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Why people so mad?

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I'm not sure why people are getting mad at what is essentially free new content. It's an announcement showing the game is still growing, that there is still a fair bit of life in the old girl and it's still worth playing.


I imagine the style of announcement was to promote GW2 as a whole against the launch (in the same week) as wow classic.



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I think a lot of us thought this was the content we had been waiting on for nearly 2 years now.


Dont get me wrong, I'll play out the story once but thats it. I have a job so no need to grind which leaves me lots of time to play PvP, WvW or another game with a decent story. Seeing as WvW and PvP are heavily neglected and joked about, my options are limited.


Real shame too... once upon a time, this game offered something unique to all other games out there and that was WvW and the intricate but delicate combat sysyem. There's no other game that provides this but I can think of heaps of games with dragons or a flimsy story line where one minute Im beating a god then then next minute die to a few rats or pocket raptors... it literally makes no sense.


- Sparkles and Rainbows.


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Meanwhile people on the Elder Scrolls Online forum are complaining that they didn't do a live stream from PAX to announce the new DLC, even though they know pretty much exactly what it will be because their DLCs always follow the same pattern. Apparently the lack of a live stream proves the developers don't know what they're doing and don't care about fans at all.


It seems like developers can't win no matter what they do, or don't do.

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People are just bemused as this could have been relayed in a much simpler form. Just chuck it in on the forums somewhere. No need for timers no need for people to get into that auditorium and leave ho hum. KISS applies Keep It Simple Stupid. What's delivered was fine it's just you've got to understand some people have differing opinions, so just let 'em. Crying about people cryings just bonkers.

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Bemused, actually, that a event that promised to show the new living world story, people then made it about new classes, specs, wvw, pvp, abc, etc when they never said they would be discussing that.

If there's one thing I noted is that episode 1 and 2 are in the same maps so kudos guys who don't like exploring you got your wish.

All these PvP/WvW moaning that aren't listened too, how about spare a dime for us that want Cantha and don't even get a mention away from the announcement 7 years ago? Not once have they taken that by the horns and said anything. The lore can be changed, the buildings which was the damned issue can be changed.

You got more chance of getting your precious content then i have.



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I... don't think the big announcement was really for us, actually.


I mean yes, it was for us, but the real purpose was to show that ANet is still standing and the game is still growing even after this year's layoffs. If they'd just made a few blog posts and such as some people are suggesting, it would have done little to dispel any "ANet is dying" rumors going around. "Game's still going and look, marketing deals!", on the other hand, shows that they've landed on their feet.

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The core players are not mad,the ones who waste away in Lion's Arch are mad...the ones who usually complain about anything and everything.The forum people are mad,some don't even play the game anymore but have an obsession with spreading whatever negativity they can....and reddit....which is the same.People who have nothing better to do,usually who have a lot of time on their hand,rush content and skip stories,the ones who don't support the game in any way,those usually complain. Ofc there are exceptions.

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i wasnt disappointed by hearing this stuff but they didnt need to do so much hype just for the same announcement they have done before. they hyped it up so i thought it might be a bit more then normal which it wasnt. i feel if they would have waited on the cooking announcement til after this and included it with the live stream instead of before then that might have lived up to the hype for the event. they gave us the same amount of info they normally give there ls announcement so the live stream wasnt need for it and the extra of renting out a studio and all the announcements werent needed. they put too much effort into the same old announcement. even if they put in a tidbit of whats coming after the next ls like announce the another ls coming or expansion i might have been less ticked off. some one said in another thread they need to fix their hype machine i totally agree with that statement

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Because many of us still think that GW2 is one of the most polished and fun games that we desperantely WANT to play, yet when we log on there is simply nothing to do for us.


Therefore when we heard that there was a big huge announcement after all that silence, where we hoped to get a good idea about the future of the game, we hoped that they would give us a new expansion or new game modes, new gameplay layers, something to waste hundreds of more hours on.


What we got was no news at all, just them saying essentially "everything stays the same". Not only was this not newsworthy at all, which is the first major reason that ppl are mad that Anet "tricked" them to watch a boring and completely overhyped live event, no we also didn't even get a confirmation or answer for the most important questions like "Will there be another expansion?" "will we get new especs?" "PvP? WvW? Fractals? Raids? Any other game mode?"


Nothing. This tells many ppl that Anet is seemingly very disconnected with what they want from this game and makes them frustrated since they think that their voices in the last 7 years remained unheard and that even though the basic foundation of this game is so great and it shouldn't be too hard to build good replayable game content for it, it simply doesn't happen any time soon.

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> @"Talindra.4958" said:

> I am not sure why people get so upset .. we have so many updates recently.. raids etc.. so new living story arriving which is a good thing.. there are other team working on other stuff.. these people are working hard.. i don't know why players behave like children crying for candies.


I agree. Players (most of whom don't play casually) hyped their own expectations through the roof. I didn't and I saw the announcement in a very exciting way : I could see devs were genuinely excited for lore and story!! Tons of updates last time too, I am genuinely excited :)

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iam on of the minority that are not mad because every time anet makes some changes it was a bad change for me personally :(


example: desert border map in wvw; mounts in wvw; adding hot and pof bufffood to wvw; adding ascendet bufffood to wvw..; bringing new classes to pvp and wvw ( but forget to balance them / or give them some tradeoff...... new maps that requiere mastery ( for me mastery is a big grind and i hate grind )


Less new things added = less mistakes are made.



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Most people I've seen posting are not mad, just extremely disappointed.


A lot of people thought the event would lead to an expac announcement (or at least that there will be one). It didn't.

A lot of people thought it would reveal new, groundbreaking, game changing features on the level of gliding, mounts, or specs. It didn't.


The plot we got from the event was already predicted multiple times over based on the recent updates. Even the new map location was obvious and already predicted based on the world map update timing. The event just felt unnecessary and made players hyped for new groundbreaking changes, when there don't seem to be any for people who already have both HoT and PoF (i.e. most people posting and attending the event). It felt like the post on the GW2 news page would have covered most of the new changes and have been a much better alternative to a full event (the last two of which they announced full expacs in).


I'm still holding out on some hope that the "expansion level" content anet promised us will be in LWS5, but the season just doesn't feel that way basedo n how it is being advertised and instead feels like either more of the same (map based masteries, 1 hour of story every 4 months) or even a step down from LWS4 (reusing old maps, no new maps each episode).

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Many people heard exactly what they were expecting. Living world content is very bad at keeping all but the most casual players interested in the game. That is the reason why the playerbase is almost exclusively casual players now. This game had a huge amount of potential to be an amazing pvp and organized pve game, and every major update, balance patch and release moves the game in the complete opposite direction. The more "hardcore" population has been quitting for a long time, and this announcement confirms that there is going to be no more focus on pvp/wvw and organized pve.

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im not calling myself mad more disappinted they overhyped something im still excited over the announcement right before 500 conking and jewelry which in my opinion should have been in the live stream and then i would have defended the live stream. yes i like we are going Norn surprised a bit about Jormag thought they announced not going against the next dragon at first so yes a bit surprised amd ok with that. the 10 man strike i didnt really care something to as i read to replace raids ok move over raids just like move over dungeons. skill templates ok they announced that already thats news we knew already. at the end i sat there wondering more why all this hype over most stuff we knew were coming. rest was trying to sell stuff ok no problem there but not what i wanted. dont pvp so dont even recall what they said there wvw no news nor update about alliances thats ok whats the big thing for all this hoopla nothing nothing at all so yes big disappointment no news about whats coming after the living story. oh i forgot saga no more season so what call the same thing a different names whoop de do. masteries ok we get the same thing every saga or season anyways. i sit here thinking why do all this for not much to start with. i like the news we got but it was expected so the theatre and hiring people to host wasnt needed. heck ruby could have done a better job and she does on her regular spots she does. ikm not mad not going to stop playing not going to buy less gems just disappointed a hint of something would have been better for all this hype

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> @"Fenom.9457" said:

> It's an error of marketing, if anything. If you factor out how it was revealed and **just think about the stuff coming, it's a lot and very exciting.**




> Sure some details were unanswered (like the timeframe on next fractal, raid, what's next for legies) but if you expected everything to be answered now, that's on you IMO. **They will reveal more as the time approaches.**


Then they shouldn't have wasted money on an overhyped live presentation, IMO. I think that's the point that's left such a bitter taste in many players' mouths.

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...because people on the forums can't comprehend that they aren't necessarily the target audience for convention presentations.


Don't believe me? have a look at the "outrage" when a publisher recasts a comic book character to expand their main ensemble's racial and gender diversity.

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> @"thepenmonster.3621" said:

> > @"Konrad Curze.5130" said:

> > > @"Conqueror.3682" said:

> > > If Arenanet said there was not going to be an expansion, then what the kitten the people were expecting?

> >

> > An expansion


> The thing they said a year ago they weren't going to make?


Now i understand. the problem is not Anet, the problem is that people is just dumb.

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The lack of help regarding lag in wvw, even though a dev admitted there is a serious problem on reddit and never posted again.


The drastically declining population of wvw due to lag and lack of content for the last 4? Years?


And the lack of response from anet aside from deleting of posts begging for help on these subjects.


![](https://i.imgur.com/X1KcXvD.jpg "")


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