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Low level maps [suggestion]


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Have some random low level maps that get captured and get fully leveled to 80 with level 80 drops and all, for a day or more a week. Maybe add some level 80 metas or events at this time too. Maps could be modified to add mount content too. This may make low level maps more worth returning to.

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> @"Zahld.4956" said:

> Have some random low level maps that get captured and get fully leveled to 80 with level 80 drops and all, for a day or more a week. Maybe add some level 80 metas or events at this time too. Maps could be modified to add mount content too. This may make low level maps more worth returning to.


Hey OP check this thread out


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Currently we able to go to low levels due to the fact we get leveled down but still get the rewards of a lvl 80. I know there are complaints enough when a low level map is the daily and everyone goes to visit on how the new chars suffer to achieve anything. There are a number of people who do return to the maps doing things like world bosses but do know usually they looking at where get best returns.

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> @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> > @"Zahld.4956" said:

> > Have some random low level maps that get captured and get fully leveled to 80 with level 80 drops and all, for a day or more a week. Maybe add some level 80 metas or events at this time too. Maps could be modified to add mount content too. This may make low level maps more worth returning to.


> Hey OP check this thread out

> https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/72387/idea-rotating-open-world-nightmare-mode-mist-storm


Sounds like a good idea hehe.

Giving low level players a non-upleveled instance can solve some low level problems though.


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> @"Ellegon Mcleod.5931" said:

> Currently we able to go to low levels due to the fact we get leveled down but still get the rewards of a lvl 80. I know there are complaints enough when a low level map is the daily and everyone goes to visit on how the new chars suffer to achieve anything. There are a number of people who do return to the maps doing things like world bosses but do know usually they looking at where get best returns.


Those scaled rewards aren't usually that great though.

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> @"Zahld.4956" said:

> > @"Seera.5916" said:

> > That won't work. ANet won't want to shut off entire maps to new players who do not have a level 80 character to play.


> There are plenty of low level maps around. They could also upscale low level players for these maps too to help them out.


Personal story pushes players to low level maps.


Players shouldn't be forced to play avoid the level 80 creatures while trying to get their level 30 character to the personal story star.



Higher level boss in an isolated area of the map ala Marionette. That's fine.


No locking the entire map away from lower levels.


Leaving it at just a certain small area of a map means they can let the event run longer which would reduce any toxicity from people trying to get all of the achievements when a run fails. A single day only event would have to have a boss that could be mindlessly zerged in order to be successful. Letting it be around for some time would let the boss have some mechanics that players have to overcome.

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This game currently has 25 lvl 80 maps, 2 maps that are partly level 80, and 24 maps below level 80. That's easily half of the game restricted to level 80 already. We also have alot of content on the below 80 maps relevant to players at level cap (world bosses, collections, achievements, races, dungeons, all kinds of level-independent content like jps) that do give relevant rewards. What exactly are you looking for in a "captured" random map that the game's regular endlevel content can't give you?

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No. Though I'd like the idea to have different versions of the normal maps. (Like ... some people suggested to bring back old LA - which still exists somewhere in the files and is only accessible on old personal story.) Where you could just switch (chat same for all players though).


Orr ... hasn't it been cleansed. Now I still only play core game. But I bet the people that also beat Kralkatorrik and have played all expansion stories ... still have - even though technically lots of ingame time has passed - the old maps with risen in orr.


I'd love to see this different type of adding new maps (which I probably should make a own thread for) - instead of filling the not explored parts in the world map.

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> @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> This game currently has 25 lvl 80 maps, 2 maps that are partly level 80, and 24 maps below level 80. That's easily half of the game restricted to level 80 already. We also have alot of content on the below 80 maps relevant to players at level cap (world bosses, collections, achievements, races, dungeons, all kinds of level-independent content like jps) that do give relevant rewards. What exactly are you looking for in a "captured" random map that the game's regular endlevel content can't give you?


Sub-level 80 maps are mainly for training to get to level 80. Most will eventually achieve level for most of their alts. There doesn't need to be that many sub 80 level maps really.


Another work around could be to convert most maps to level 80 and leave only 3 or 4 maps per race to be sub level 80 maps.


Players cannot stay level sub level 80 forever while playing so there's not a whole lot of reason to keep so many maps sub 80. Quicker leveling in those maps might apply here too because who wants to take forever to level their alts to get to the endgame content (instead of tomes to skip leveling, this content can be more used by most players more frequently instead). Harvest-able materials in the maps can stay the same materials to not negatively impact the mat economy too much. Having more low level mats in high level areas would also help balance available mats in the economy also, on the other hand.

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> @"Zahld.4956" said:

> > @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> > This game currently has 25 lvl 80 maps, 2 maps that are partly level 80, and 24 maps below level 80. That's easily half of the game restricted to level 80 already. We also have alot of content on the below 80 maps relevant to players at level cap (world bosses, collections, achievements, races, dungeons, all kinds of level-independent content like jps) that do give relevant rewards. What exactly are you looking for in a "captured" random map that the game's regular endlevel content can't give you?


> Sub-level 80 maps are mainly for training to get to level 80. Most will eventually achieve level for most of their alts. There doesn't need to be that many sub 80 level maps really.


> Another work around could be to convert most maps to level 80 and leave only 3 or 4 maps per race to be sub level 80 maps.


> Players cannot stay level sub level 80 forever while playing so there's not a whole lot of reason to keep so many maps sub 80. Quicker leveling in those maps might apply here too because who wants to take forever to level their alts to get to the endgame content (instead of tomes to skip leveling, this content can be more used by most players more frequently instead). Harvest-able materials in the maps can stay the same materials to not negatively impact the mat economy too much. Having more low level mats in high level areas would also help balance available mats in the economy also, on the other hand.


I'd rather have multiple lower level maps to vary the leveling experience for my alts. Not be forced to do one map over and over again because it's the only one level appropriate.


Low level mats in lower level maps help new players get gold. They don't have a need for those mats right away and can therefore sell those mats on the trading post to higher level players who primarily play on higher level maps. Since as you said, players don't remain below 80 for long the supply of those lower level mats is always less than the top tier mats that are easily obtainable by level 80 foes and gathering nodes. The lower supply helps keep the cost higher on the trading post, especially when demand increases. Your suggestion would actually very likely hurt the economy and hurt new players by allowing level 80 players to farm those mats on a level appropriate map.

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What if guilds fought to capture starter areas maps, and defend them, for rewards, helping players progress on those captured maps would create benefit to the owning guild and to the new players not participating. When a map is being contested perhaps they could have high level mobs invading with the lowbie players able to assist by doing other tasks that would only be available for non guild participants leveling....think collecting wood to build a ballista then using it to take out lv80 mobs that might help a guild defending a point from mob invasions and pvpers. So basically an attacking guild could spend resources to summon a type of invading mob type that would swarm capture points, defending guild has to deal with pve and pvp to keep their claim...noobies play around and get to pick off mobs for fun and vets have something to fight over.



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> @"Zahld.4956" said:

> Players cannot stay level sub level 80 forever

Says who? Actually in this game you can if that's what you enjoy, and still get endgame-appropriate rewards.


Endgame in GW2 starts at level 1, and ANet has done a great job in making lower level maps relevant and interesting for players of all levels, including those with only characters at max level. Having a wide variety of places and things to do rather than specific endgame-grind that gives a very narrow focus on few activities is one of the strongest points of this game. No need to change this, especially not just to provide a grind-of-the-week activity for the people that focus on efficiency (or, as Pooh put it, "a fish in the sea") rather than fun.


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> @"StrangerDanger.3496" said:

> What if guilds fought to capture starter areas maps, and defend them, for rewards, helping players progress on those captured maps would create benefit to the owning guild and to the new players not participating.

It would also lead to guilds competing (for control of maps and the attached extra rewards) rather than cooperating. Cooperation over competition is one of the core principle of this game. Every PvE player, no matter if solo or part of a huge guild, no matter if they roam the open world or play instanced group content, has a chance at rewards roughly equal to whatever other players gain. You don't have to compete with others for resource nodes, or for kill credit, or for anything else. Instead there is incentive to cooperate with others, no matter who they are or what their preferred (PvE) playstyle is.


Guilds competing for limited, above average rewards leaves the solo players, the smaller, less focussed guilds, even the focussed guilds that were just second best this time on the roadside, creating a much different athmosphere and sense of "reward fairness" than this game has tried to create for the last 7 years. It simply doesnt fit here.


> When a map is being contested perhaps they could have high level mobs invading with the lowbie players able to assist by doing other tasks that would only be available for non guild participants leveling....think collecting wood to build a ballista then using it to take out lv80 mobs that might help a guild defending a point from mob invasions and pvpers. So basically an attacking guild could spend resources to summon a type of invading mob type that would swarm capture points, defending guild has to deal with pve and pvp to keep their claim...noobies play around and get to pick off mobs for fun and vets have something to fight over.

If you want PvP in PvE, try looking up all of the other thread on the subject through this forums search engine. There were enough of them even just in the last couple of weeks. In those threads you will find a wealth of arguments detailing why this is just not the game for that kind of content.

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> @"Redavv.2643" said:

> Dont know if raising the lvl of core maps would work, but they can update those maps with better graphics, layout, and more interesting bosses that work with the current specs.


I think that the idea is for newer spec'd classes/characters to stay in the newer zones and not swing back through core. /shrug

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> @"Seera.5916" said:

> > @"Zahld.4956" said:

> > > @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> > > This game currently has 25 lvl 80 maps, 2 maps that are partly level 80, and 24 maps below level 80. That's easily half of the game restricted to level 80 already. We also have alot of content on the below 80 maps relevant to players at level cap (world bosses, collections, achievements, races, dungeons, all kinds of level-independent content like jps) that do give relevant rewards. What exactly are you looking for in a "captured" random map that the game's regular endlevel content can't give you?

> >

> > Sub-level 80 maps are mainly for training to get to level 80. Most will eventually achieve level for most of their alts. There doesn't need to be that many sub 80 level maps really.

> >

> > Another work around could be to convert most maps to level 80 and leave only 3 or 4 maps per race to be sub level 80 maps.

> >

> > Players cannot stay level sub level 80 forever while playing so there's not a whole lot of reason to keep so many maps sub 80. Quicker leveling in those maps might apply here too because who wants to take forever to level their alts to get to the endgame content (instead of tomes to skip leveling, this content can be more used by most players more frequently instead). Harvest-able materials in the maps can stay the same materials to not negatively impact the mat economy too much. Having more low level mats in high level areas would also help balance available mats in the economy also, on the other hand.


> I'd rather have multiple lower level maps to vary the leveling experience for my alts. Not be forced to do one map over and over again because it's the only one level appropriate.


Or maybe a short series of game types that bring you to level 80 with one crafting maxed at the end. This leveling series would have beginner dungeons, fractals, raids, open world instance, jumping puzzle, mini game, DE, hearts, meta events, world boss, underwater area, map completion, crafting, BL Trading, specially made for leveling and be randomized to make things less monotonous.

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> @"Zahld.4956" said:

> > @"Seera.5916" said:

> > > @"Zahld.4956" said:

> > > > @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> > > > This game currently has 25 lvl 80 maps, 2 maps that are partly level 80, and 24 maps below level 80. That's easily half of the game restricted to level 80 already. We also have alot of content on the below 80 maps relevant to players at level cap (world bosses, collections, achievements, races, dungeons, all kinds of level-independent content like jps) that do give relevant rewards. What exactly are you looking for in a "captured" random map that the game's regular endlevel content can't give you?

> > >

> > > Sub-level 80 maps are mainly for training to get to level 80. Most will eventually achieve level for most of their alts. There doesn't need to be that many sub 80 level maps really.

> > >

> > > Another work around could be to convert most maps to level 80 and leave only 3 or 4 maps per race to be sub level 80 maps.

> > >

> > > Players cannot stay level sub level 80 forever while playing so there's not a whole lot of reason to keep so many maps sub 80. Quicker leveling in those maps might apply here too because who wants to take forever to level their alts to get to the endgame content (instead of tomes to skip leveling, this content can be more used by most players more frequently instead). Harvest-able materials in the maps can stay the same materials to not negatively impact the mat economy too much. Having more low level mats in high level areas would also help balance available mats in the economy also, on the other hand.

> >

> > I'd rather have multiple lower level maps to vary the leveling experience for my alts. Not be forced to do one map over and over again because it's the only one level appropriate.

> >

> Or maybe a short series of game types that bring you to level 80 with one crafting maxed at the end. This leveling series would have beginner dungeons, fractals, raids, open world instance, jumping puzzle, mini game, DE, hearts, meta events, world boss, underwater area, map completion, crafting, BL Trading, specially made for leveling and be randomized to make things less monotonous.


That's what we already have for the most part. Except I can choose to level however I wish. Not with whatever method a randomizer decides I need to level.

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