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Possible Future Specializations ( or request what you'd like to see! )


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_There has possibly been tons of speculation on this already, I searched for what I was looking for in particular and couldn't find it, so I'm making a thread about it now. I don't intend to make this super in-depth with stats and all, just a simple prediction/request thread._


I predict **necromancer's** new weapon being the **short bow**, because of the necromancers I've seen use bow in Istan. I also think it would be a great addition to long-range/poison or marker play that Necro's are already used to.


My **WISH** is that **Mesmer** finally get **Dual Pistol**. Please.. this solo pistol is killing me, it's so unfair that our clones get to be dualists with two pistols and yet we only get to use one. Please Anet give us dual pistol mesmer if nothing else..


Side note: I think it would be cool if spears/tridents or other water weapons could become a main weapon on land, it would give players more incentive to actually care about those weapon types, I think. Though I have no idea how this could be done, just throwing it out there as an idea. ( maybe for warrior/ranger/guardian idk )


Also, giving **Revnant** _ANY_ other weapon since I believe they can use the least out of all classes would be nice, give them Greatsword or something.. _anything_. It's difficult to be versatile when you're literally stuck to 1 or 2 play styles. ( for what's viable at least. )


Anyway, these are just some of my ideas, the main two about Necromancer and Mesmer above are what I care the most about, and if no one pays attention to anything else I hope someone pays attention to that. If you agree or have any other ideas feel free to reply your opinions or wishes, maybe we can sway anet to give us what we want :3c

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So as a ranger main I only thought of this class.


**Scepter + corruption/consecration**: It seems so natural to me to have a corruption based ranger. You make your enemies weaker and buff your allies. I was trying to figure out a way to make the spells be corruption or consecration (effects flipping like druid) but I could not find way to make it fun or interactive. Just corruption will be fine (let us choose to worship mordremoth :tongue:).

Example: Overgrowth (consecration): Allies in the area get stability and 200 vitality / Debilitating spores(corruption): Creates a damaging area inflicting vulnerability and confusing the enemies.

Example : Oak-Heart armor (consecration): Allies in the area get a shield and get regeneration when hit / Thorns armor(corruption): Allies in the area get covered in thorn vines. Get a shield and deal bleeding when enemies hit in close combat.


**Shield + physical**: I have some ideas of spells /passives that would interact depending on how far/close you are to your pet (Close = defensive + regen for pet to stay together, far = more aggressive boons) and make it a duelist specs or a boon provider for allies(having auras working like the banners depending on the unused pet).

Example: Hunting strategy : If you are less than 500m away from your pet you both gain stability and might. Otherwise gain superspeed and quickness.

Example: Synchronized attack : You and your pet inflict bleeding and damage around you. (knockdown if close to each other)


**Hammer (or mace but I prefer Hammer) + cantrip** : A mage ranger also seems great. Why not harvest the power of the seasons! You can do a lot with them or how they impact nature.

Example spring blossom: creating a field of grass granting stealth (like close to the olmakhan) and healing allies (enemies in the grass are able to see you)

Example winds of winter: freeze enemies and boost your allies defense (similar to frost/light aura or give protection + resistance)



Also mentioned a lot. But a spec with F5 for pets once the core pets are improved. (no preference for weapon/utilities)

Example : Spiders : spider trap: Set a trap in the area. Enemies walking in are attacked by small spiders inflicting poison and cripple.

Example : Drake : Nest : The drake gets bigger and get bonus stats as long as he stays in the area.

Example : Devourer : digs a tunnel into the ground. Knockback enemies on creation and prevents them from passing it (like elem earth staff).

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I think these are cool ideas, like I had mentioned on your post Zacchary, I still think they may call it an Assassin or something in relation to Cantha.


You guys really went all out with these ideas, even thinking of move sets or how they could work together and that's awesome, I just really wanted to post about something that's been on my mind for months now, and I figured I had nothing better to do at that time, plus the only way to get any voice heard is to actually say something so that's why I went forth and made this post. I do hope everyone can get a little something they asked for in any upcoming expansion or update.

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I find it hard to give the warrior anymore weapons. They have almost a complete arsenal, and don’t think a scepter and focus fits them at all. The only thing I can think of, it's making them into some sort of samurai ES, but enhancing GS.



To keep it in the Guardian theme, I think shielding is as important as attacking. However, I am absolutely gagging for a spear. So my choice would be Paragon ES with Spear.



GS would be great, however a right hand Axe would possibly suit better in this occasion. Still, I've got a even deeper need for double daggers here, to match shiro's legend avatar. So I would pick Assassin ES with double daggers.



Sigh... One of my favourites, but been getting dimmed over time. Rangers need to comeback to life.

Sniper ES with a Sniper Rifle.

Alternatively, man, I just don't know.



Simple. New weapon related to ninjas and hence, Ninja ES.



Just don't know tbh.

These guys have so many options.

Perhaps an off hand dagger...



ES Dervish, and a permanent Scythe weapon.



GS for me.

ES summoner. Enhance the elementals abilities and make their manifestation time infinite. Give them more sorts of elementals to summon.



ES Ritualist.

Alternatively, Double pistols. ES Enchanter. Ability to enchant and mesmerise wild creatures to assist them.

Ability to copycat skills from foes and wild creatures.


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Magical archer - Longbow / Dual Pistol

Instead of accessing 4 elements, Magical archer will accessing 2 of them and swapping like revenant legends.

And the elements not been chosen will become the pet fight with the Magical archer (like ranger's pet)


Weapon skill

Arrow(bullet) will be Arcane type, skills will not have separated CD between elements but will have addition effect.

Fire - Arrow(bullet) pierce by default; damage and burn foes.

Water - Arrow(bullet) spread and damage nearby foes after hitting a target.

Air - No trajectory, arrow(bullet) will directly hit from behind, will always trigger flanking effect.

Earth - Arrow(bullet) will have chance to knock back foe near Magical archer.


Heal/Slot/Elite skill

Heal - Creates fields at you and your pet's location. Heal and pulse boon base on the active element.


Slot1 - Fire 2 energy beam toward your foe from you and your pet, damage foes in the line, affect conditions with active elements. Swap your active element with your pet's standby element after attack.

Slot 2 - Deactivate your pet for a short duration, your weapon skills will trigger the addition effect base on you and your pet's active elements, transfer a condition when landing a critical attack.

Slot 3.1 - Your pet will shadow step to targeted location and damage foes.

Slot 3.2 - Remove movement-restricting conditions, swap the location between you and your pet.

Slot 4 - TBC lol


Elite - For a short duration, you pet will use a lesser version of every weapon skills you used. After the effect, your element and pet swapping will go into cool-down.



Top - Enhance element addition effect; Elements addition effect will affect other weapons;

Mid - Enhance Heal/Slot/Elite skill (range, duration, etc.)

Bottom - Enhance pet, and functional skills (F1~F5)

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> @"Adiabatik.6714" said:

> Maybe we could have an out of profession armor specialisation?

> Inventory space for the new armor would suck, but that would be interesting.

> For instance, we could have a proper monk (light armor protector), a mage who would infuse elements into his heavy armor, a light armor ninja/assassin...


What do you mean? Like Heavy armor class can wear Medium or Light? I don't think that should be a specialization at all, but it would be nice if transmutation charges could let us do that to have the appearance of any other armor class.


> @"Dante.1508" said:

> Ele needs chakrams

> Necro needs whips

> Revanant needs Daggers

> Warrior needs Spears/Tridents (land)

> Guardian needs Fist weapons

> Thief needs Katanas/wakisashi combo

> Engineers need Steam pets

> Rangers need Guns

> Mesmer need Maces



They def need to add whips to the game, I remember while doing one of the dungeons, I think twilight arbor or something..it was the sylvari one, there were enemies able to use whips at us, so yeah I agree. If not Necro, Thief or Warrior. I also think Spears/Tridents should be usable on land too. Seeing Guardian's with fist weapons would be cool, but it would also be nice for warrior or thiefs, I do agree Thief needs Katana, or to have an assassin specialization, and Rangers should've had all guns to begin with. Mesmer/Mace combo is something I never heard of, but right now since they already can use 1 pistol, i'd like them to be able to use them in both hands. It's silly that their phantasm can use both pistols but we can't.


As far as Revnant goes, I'd appreciate ANY weapon for them because their selection is severely lacking compared to other classes..as well as their combinations. ( with the current changes of today )


These all sound cool though! Even the people I didn't quote. Sorry it took me a while to say anything, I was getting over an illness. ^^

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> @"Dante.1508" said:


> Ele needs chakrams✔



> _Necro_ needs whips⤵


> Revanant needs Daggers✔



> _Warrior_ needs Spears (land)⤵


> Guardian needs Fist weapons


> _Thief_ needs Katanas?



> Engineers need Steam pets✔

Awesome idea


> Rangers need Guns✔


> Mesmer need Maces



● Swap whips to mesmers.

● Necros get scythes

● Fists? That's naff. Spears yes

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> @"RedJaded.4523" said:

> > @"Adiabatik.6714" said:

> > Maybe we could have an out of profession armor specialisation?

> > Inventory space for the new armor would suck, but that would be interesting.

> > For instance, we could have a proper monk (light armor protector), a mage who would infuse elements into his heavy armor, a light armor ninja/assassin...


> What do you mean? Like Heavy armor class can wear Medium or Light? I don't think that should be a specialization at all, but it would be nice if transmutation charges could let us do that to have the appearance of any other armor class.


> > @"Dante.1508" said:

> > Ele needs chakrams

> > Necro needs whips

> > Revanant needs Daggers

> > Warrior needs Spears/Tridents (land)

> > Guardian needs Fist weapons

> > Thief needs Katanas/wakisashi combo

> > Engineers need Steam pets

> > Rangers need Guns

> > Mesmer need Maces

> >


> They def need to add whips to the game, I remember while doing one of the dungeons, I think twilight arbor or something..it was the sylvari one, there were enemies able to use whips at us, so yeah I agree. If not Necro, Thief or Warrior. I also think Spears/Tridents should be usable on land too. Seeing Guardian's with fist weapons would be cool, but it would also be nice for warrior or thiefs, I do agree Thief needs Katana, or to have an assassin specialization, and Rangers should've had all guns to begin with. Mesmer/Mace combo is something I never heard of, but right now since they already can use 1 pistol, i'd like them to be able to use them in both hands. It's silly that their phantasm can use both pistols but we can't.


> As far as Revnant goes, I'd appreciate ANY weapon for them because their selection is severely lacking compared to other classes..as well as their combinations. ( with the current changes of today )


> These all sound cool though! Even the people I didn't quote. Sorry it took me a while to say anything, I was getting over an illness. ^^


All good just throwing out ideas, the steam pets would work like Rangers pets but need to be much more durable. Also the engi could ride inside (drive) them like ranger melds with theirs.

If anet needs incentives they could add steam pet skins to the black lion..


Asuras could use Golems etc.

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> @"RedJaded.4523" said:

> > @"Adiabatik.6714" said:

> > Maybe we could have an out of profession armor specialisation?

> > Inventory space for the new armor would suck, but that would be interesting.

> > For instance, we could have a proper monk (light armor protector), a mage who would infuse elements into his heavy armor, a light armor ninja/assassin...


> What do you mean? Like Heavy armor class can wear Medium or Light? I don't think that should be a specialization at all, but it would be nice if transmutation charges could let us do that to have the appearance of any other armor class.


I just thought there was design space for that. And that it would be fun to think of specializations breaking the mold of their base profession.

Other examples:

Monster hunter: hunter in heavy armor, specialized in taking down big games.

Spirit binder: the classical spiked leather necromancer; binding spirit of the deads throu self inflicted pain.

Gladiator: your lightly clothed warrior. Who needs armor when you have... MUSCLES!

Logistician, gunner: Light armor engineer. The further away from the frontline you are, the better.

Ze bard: medium armored mesmer. He is ze bard.

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I want to see Rangers with a staff that alternates between ranged tosses and melee, similar to how deadeyes can crouch and uncrouch. I want their utility to Build on the archetype system that was introduced with the soul beast. How do they build on this? Have utility skills be summons and make Rangers minion masters, but with an army of animals. The healing skill summons a random pet from the healing/suportive archetype. The next three utilities are either ferocity archetype, precision archetype, stout archetype, or versatile archetype. The summoned pets cannot use their special abilities, but the elite skill, alpha strike, can make all the summoned pets use their special abilities at once. Rangers can now also alternate between two PAIRS of pets so instead of having to choose, for example, between hyena or snow leopard or rock gazelle or tiger, you can now alternate between hyena/tiger and rock gazelle/snow leopard. They can use their special abilities still.

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These are some of my ideas, but they are far from done or perfect. I like the idea of darker specs whom even though may not be included in the eldritch/demonic influence are still dark in their own ways. I also think its cool to get some lore-friendly ones such as engie because I mean lets be real they do and have existed since guild wars 1 and are just not allowed to do anything.


>! * Warrior: Reaver ~ A warrior who relies on blood-magic and its mechanic "Blood frenzy" To siphon health and surround themselves with harmful auras who benefit allies but harm enemies. Their weapon of choice would be a staff which is made to resemble a great-ax or halberd, they lunge and leap acrossed the battle field causing havoc and chaos where-ever they go. All the while using their corruptive dark energy to siphon and drain enemies, purging their protections and banishing their hope from this plane. The built in lifesteal happens on weapon skills, utility skills and your new utilities are up-keep based auras which will grow in strength the more your blood frenzy meter fills. You can choose to re-activate them at that time, or use the F1-F4 skills for various effects including "Howl of dread", "Malice's respite", "Death to all" or "Bound by blood"



>! * Guardian: Paragon ~ A protector who gains an on-land spear, and surrounds themselves with light from Kormir or at least the practices she taught. Taping into the god realm of her design from the mists themselves, these beings are mid-range support/tanks who use their beneficial magic to help their allies. Unbreakable and unwavering they are the ones who combat the darkness, with their light. You gain Wells as a utility which have a massive area, and make allies stronger and harder to kill while also causing enemies to deal with worse battle conditions. Your F1-F4 are benneficial effects such as "On lights wings", "Burn in our might!", "Purge the heretics" or "Bound by flame"



>! * Revenant: The fallen~ Tapping into the mists you have found a way to meld yourself with Jora and her brother Svanir, Constantly balancing the desire for battle and jormags corruptive whispers you become the bear. Gaining the blessings of each of the wild spirits your F2-F5 abilities become different blessings which bennefit you, and change based on the level of corruption you're currently in. While in werebear form you gain protections and hard cc's, but once corruption takes its toll you become the dreaded norn-bear and become a force of pure desstruction and malice. (There could be a grand-master tactic that once your health goes too low, you instantly become the norn-bear.) Once in this state either your corruptive energy must be expelled and used in a rampage, or your CC bar must be broken. You can only be killed once one of these conditions are met. Your corruption extends to your other legends as well which causes their skills to be come more dangerous, and change to be more built around the madness consuming you. Your F2 -F5 abilities could be called "Roar of the ancient", "Icebrood's blood", "Call of dragon" and "Bound by madness"



>! * Ranger: Warden~ Tapping into the darkest of natures power you gain access to a hammer and become a CC based tank, while your companion grows in strength and becomes the embodiment of your wrath. With larger and more exotic breeds at your disposal you call upon the magical essence of tyria to be your shield, becoming a bulwark of thorns, vines and feverish fervor you are the embodiment of primal hunger. You gain access to minions and call upon wicker based creatures to tie down enemies, these unlike necromancers minions do not stay with you for long rather they will appear upon an enemy or around yourself. The minions who come to be around you will remain for a short period of time and offer damage sources outside of your pet and yourself. Your F2 - F5 abilities are "Call of the wild", "Natures will", "Tyria's heart" and "Bound by nature"



>! * Thief: Head-hunter~ You are a thief who has forsaken stealth and prefers to get in the face of your enemy, your weapon of choice is duel mace and unlike any other profession your skills with this weapon are quick. Based around beating the enemy down with overwhelming force; You dive in with lunges and leaps and gain a enhanced health pool. With your blood-hungry nature you can't stay in stealth for long, because your constant need to feed the frenzy inside you drives you into a madness that is all but consuming. You gain access to physical skills, as utilities but they all use some form of movement as you never want to stop your ruthless advance building up your rampage until you can activate it. Once active your vision becomes red and all before you becomes prey, you gain dashes and teleportation skills as your visage of your form becomes more akin to a shadowy demon than anything else. Your F1-F5 abilities could be "I am your end", "Come forth and die", "I am unbreakable" and "Bound by shadows"


>! * Necromancer: Occultist~ You become a harbinger of the realm of torment and call upon the dark powers there to embrace the nature of eldritch horrors, with Abaddon gone only madness and hate remains. Gaining access to totems (Turrets) you summon these eldritch based, fleshy abominations to pulse and fire various forms of horrid magic upon your enemies. You gain access too duel swords and use them like the scything talons of one of the various minions of the once god of secrets, your shroud skills become "Eldritch energy". Once at enough power you can become an eldritch horror and induce madness and fear acrossed the battle field, with mental attacks and horrible powers of the occult you become something of a monster in your own right ready to feast upon all who stand before you. Your F2-F5 could be "Madness consume you", "I feast on your fears", "not even death can save you from me" and "Bound by torment"



>! * Messmer: The shadow~ You become the terrifying visage of nightmares made manifest, feeding upon the fears of your foe you summon and create said nightmares to be a source of torment to your enemies. You loose the ability to summon clones and rather (Using the effects of nightmare inducing from the toxic growths in kessex hills) summon various shadows and nightmares. You become engulfed in darkness as these horrible torrents of mental degradation exude from you and destroy your enemies from within, tons of fears and endless ability to manipulate enemies you become more of a figment of their imagination than an enemy. A wraith, a shadow or some may say a dream you are everything they will ever fear. Your shatters become "Embrace your nightmares" and each one causes various effects based on limiting vision, messing with peoples ability to fight back and dealing varying levels of damage/CC. Your weapons of choice are duel daggers, the weapons that will allow you to dash in before they realize their nightmares are not the threat and finish them.



>! * Engineer: Golem-mancer~ Not much needs to be said about those who take up the asuran way of manipulating golems, you gain access to minions and have golems and gadgets for any occasion. You gain the ability to use a Staff and use it as a control rod to send for destruction, holo-grams, golems and so so much more it also provides you with shields and varying benefits. (I don't play engie, this is good as I can do ... Im sorry.)



>! * Elementalist: Shaman~ Taking up a greatsword you become a Ele who has given up the ways of a caster and rather embraces the warrior side of your profession, imbuing yourself with the natural energy you call upon you summon the elements to aid you in battle. Whether thats healing or damage will be up to you but with each change in element you gain shields, health and various new abilities. Each swing of your blade breaks the earth , sunders armor and vaporizes your enemies to be nothing but mere fuel for your endless crusade. They will fear you not due to your strength but because no matter where you fight, or who you fight you will never fight alone when the whole of tyria stands with you. You gain access to mobile spirits who will not die until you do, and who passively buff you and your team while also pulsing damage to nearby foes (Much like a better form of ranger spirits.) These spirits become more and more powerful the more you swap between your elemental stances, gaining momentum in a snow-ball of increased fervor. Should you be downed while your spirits are all up they will sacrifice themselves to bring you back to the fight and be on an increased cooldown, giving you the "Elemental aura" effect that causes varying effects while your spirits remain sacrificed.( Also don't play this one, sorry.)

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