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Now that home instances are nerfed, may we please buy home instance nodes for <50 gold?


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I just don't see how I'm going to pay off filling my home instance this late in the game if I attempt collecting all of the nodes. I really don't understand why there is a gold requirement for them in the first place when there are 2 map currencies for each one already. Am I the only one with a partially complete home instance thinking this?

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> @"Ameepa.6793" said:

> Home instances are not nerfed. Change affects only the new ascended nodes, which was kinda obvious that it was not ment to work like that. Instances are now back in the same state as they always were before ascended cooking.


IDK about that. Everytime I use another players home instance now I open everything and the few nodes at my HI are open as well when I go to check it. I'm still not exactly sure what the latest nerf did but I'm talking about HI nodes as they were released, where you could farm another players and our own nodes would be unaffected. The time when guilds had players dedicated to HI farming each day before that nerf happened. It was reasonable to make back the gold earned from HI farming back then, but it's nowhere near as popular now so what's the point of having the prices so high now if it's just going to be a novelty?

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> @"Zynk.9015" said:

> > @"Ameepa.6793" said:

> > Home instances are not nerfed. Change affects only the new ascended nodes, which was kinda obvious that it was not ment to work like that. Instances are now back in the same state as they always were before ascended cooking.


> IDK about that. Everytime I use another players home instance now I open everything and the few nodes at my HI are open as well when I go to check it. I'm still not exactly sure what the latest nerf did but I'm talking about HI nodes as they were released, where you could farm another players and our own nodes would be unaffected. The time when guilds had players dedicated to HI farming each day before that nerf happened. It was reasonable to make back the gold earned from HI farming back then, but it's nowhere near as popular now so what's the point of having the prices so high now if it's just going to be a novelty?


That is how it has always worked. You have never been able to farm someone elses AND your own nodes. Same node shares the same cd in every instance. You can gather each node only once per day per account. Always worked like that.



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> @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:

> Considering the Enchanted Chest and all these new home upgrades that can't be shared, the focus seems divided among the devs to either share with other players or just being for yourself.


Or more likely some upgrades are meant to be shared and some are not. There is no reason for them to put artificial limits on what they choose to make available to players by saying everything must be one way or the other . . .

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Home instance nodes are unaffected by any of the recent changes and behave as they always have. Why do they need changing?


The gold requirement is to counterbalance the value you gain every day from the node. As with most home instance items, they take aproximately 1.5 years to appreciate after which they are pure profit, daily.

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> @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:

> Considering the Enchanted Chest and all these new home upgrades that can't be shared, the focus seems divided among the devs to either share with other players or just being for yourself.


It's YOUR home instance, not the home instance of every friend you have in the game...everything related to Ascended cooking should have been usable by only the owner since day 1.

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> @"Ameepa.6793" said:

> > @"Zynk.9015" said:

> > > @"Ameepa.6793" said:

> > > Home instances are not nerfed. Change affects only the new ascended nodes, which was kinda obvious that it was not ment to work like that. Instances are now back in the same state as they always were before ascended cooking.

> >

> > IDK about that. Everytime I use another players home instance now I open everything and the few nodes at my HI are open as well when I go to check it. I'm still not exactly sure what the latest nerf did but I'm talking about HI nodes as they were released, where you could farm another players and our own nodes would be unaffected. The time when guilds had players dedicated to HI farming each day before that nerf happened. It was reasonable to make back the gold earned from HI farming back then, but it's nowhere near as popular now so what's the point of having the prices so high now if it's just going to be a novelty?


> That is how it has always worked. You have never been able to farm someone elses AND your own nodes. Same node shares the same cd in every instance. You can gather each node only once per day per account. Always worked like that.




That's my bad then, thanks for letting me know. I heard my version from another player and assumed it was the other way around. I should have just asked around first to see if that's how it really worked.

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@"Zynk.9015" said:

> I just don't see how I'm going to pay off filling my home instance this late in the game if I attempt collecting all of the nodes.


You're not. You'll never get back the cost of those nodes. Not even close. (Well, maybe now that they're relatively cheap...I remember when the iron node was at 6k on the TP.) There's a certain joy in "completion" but it's not financially worth it. I just invite 4 friends in every time I farm to give them a little boost. It's sort of the same deal with guild hall nodes.


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> @"Ameepa.6793" said:

> Home instances are not nerfed. Change affects only the new ascended nodes, which was kinda obvious that it was not ment to work like that. Instances are now back in the same state as they always were before ascended cooking.


Actually one thing I have noticed since the change to ASC garden nodes ... i never seem to strike a varatial seed any more off the standard nodes, whereas prior I would get one hit at least once every couple of days... was that also killed off cos if so that's pretty petty. Sure they ASC nodes needed to be fixed but standard nodes??

Hopefully it's just a case of more godawful RNG at work, but I'm a tad suspicious.

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> @"Palador.2170" said:

> I have a question along this topic: If you plant non-ascended plants in the home garden plots, can other people still harvest them like they used to? Or are the garden plots entirely owner-only now?


Other players can harvest non-ascended plants from garden plots. However, only if the instance owner hasn't harvested them, yet.

I am positive that there were no recent changes in regard to garden plots mechanics, but I can double-check after the reset.

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> @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> > @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:

> > Considering the Enchanted Chest and all these new home upgrades that can't be shared, the focus seems divided among the devs to either share with other players or just being for yourself.


> It's YOUR home instance, not the home instance of every friend you have in the game...everything related to Ascended cooking should have been usable by only the owner since day 1.


I'm agreeing that the ascended materials should be account bound and yours only. My point here is criticism on the nondirection homes are getting.

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> @"Ol Nik.2518" said:

> > @"Palador.2170" said:

> > I have a question along this topic: If you plant non-ascended plants in the home garden plots, can other people still harvest them like they used to? Or are the garden plots entirely owner-only now?


> Other players can harvest non-ascended plants from garden plots. However, only if the instance owner hasn't harvested them, yet.

> I am positive that there were no recent changes in regard to garden plots mechanics, but I can double-check after the reset.


I just took several guildmates into my home instance last night, and they were able to harvest all three garden plots (all planted with non-ascended seeds specifically to make sure I could share the bounty on guild night). As long as the home instance owner doesn't leave the instance after harvesting, it will let anyone harvest the non-ascended nodes. If you need to make multiple trips, save your own harvesting for the last one.

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> @"Taelac.7036" said:

> > @"Ol Nik.2518" said:

> > > @"Palador.2170" said:

> > > I have a question along this topic: If you plant non-ascended plants in the home garden plots, can other people still harvest them like they used to? Or are the garden plots entirely owner-only now?

> >

> > Other players can harvest non-ascended plants from garden plots. However, only if the instance owner hasn't harvested them, yet.

> > I am positive that there were no recent changes in regard to garden plots mechanics, but I can double-check after the reset.


> I just took several guildmates into my home instance last night, and they were able to harvest all three garden plots (all planted with non-ascended seeds specifically to make sure I could share the bounty on guild night). As long as the home instance owner doesn't leave the instance after harvesting, it will let anyone harvest the non-ascended nodes. If you need to make multiple trips, save your own harvesting for the last one.


Did you check if the nodes are available after your harvesting them? I believe non-garden-plot nodes are available to your guests whether you harvested them or not.

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> @"Ol Nik.2518" said:

> Did you check if the nodes are available after your harvesting them? I believe non-garden-plot nodes are available to your guests whether you harvested them or not.


Yes, those nodes still work that way, so anyone you take in after doing your own harvesting will still be able to use all nodes except garden plot, enchanted chest, and hunter boards, as before.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Taelac.7036" said:

> > except garden plot


> Wrong. Garden plot seeds can still be harvested by anyone, except for ascended crops.


It is not wrong. That was a reply to the quoted question of what happens after the instance owner has harvested their nodes for the day. After that point, no one else will be able to harvest even non-ascended garden plot nodes until reset, though they may still harvest the other nodes.

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