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Grandmaster Food Question


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So with the new food introduction I'm curious about something - which food is considered the best?

Now I know that the **Bowl of Fruit Salad with Mint Garnish** is the best food for healers, although it's only better than the **Delicious Rice Ball** by giving +70 to concentration, which honestly doesn't seem to make it worth the effort.

However what is the best combat food? I mean most of the other additional stats are kinda "meh." Now if there were a herb that increased outgoing damage by 10% then it would obviously start a new religion, but there is no herb like that (at least not yet). So my guess would be **Peppercorn-Crusted Sous-Vide Steak** as it increases power and ferocity and reduces incoming damage by 10%.

But that is just my guess, so am I correct or is it another type of food?

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> @"Rikimaru.7890" said:

> So with the new food introduction I'm curious about something - which food is considered the best?

> Now I know that the **Bowl of Fruit Salad with Mint Garnish** is the best food for healers, although it's only better than the **Delicious Rice Ball** by giving +70 to concentration, which honestly doesn't seem to make it worth the effort.

> However what is the best combat food? I mean most of the other additional stats are kinda "meh." Now if there were a herb that increased outgoing damage by 10% then it would obviously start a new religion, but there is no herb like that (at least not yet). So my guess would be **Peppercorn-Crusted Sous-Vide Steak** as it increases power and ferocity and reduces incoming damage by 10%.

> But that is just my guess, so am I correct or is it another type of food?


Well if you want more damage the life leech on critical hit adds some damage mate.

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The leeching itself is a tiny damage increase with the added benefit of slightly negating damaging auras and thus allowing you to possibly maint a slightly better Scholar uptime at times while the -10% incoming damage might keep you from downing once in a while as well as possibly affect your Scholar uptime. They are situational at best but I guess the leeching is slightly better even if neither are worth their money in the end.

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The -10% incoming damage is very useful, and will keep you alive if you failed at dodge something, and if you have a healer nearby they'll have a chance to heal you instead of having to rez you.


Think about it like this. These take about 1g to make, last for 1h, and are feasts for all of your friends to eat. If you have a guild/static group you play with, then they can pitch in to fund the buffs or buy you ingredients sometimes on the TP. If you need super tanky food, there is -10% damage received, +100 vitality, and +70 toughness food now.


If you feel none of these are worth the cost, and the cost is low if you plant your own seeds, then don't make them.


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Price difference between ascended food vs 'meta' food is pretty big **only for condi and boon** food, the **100 power/70 fero ascended food is actually CHEAPER than BSSBSS**, life steal variant costs 45s for 1h right now, while -10% inc damage is at 65s/h~ roughly, while BSSBSS costs 36s (crafting) or 45-50s off TP for 30m.


Always worth using it **if you're a power dps and you already leveled cooking to 500, as that's the most expensive part, the food itself is relatively cheap**


For **healing** food, crafting the ascended foods (100heal/70conc and 100conc/70heal) costs 28s~ for 1h, while the rice ball is at 14s~ for 30m off the TP.



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