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Guessing scourge nerf of cast times on shroud skills


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> @Aktium.9506 said:

> > @Justine.6351 said:

> > So...

> > Its been a month and coming up on two. How do people feel about cast time on shade skills or delay or a global cooldown for them?


> That depends entirely on if there's any compensation for it elsewhere. Shade skills are very weak on their own. This can't be stressed enough, traits are what makes the Shade skills potent. I wouldn't mind seeing Shade skill recharges increased by 33% across the board and maybe an added cast time of ½ seconds on each skill all with a unique animation. But only if the power or effect of the Shade skills themselves is increased by an equal amount. Mathematically this would be around 70% increased potency/effect to account for the recharge increase and cast time I used as examples.


> Instant cast skills are cancer in general and I would see them gone from the game as a whole if possible. Everything should have some amount of cast time or aftercast to enable more counterplay and make things less spammy.


> But nerf Shades too much and you might as well play core Necro. Which would actually be fine for me in a vacuum, but we can't expect every other elite spec for every other class to have their elite specs brought down to core class levels of terrible. And I really wouldn't like seeing my main class get dumpstered that hard, it's already pretty rough in Raids and as a matter of fact also in PvP without competent support.



I'm somewhat confused as to why you think a class that is a massive across the board upgrade to the previous elite (a previous elite that was meta in it's own right) somehow needs compensation.


And honestly? Scourge should not be viable in PvP modes. PvE sure, but PvP no. It's a class built on spewing massive amounts of cleave damage over a large area with 0 telegraph. Scourge is turret engi levels of absurdity, but unlike turret engi Scourge is actually S tier meta at high levels of play.


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Scourge, as any ranged condi class is a cancer to PvP and WvW


As gw2 is structured condi damage is superior to power builds due the fact you just need to boost three attributes to be really effective (vitality, thoughness and condi damage) this way you are able to do damage and do not die and if you add the ranged factor you get a S+ tier class. S class are condi melee, then we go down to power ranged and then at the end to power melee.



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> @JustDemons.4358 said:

> > @Crinn.7864 said:

> > > @ArmageddonAsh.6430 said:

> > > > @Justine.6351 said:

> > > > So...

> > > > Its been a month and coming up on two. How do people feel about cast time on shade skills or delay or a global cooldown for them?

> > >

> > > I personally think they are fine as they are, If you're not in melee they are pretty much useless and as a necro, you arent really going to get to spend much time in melee against anyone that isnt new to the game. If they gave them cast times, they would ruin them. You cant really have cast times on defense skills. Maybe a global cool down, so that you can't use multiple ones at the same time.

> > >

> > > Really, Scourge is really only "overpowered" in groups and zergs which is basically - Use all the AoE and thats about it. Remove it from that setting and it becomes far less useful. Small groups and solo and its MUCH weaker.

> >

> > No it is not fine as is.

> >

> > Scourge is singlehandedly holding revenants, reapers, eles, and engi completely out of the meta, while soft countering a slew of other builds. LB ranger and p/p thief are the only two builds even capable of threatening a scourge. Scourge is a 900 range kiting class that just also happens to have the best melee cleave in the game, because why bother with tradeoffs when you can just be raw irredeemable power creep.

> >

> >


> holding revs out of meta? CoR revs with those power 1200 range spike skills are a hard counter to scourge 0.0 (due to the range)


i do understand many moans about what professions or specializations are outperformed or xyz are held down by a... but revenant is really none of them- you are very right here sir !

3/5 skills of revs cant be reflected and CoR is even almost invisible in bigger fights + crits like MAD while being reasonably reactive/defensive (stunbreaks, evades, blocks en masse) while playing full glass.


...its sad that a more balanced state of wvw and the amount of various specializations in wvw seems to be very hard to achieve OR is not wanted?

wvw is not casual enough for "play what you want". i'd really love to see a statement of anet to this kind of question. are they aware of it? do they like the state? plans?

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> @Crinn.7864 said:

> No it is not fine as is.


> Scourge is singlehandedly holding revenants, reapers, eles, and engi completely out of the meta, while soft countering a slew of other builds. LB ranger and p/p thief are the only two builds even capable of threatening a scourge. Scourge is a 900 range kiting class that just also happens to have the best melee cleave in the game, because why bother with tradeoffs when you can just be raw irredeemable power creep.


I personally disagree with this. Revenants are still part of the meta, if not for just having the Hammer faceroll zergging. Elementalists are still very much wanted and taken. The Reaper problems have NOTHING to do with the Scourge and once they fix the Shroud drain then Reapers will be welcome again, they have the damage. The shroud draining just cost too much. Engineers, they still have plenty of builds for Zerging and groups.


scourge isnt holding ANY of them out of the meta what so ever. So curious as to why you think they are. They can ALL beat (except Reaper) Scourge 1 Vs 1, in groups and zergs all of them are still welcome and not out of the "meta" of zerging. Any person with range and mobility can beat a Scourge in a 1 Vs 1 situation.



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I play glass hammer rev. I will get into melee range with reaper now that deathly chill died. But I will not get within 900 range of a scourge if I can help it. I give them zero play because they give zero play to me and everyone else. Scourge is now what chill shout reaper used to be, an abomination to any kind of PvP.

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> @Justine.6351 said:

> I play glass hammer rev. I will get into melee range with reaper now that deathly chill died. But I will not get within 900 range of a scourge if I can help it. I give them zero play because they give zero play to me and everyone else. Scourge is now what chill shout reaper used to be, an abomination to any kind of PvP.


Scourge is rather easy to counter even fighting in melee. CC is welcome, Condition removal as well. trying not to boon spam, Blocks as well. My soulbeast melts them. My Chrono has a solid time against them as well, though it has high mobility, CC, Ranged attacks, stealth. Everything a Scourge hates.


Scourge is nowhere near that bad. they are SO easy to kite, SO easy to lock down. Out of all the condition builds. I fear Scourge the least lol

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> @Crinn.7864 said:

> > @JustDemons.4358 said:

> > > @Crinn.7864 said:

> > > > @ArmageddonAsh.6430 said:

> > > > > @Justine.6351 said:

> > > > > So...

> > > > > Its been a month and coming up on two. How do people feel about cast time on shade skills or delay or a global cooldown for them?

> > > >

> > > > I personally think they are fine as they are, If you're not in melee they are pretty much useless and as a necro, you arent really going to get to spend much time in melee against anyone that isnt new to the game. If they gave them cast times, they would ruin them. You cant really have cast times on defense skills. Maybe a global cool down, so that you can't use multiple ones at the same time.

> > > >

> > > > Really, Scourge is really only "overpowered" in groups and zergs which is basically - Use all the AoE and thats about it. Remove it from that setting and it becomes far less useful. Small groups and solo and its MUCH weaker.

> > >

> > > No it is not fine as is.

> > >

> > > Scourge is singlehandedly holding revenants, reapers, eles, and engi completely out of the meta, while soft countering a slew of other builds. LB ranger and p/p thief are the only two builds even capable of threatening a scourge. Scourge is a 900 range kiting class that just also happens to have the best melee cleave in the game, because why bother with tradeoffs when you can just be raw irredeemable power creep.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > holding revs out of meta? CoR revs with those power 1200 range spike skills are a hard counter to scourge 0.0 (due to the range)


> I wasn't talking about WvW. Not that CoR revs mean anything in a zerg where you have two dozen scourges barrier sharing,


ok maybe i was mixing smth up.. im a noob rev... idk if i meant CoR rev.. i ment hose who who crit u for 10k from a 1200 range. :( anyways i have made pretty bad experineces with revs against me.

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> @Aesa.4819 said:

> That's like giving mesmer shatters a cast time and or ICD, it would make the skills next to useless.


depends on the lenght of the ICD.


January 03, 2013

Shatter skills now share a global 0.25 second recharge, to prevent multiple shatter effects triggering on the same illusion.

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> @JustDemons.4358 said:

> > @Crinn.7864 said:

> > > @JustDemons.4358 said:

> > > > @Crinn.7864 said:

> > > > > @ArmageddonAsh.6430 said:

> > > > > > @Justine.6351 said:

> > > > > > So...

> > > > > > Its been a month and coming up on two. How do people feel about cast time on shade skills or delay or a global cooldown for them?

> > > > >

> > > > > I personally think they are fine as they are, If you're not in melee they are pretty much useless and as a necro, you arent really going to get to spend much time in melee against anyone that isnt new to the game. If they gave them cast times, they would ruin them. You cant really have cast times on defense skills. Maybe a global cool down, so that you can't use multiple ones at the same time.

> > > > >

> > > > > Really, Scourge is really only "overpowered" in groups and zergs which is basically - Use all the AoE and thats about it. Remove it from that setting and it becomes far less useful. Small groups and solo and its MUCH weaker.

> > > >

> > > > No it is not fine as is.

> > > >

> > > > Scourge is singlehandedly holding revenants, reapers, eles, and engi completely out of the meta, while soft countering a slew of other builds. LB ranger and p/p thief are the only two builds even capable of threatening a scourge. Scourge is a 900 range kiting class that just also happens to have the best melee cleave in the game, because why bother with tradeoffs when you can just be raw irredeemable power creep.

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > holding revs out of meta? CoR revs with those power 1200 range spike skills are a hard counter to scourge 0.0 (due to the range)

> >

> > I wasn't talking about WvW. Not that CoR revs mean anything in a zerg where you have two dozen scourges barrier sharing,


> ok maybe i was mixing smth up.. im a noob rev... idk if i meant CoR rev.. i ment hose who who crit u for 10k from a 1200 range. :( anyways i have made pretty bad experineces with revs against me.


Hammer rev is a gimmick class that sees no play in sPvP because it loses to everything, including Scourge because LoS is a thing.


WvW is a different story, but I see no reason for balancing the game around a gamemode where the average mechanical skill is less than silver division in PvP.


> @ArmageddonAsh.6430 said:

> > @Justine.6351 said:

> > I play glass hammer rev. I will get into melee range with reaper now that deathly chill died. But I will not get within 900 range of a scourge if I can help it. I give them zero play because they give zero play to me and everyone else. Scourge is now what chill shout reaper used to be, an abomination to any kind of PvP.


> Scourge is rather easy to counter even fighting in melee. CC is welcome, Condition removal as well. trying not to boon spam, Blocks as well. My soulbeast melts them. My Chrono has a solid time against them as well, though it has high mobility, CC, Ranged attacks, stealth. Everything a Scourge hates.


> Scourge is nowhere near that bad. they are SO easy to kite, SO easy to lock down. Out of all the condition builds. I fear Scourge the least lol


Yeah I'm sure CC a scourge will do wonders. Oh wait Scourge can activate f2-f5 while CC'ed. Nevermind that meta Scourge runs multiple stunbreaks.

Condi removal? Nothing outside of full bunker firebrand has the condi clear necessary to clear past Scourge's cover condis.

Ranged? p/p thief and marksman LB ranger are the only two ranged classes that can consistently kill a scourge. You forget that scourge is a 900 range class.

Stealth? Scourge is probably the least effected by stealth. Cleaving is hard yo.

Don't boon spam? Oh because gutting your own damage and defenses just to mildly inconvenience a scourge is such a winning strat.


There is a reason that every single tournament team, every single WvW zerg, and every single winning team in platinum has one or more scourges in it. The entire sPvP meta is defined by Scourge.


> @Aktium.9506 said:

> > @Crinn.7864 said:

> >a previous elite that was meta in it's own right

> ayy lmao

Reaper was meta in both sPvP and WvW, and only suffered in PvE. Reaper would still be meta in both sPvP and WvW if Scourge had not happened.

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> @Crinn.7864 said:

> > @JustDemons.4358 said:

> > > @Crinn.7864 said:

> > > > @JustDemons.4358 said:

> > > > > @Crinn.7864 said:

> > > > > > @ArmageddonAsh.6430 said:

> > > > > > > @Justine.6351 said:

> > > > > > > So...

> > > > > > > Its been a month and coming up on two. How do people feel about cast time on shade skills or delay or a global cooldown for them?

> > > > > >

> > > > > > I personally think they are fine as they are, If you're not in melee they are pretty much useless and as a necro, you arent really going to get to spend much time in melee against anyone that isnt new to the game. If they gave them cast times, they would ruin them. You cant really have cast times on defense skills. Maybe a global cool down, so that you can't use multiple ones at the same time.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Really, Scourge is really only "overpowered" in groups and zergs which is basically - Use all the AoE and thats about it. Remove it from that setting and it becomes far less useful. Small groups and solo and its MUCH weaker.

> > > > >

> > > > > No it is not fine as is.

> > > > >

> > > > > Scourge is singlehandedly holding revenants, reapers, eles, and engi completely out of the meta, while soft countering a slew of other builds. LB ranger and p/p thief are the only two builds even capable of threatening a scourge. Scourge is a 900 range kiting class that just also happens to have the best melee cleave in the game, because why bother with tradeoffs when you can just be raw irredeemable power creep.

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > holding revs out of meta? CoR revs with those power 1200 range spike skills are a hard counter to scourge 0.0 (due to the range)

> > >

> > > I wasn't talking about WvW. Not that CoR revs mean anything in a zerg where you have two dozen scourges barrier sharing,

> >

> > ok maybe i was mixing smth up.. im a noob rev... idk if i meant CoR rev.. i ment hose who who crit u for 10k from a 1200 range. :( anyways i have made pretty bad experineces with revs against me.


> Hammer rev is a gimmick class that sees no play in sPvP because it loses to everything, including Scourge because LoS is a thing.


> WvW is a different story, but I see no reason for balancing the game around a gamemode where the average mechanical skill is less than silver division in PvP.



Pls dont speak about 99% of people you dont know (99% of all WvW - Players / 99% of PvP - Players). You don't know the skill Lvl of every WvW Player. I doubt u were on ALL Servers.

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> @Crinn.7864 said:

> > @JustDemons.4358 said:

> > > @Crinn.7864 said:

> > > > @JustDemons.4358 said:

> > > > > @Crinn.7864 said:

> > > > > > @ArmageddonAsh.6430 said:

> > > > > > > @Justine.6351 said:

> > > > > > > So...

> > > > > > > Its been a month and coming up on two. How do people feel about cast time on shade skills or delay or a global cooldown for them?

> > > > > >

> > > > > > I personally think they are fine as they are, If you're not in melee they are pretty much useless and as a necro, you arent really going to get to spend much time in melee against anyone that isnt new to the game. If they gave them cast times, they would ruin them. You cant really have cast times on defense skills. Maybe a global cool down, so that you can't use multiple ones at the same time.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Really, Scourge is really only "overpowered" in groups and zergs which is basically - Use all the AoE and thats about it. Remove it from that setting and it becomes far less useful. Small groups and solo and its MUCH weaker.

> > > > >

> > > > > No it is not fine as is.

> > > > >

> > > > > Scourge is singlehandedly holding revenants, reapers, eles, and engi completely out of the meta, while soft countering a slew of other builds. LB ranger and p/p thief are the only two builds even capable of threatening a scourge. Scourge is a 900 range kiting class that just also happens to have the best melee cleave in the game, because why bother with tradeoffs when you can just be raw irredeemable power creep.

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > holding revs out of meta? CoR revs with those power 1200 range spike skills are a hard counter to scourge 0.0 (due to the range)

> > >

> > > I wasn't talking about WvW. Not that CoR revs mean anything in a zerg where you have two dozen scourges barrier sharing,

> >

> > ok maybe i was mixing smth up.. im a noob rev... idk if i meant CoR rev.. i ment hose who who crit u for 10k from a 1200 range. :( anyways i have made pretty bad experineces with revs against me.


> Hammer rev is a gimmick class that sees no play in sPvP because it loses to everything, including Scourge because LoS is a thing.


> WvW is a different story, but I see no reason for balancing the game around a gamemode where the average mechanical skill is less than silver division in PvP.


> > @ArmageddonAsh.6430 said:

> > > @Justine.6351 said:

> > > I play glass hammer rev. I will get into melee range with reaper now that deathly chill died. But I will not get within 900 range of a scourge if I can help it. I give them zero play because they give zero play to me and everyone else. Scourge is now what chill shout reaper used to be, an abomination to any kind of PvP.

> >

> > Scourge is rather easy to counter even fighting in melee. CC is welcome, Condition removal as well. trying not to boon spam, Blocks as well. My soulbeast melts them. My Chrono has a solid time against them as well, though it has high mobility, CC, Ranged attacks, stealth. Everything a Scourge hates.

> >

> > Scourge is nowhere near that bad. they are SO easy to kite, SO easy to lock down. Out of all the condition builds. I fear Scourge the least lol


> Yeah I'm sure CC a scourge will do wonders. Oh wait Scourge can activate f2-f5 while CC'ed. Nevermind that meta Scourge runs multiple stunbreaks.

> Condi removal? Nothing outside of full bunker firebrand has the condi clear necessary to clear past Scourge's cover condis.

> Ranged? p/p thief and marksman LB ranger are the only two ranged classes that can consistently kill a scourge. You forget that scourge is a 900 range class.

> Stealth? Scourge is probably the least effected by stealth. Cleaving is hard yo.

> Don't boon spam? Oh because gutting your own damage and defenses just to mildly inconvenience a scourge is such a winning strat.


> There is a reason that every single tournament team, every single WvW zerg, and every single winning team in platinum has one or more scourges in it.


Mirages kite em very hard too + have the condi removal + mobility + burst damage + condi pressure on its own. Works pretty well for me

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> @FaboBabo.3581 said:

> > @Crinn.7864 said:

> > > @JustDemons.4358 said:

> > > > @Crinn.7864 said:

> > > > > @JustDemons.4358 said:

> > > > > > @Crinn.7864 said:

> > > > > > > @ArmageddonAsh.6430 said:

> > > > > > > > @Justine.6351 said:

> > > > > > > > So...

> > > > > > > > Its been a month and coming up on two. How do people feel about cast time on shade skills or delay or a global cooldown for them?

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > I personally think they are fine as they are, If you're not in melee they are pretty much useless and as a necro, you arent really going to get to spend much time in melee against anyone that isnt new to the game. If they gave them cast times, they would ruin them. You cant really have cast times on defense skills. Maybe a global cool down, so that you can't use multiple ones at the same time.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Really, Scourge is really only "overpowered" in groups and zergs which is basically - Use all the AoE and thats about it. Remove it from that setting and it becomes far less useful. Small groups and solo and its MUCH weaker.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > No it is not fine as is.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Scourge is singlehandedly holding revenants, reapers, eles, and engi completely out of the meta, while soft countering a slew of other builds. LB ranger and p/p thief are the only two builds even capable of threatening a scourge. Scourge is a 900 range kiting class that just also happens to have the best melee cleave in the game, because why bother with tradeoffs when you can just be raw irredeemable power creep.

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > holding revs out of meta? CoR revs with those power 1200 range spike skills are a hard counter to scourge 0.0 (due to the range)

> > > >

> > > > I wasn't talking about WvW. Not that CoR revs mean anything in a zerg where you have two dozen scourges barrier sharing,

> > >

> > > ok maybe i was mixing smth up.. im a noob rev... idk if i meant CoR rev.. i ment hose who who crit u for 10k from a 1200 range. :( anyways i have made pretty bad experineces with revs against me.

> >

> > Hammer rev is a gimmick class that sees no play in sPvP because it loses to everything, including Scourge because LoS is a thing.

> >

> > WvW is a different story, but I see no reason for balancing the game around a gamemode where the average mechanical skill is less than silver division in PvP.

> >

> > > @ArmageddonAsh.6430 said:

> > > > @Justine.6351 said:

> > > > I play glass hammer rev. I will get into melee range with reaper now that deathly chill died. But I will not get within 900 range of a scourge if I can help it. I give them zero play because they give zero play to me and everyone else. Scourge is now what chill shout reaper used to be, an abomination to any kind of PvP.

> > >

> > > Scourge is rather easy to counter even fighting in melee. CC is welcome, Condition removal as well. trying not to boon spam, Blocks as well. My soulbeast melts them. My Chrono has a solid time against them as well, though it has high mobility, CC, Ranged attacks, stealth. Everything a Scourge hates.

> > >

> > > Scourge is nowhere near that bad. they are SO easy to kite, SO easy to lock down. Out of all the condition builds. I fear Scourge the least lol

> >

> > Yeah I'm sure CC a scourge will do wonders. Oh wait Scourge can activate f2-f5 while CC'ed. Nevermind that meta Scourge runs multiple stunbreaks.

> > Condi removal? Nothing outside of full bunker firebrand has the condi clear necessary to clear past Scourge's cover condis.

> > Ranged? p/p thief and marksman LB ranger are the only two ranged classes that can consistently kill a scourge. You forget that scourge is a 900 range class.

> > Stealth? Scourge is probably the least effected by stealth. Cleaving is hard yo.

> > Don't boon spam? Oh because gutting your own damage and defenses just to mildly inconvenience a scourge is such a winning strat.

> >

> > There is a reason that every single tournament team, every single WvW zerg, and every single winning team in platinum has one or more scourges in it.


> Mirages kite em very hard too + have the condi removal + mobility + burst damage + condi pressure on its own. Works pretty well for me


Mirage is a balance problem in it's own right.

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> @Crinn.7864 said:

> Yeah I'm sure CC a scourge will do wonders. Oh wait Scourge can activate f2-f5 while CC'ed. Nevermind that meta Scourge runs multiple stunbreaks.

> Condi removal? Nothing outside of full bunker firebrand has the condi clear necessary to clear past Scourge's cover condis.

> Ranged? p/p thief and marksman LB ranger are the only two ranged classes that can consistently kill a scourge. You forget that scourge is a 900 range class.

> Stealth? Scourge is probably the least effected by stealth. Cleaving is hard yo.

> Don't boon spam? Oh because gutting your own damage and defenses just to mildly inconvenience a scourge is such a winning strat.


> There is a reason that every single tournament team, every single WvW zerg, and every single winning team in platinum has one or more scourges in it. The entire sPvP meta is defined by Scourge.


Oh No! they will be able to active a few low strength Barriers, a Fear which is easily countered. Yeah. That doesnt scare many people too be fair. The F skills arent anywhere near as strong as you seem to think. Plus, they are USELESS to CC from Range. You know that MANY have access to. So i guess there goes your idea about the F skills. Not sure if you're trying to say they are overpowered or what because, they arent that good.


Yeah. My Soulbeast can remove 14conditions on my heal ALONE. I have the burst damage, the stealth, the CC to really threaten a Scourge before they can really do anything about it, I have several stun breaks, knockbacks, stuns, Immob, blocks. Mesmer can easily CC chain without the Scourge being able to do much about it. Stealth pretty much stops Scourge, sure they can spam AoE with Marks, wells (if they use them) or Shades but pointless if the person moves.


Well, i for one NEVER rely on boons on any class or build i play. I will have some but i wont need them to win a fight, unlike many, many builds that use boons for pretty much everything.


You are suing Zergs as a sign!? Really!? ANy class with rage can and will do well in mindless AoE spamming that is Zergs. I dont really care about sPvP. It being strong or "overpowered" in ONE mode doesnt mean its the same for the over modes. As someone that WvW all the time, i dont fear Scourge. I target them if im bored and zerging. I target them if i am solo and i target them in groups. They have very little defense. Easily die to ranged. Easily kited and easily locked down.


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After playing against scourge for over 100 hours, with various chars I'm good at, I am sure that scourge needs to be nurfed to the bone. So much damage and defence at the same time its not good for pvp community. Its not normal to see at least 2 scourges in every pvp team. And i didn't need 5 hours to find out that scourge was op. I figure it out from the first 5 fights.

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> @"Harry Foud.1935" said:

> > @Kadeshy.7258 said:

> > > @Justine.6351 said:

> > > After playing it for a whole 5hrs in wvw, it became obvious that the most likely nerfs will first be any oversights/unintended to certain trait interactions. But the actual nerf to scourge will probably start with cast times on the shroud skills, maybe 1/4sec, and/or a global cooldown of 1sec.

> > >

> > > Idk just my thoughts on it.

> >

> > hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

> >

> > Are u crazy man?????????????

> >

> > Scourge need buff... if ANet nerf Scourge +1 time it's best to delete this class of the game!!!

> >

> > All classes have their pros and cons, the scourge has several and if you could not kill, it probably does not play well, sorry !!

> >

> > The scourge is sooooo slow motion that even makes you angry ... Come on ANet !!! o.O


> Literally everyone says Scourge is as op as it gets. pvp is not fun anymore cause Scourges and Spellbreakers can 1v3. People literally ask for Scourges or Spellbreakers in lobby(no matter the tier) cause they are just so op. But yeah Scourge needs a buff... nice one mate.


Lol, i dont know, but in wvw solo roaming, scourge is fcking useless, so i guess most people in pvp just dont know how to play against a scourge. That makes scourge op yes, but if you look at all these mesmers and thiefes than can oneshot anyone, no matter how much hp and armor they have...


That is OP


Not the scourge that have only barrier as defensive option, no blocks, evades, invulns.

Almost no mobility


But yeah: scourge is op (ironic thoughts off)



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> @Nimon.7840 said:

> > @"Harry Foud.1935" said:

> > > @Kadeshy.7258 said:

> > > > @Justine.6351 said:

> > > > After playing it for a whole 5hrs in wvw, it became obvious that the most likely nerfs will first be any oversights/unintended to certain trait interactions. But the actual nerf to scourge will probably start with cast times on the shroud skills, maybe 1/4sec, and/or a global cooldown of 1sec.

> > > >

> > > > Idk just my thoughts on it.

> > >

> > > hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

> > >

> > > Are u crazy man?????????????

> > >

> > > Scourge need buff... if ANet nerf Scourge +1 time it's best to delete this class of the game!!!

> > >

> > > All classes have their pros and cons, the scourge has several and if you could not kill, it probably does not play well, sorry !!

> > >

> > > The scourge is sooooo slow motion that even makes you angry ... Come on ANet !!! o.O

> >

> > Literally everyone says Scourge is as op as it gets. pvp is not fun anymore cause Scourges and Spellbreakers can 1v3. People literally ask for Scourges or Spellbreakers in lobby(no matter the tier) cause they are just so op. But yeah Scourge needs a buff... nice one mate.


> Lol, i dont know, but in wvw solo roaming, scourge is fcking useless, so i guess most people in pvp just dont know how to play against a scourge. That makes scourge op yes, but if you look at all these mesmers and thiefes than can oneshot anyone, no matter how much hp and armor they have...


> That is OP


> Not the scourge that have only barrier as defensive option, no blocks, evades, invulns.

> Almost no mobility


> But yeah: scourge is op (ironic thoughts off)




Scourge controls areas. In spvp that matters. In wvw rarely is a player pressured to die for a sentry or camp, certainly not camps with giant nodes.

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> @amarga.4905 said:

> After playing against scourge for over 100 hours, with various chars I'm good at, I am sure that scourge needs to be nurfed to the bone. So much damage and defence at the same time its not good for pvp community. Its not normal to see at least 2 scourges in every pvp team. And i didn't need 5 hours to find out that scourge was op. I figure it out from the first 5 fights.


Curious, what classes do you play and i would assume that you arent full out zerk thinking that its fine to be full zerk with no condition removal? Because i personally havent had any issues with Scourges myself. I have yet to lose against a Scourge in WvW. Its the ONE condition builds that i actually WANT to be fighting over some of the others.


Defense!? Please. Let me know what this defense is because i have been looking and looking and i just cant seems to find it. Also, If you think running bunker stats is defense. You would be wrong. When it comes to ACTUAL defense. Scourge (along with Necro and Reaper) have VERY little in terms of options.

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> @Justine.6351 said:

> > @Nimon.7840 said:

> > > @"Harry Foud.1935" said:

> > > > @Kadeshy.7258 said:

> > > > > @Justine.6351 said:

> > > > > After playing it for a whole 5hrs in wvw, it became obvious that the most likely nerfs will first be any oversights/unintended to certain trait interactions. But the actual nerf to scourge will probably start with cast times on the shroud skills, maybe 1/4sec, and/or a global cooldown of 1sec.

> > > > >

> > > > > Idk just my thoughts on it.

> > > >

> > > > hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

> > > >

> > > > Are u crazy man?????????????

> > > >

> > > > Scourge need buff... if ANet nerf Scourge +1 time it's best to delete this class of the game!!!

> > > >

> > > > All classes have their pros and cons, the scourge has several and if you could not kill, it probably does not play well, sorry !!

> > > >

> > > > The scourge is sooooo slow motion that even makes you angry ... Come on ANet !!! o.O

> > >

> > > Literally everyone says Scourge is as op as it gets. pvp is not fun anymore cause Scourges and Spellbreakers can 1v3. People literally ask for Scourges or Spellbreakers in lobby(no matter the tier) cause they are just so op. But yeah Scourge needs a buff... nice one mate.

> >

> > Lol, i dont know, but in wvw solo roaming, scourge is fcking useless, so i guess most people in pvp just dont know how to play against a scourge. That makes scourge op yes, but if you look at all these mesmers and thiefes than can oneshot anyone, no matter how much hp and armor they have...

> >

> > That is OP

> >

> > Not the scourge that have only barrier as defensive option, no blocks, evades, invulns.

> > Almost no mobility

> >

> > But yeah: scourge is op (ironic thoughts off)

> >

> >


> Scourge controls areas. In spvp that matters. In wvw rarely is a player pressured to die for a sentry or camp, certainly not camps with giant nodes.


When they designed Scourge they clearly didn't take PvP into consideration.


Engi Turret Hate 2.0

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> @ArmageddonAsh.6430 said:

> > @amarga.4905 said:

> > After playing against scourge for over 100 hours, with various chars I'm good at, I am sure that scourge needs to be nurfed to the bone. So much damage and defence at the same time its not good for pvp community. Its not normal to see at least 2 scourges in every pvp team. And i didn't need 5 hours to find out that scourge was op. I figure it out from the first 5 fights.


> Curious, what classes do you play and i would assume that you arent full out zerk thinking that its fine to be full zerk with no condition removal? Because i personally havent had any issues with Scourges myself. I have yet to lose against a Scourge in WvW. Its the ONE condition builds that i actually WANT to be fighting over some of the others.


> Defense!? Please. Let me know what this defense is because i have been looking and looking and i just cant seems to find it. Also, If you think running bunker stats is defense. You would be wrong. When it comes to ACTUAL defense. Scourge (along with Necro and Reaper) have VERY little in terms of options.


"I have never ever died ever in wvw. So you are wrong."

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To be fair, most ppl who die to scourge 1v1 just rush in and facetank all the shadeskills(pvp or wvw) like you know those things have cooldowns, just bait them out. Any good druid or thief tends to eat me alive and when jumped by more than one not bot quality opponent scourge doesnt have any way to escape. Its not like warrior who can survive outnumbered ages due scaling defences or like rev just chaining cooldowns and evades.

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> @santso.9201 said:

> To be fair, most ppl who die to scourge 1v1 just rush in and facetank all the shadeskills(pvp or wvw) like you know those things have cooldowns, just bait them out. Any good druid or thief tends to eat me alive and when jumped by more than one not bot quality opponent scourge doesnt have any way to escape. Its not like warrior who can survive outnumbered ages due scaling defences or like rev just chaining cooldowns and evades.


Exactly this. Anyone who sais "im always loosing against scourge" seems to be a really bad player to me, or hasnt ever played scourge. Else they wouldnt complain

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