandising is what it is, but it sure feels like a money grabber at the end of a show that was dry of actual content - which can only add fuel to the fans' fury and frustration.


Really sad though because in itself the event was pleasant and chilled.

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> @"Hugs.1856" said:

> Anet probably thought of the event along these lines :


> " Let's have a cheer up moment for the team after the rough times of the lay offs and share some quality time with our community to boost the morale of both the studio and the players.


> With a free live event, we'll announce some free content, and since we explicitly said the announcement would be just about the living world and not features or expansion, what can possibly go wrong?"



I don't really know about that. Mike Z. seamed offaly off during the anouncement. It could be just because he was nervous about public speaking, but I don't know. If you watch, he also got a runny nose during the announcement, which is odd beings it is not flu season.


My guess is that it was this:



Potentially could have been going on for awhile.

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> @"Feeh.1720" said:

> Give all the content to those who buy the game now, and a title and an ugly skin to those who have supported the game ever .... I can't see that as a thank you but only that they care more about new ones players and less with the older ones.....For me it was a "take it and be happy or leave we don't care about you"


The very best thing Anet can do for veterans in this game is to remove barriers to entry for new players. You think getting more players into the game doesn't affect veteran players more positively? I have no idea why that would be. Anet is doing what any business would do, lowering the price an older piece of software to make it a selling point to remain competitive. What they're giving you as a veteran isn't anything because they're not doing anything wrong. They're taking a game they've already had on sale numerous times for $15 anyway and putting it into a $30 game.


In fact, when those sales were on the game was $30 half price and with the $20 extra for HoT, it was $10 half price, so you could already gett both games for $25 prior to this. They simple made the regular price of the game $30 include both games. Plenty of people bought those two games for $25, so what exactly is Anet supposed to give us? Sorry but just don't see your point.

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> @"Batel.9206" said:

> ArenaNet hyped the event into something big - which it was...just not in the way people erroneously thought it would be. Some people took the hype and *ran* with it, speculating about elite specs and expansions (which ArenaNet had already - repeatedly - confirmed there would not be an expansion) and thus were disappointed when it turned out to be...exactly what ArenaNet had announced: a new Living World story and some features within.

The problem for me is that they OVER-hyped it compared to what it actually was. And there is very little actual information. No real timings, no details on what they announced, just general lines.


Not everybody's the same of course, but a lot of people have been wanting, needing and hoping for a new expansion. Do mind it has been two years since we had a refresh of the game. That is what an expansion is and does. LS or Saga's are not that. So for a good portion of the player base this approach is problematic. It is for me. I'm bored with the game. I need that refresh but all things considered the best case scenario for a next expansion, if indeed there ever will be another one, is 2021. That would be a 4 year gap between expansions. That's really not good enough for someone like me.


But the gap between the expectations they set with their hype and what they actually delivered is one of the biggest problem. The fact that there is no expansion even mentioned is another. And finally the lack of details creates more concerns than anything. I'm worried for the apparent link they made between the build and gear templates and legendary gear. It sounded like it was something that will be especially useful for those people who have legendary gear. It's that half-information that will create a lot of comments and reactions that you really don't want to have in the end.


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> @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > @"Feeh.1720" said:

> > Give all the content to those who buy the game now, and a title and an ugly skin to those who have supported the game ever .... I can't see that as a thank you but only that they care more about new ones players and less with the older ones.....For me it was a "take it and be happy or leave we don't care about you"


> The very best thing Anet can do for veterans in this game is to remove barriers to entry for new players. You think getting more players into the game doesn't affect veteran players more positively? I have no idea why that would be. Anet is doing what any business would do, lowering the price an older piece of software to make it a selling point to remain competitive. What they're giving you as a veteran isn't anything because they're not doing anything wrong. They're taking a game they've already had on sale numerous times for $15 anyway and putting it into a $30 game.


> In fact, when those sales were on the game was $30 half price and with the $20 extra for HoT, it was $10 half price, so you could already gett both games for $25 prior to this. They simple made the regular price of the game $30 include both games. Plenty of people bought those two games for $25, so what exactly is Anet supposed to give us? Sorry but just don't see your point.


thats so true. they never care about veterans, look at the skin they given for someone already had HOT. to me is a piece of junk. the skin is too ugly.

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> @"JUN YANG.4328" said:

> > @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > > @"Feeh.1720" said:

> > > Give all the content to those who buy the game now, and a title and an ugly skin to those who have supported the game ever .... I can't see that as a thank you but only that they care more about new ones players and less with the older ones.....For me it was a "take it and be happy or leave we don't care about you"

> >

> > The very best thing Anet can do for veterans in this game is to remove barriers to entry for new players. You think getting more players into the game doesn't affect veteran players more positively? I have no idea why that would be. Anet is doing what any business would do, lowering the price an older piece of software to make it a selling point to remain competitive. What they're giving you as a veteran isn't anything because they're not doing anything wrong. They're taking a game they've already had on sale numerous times for $15 anyway and putting it into a $30 game.

> >

> > In fact, when those sales were on the game was $30 half price and with the $20 extra for HoT, it was $10 half price, so you could already gett both games for $25 prior to this. They simple made the regular price of the game $30 include both games. Plenty of people bought those two games for $25, so what exactly is Anet supposed to give us? Sorry but just don't see your point.


> thats so true. they never care about veterans, look at the skin they given for someone already had HOT. to me is a piece of junk. the skin is too ugly.


You clearly misunderstood what I wrote.

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why do people say nothing new was revealed? we have the name and theme of the next living world season, that wasn't known before.

and it stills blows my mind that after Anet has been telling for months that no new expac is coming and that story would move through living world seasons, people complain that they were expecting an expac announcement...

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> @"coso.9173" said:

> why do people say nothing new was revealed? we have the name and theme of the next living world season, that wasn't known before.

> and it stills blows my mind that after Anet has been telling for months that no new expac is coming and that story would move through living world seasons, people complain that they were expecting an expac announcement...


well its the new trend, people will always have something to complain and hate about when anet didnt say they going to announce an expansion. people are just disappointed i guess. but still the hate and toxicity isnt neccessary. we have lw5 , alliance for wvw and some stuff for spvp. so thats alot of content

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> @"Doug.4930" said:

> People are mad because Anet put on this big song and dance about the "BIG ANNOUNCEMENT". They booked a venue and everything. The announcement can be summarised as follows:


> "Nothing is changing we're just gonna be doing the same thing we've been doing over the past few years."


> I mean why bother with this big announcement just to tell us its business as usual?


You mean as opposed to the "silence" that every other post complains about? Now people have the "path" that the game is heading down.


Just because people didn't hear what they wanted does not make this fact less so.

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It's not that people were expecting an expac, it's that anet in april said that since they were not doing an expac, we could expect expansion like features within the living story episodes. ( Elite specs are the only thing common to both expacs that we have not gotten in living story) so people were expecting things such as elite specs to at least be confirmed that they are being worked on. For them to fix the bugs and balance issues in pvp that have existed for more than a year. For them to confirm that they are still in fact working on raids and fractals, for them to actually say " Here's the alliances feature we talked about but never delivered on" Instead we got the infamous " It'll come soon" line that's been repeated for 3 years now.


People are upset because this revealed that anet is in as dire straights as they appeared after the layoffs. We want to know wether to continue to invest in a dying game.


All coupled with the fact that arena net hyped this up like never before. It was more hyped than both POF and HOT and the only other time they made an announcement like this was to announce HOT and all the content that came with it. Understandably people were expecting more and I think you knew that. Being intellectually dishonest as if you don't know why people are upset does nothing to help the situation either.

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