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I'm Beside Myself!


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I'm not reporting this in the bug forums, because it's harmless and actually kind of fun when it happens. And then when it _does_ happen, it only lasts about a minute. So DON'T put any resources into correcting this, ANet! (I've probably just guaranteed it _will_ be fixed just by saying that... ) :/


I am the owner of a Permanent Self-Style Hair Kit. The world isn't overflowing with them, so opportunities for other players to run into this bug are limited. (_Another_ reason not to waste time fixing this). It probably happens with normal (non-permanent) kits as well. But every so often when I use my kit, well...





...THIS happens!

![](https://i.imgur.com/hXK1eu6.jpg "")


A duplicate of my character is left behind!

![](https://i.imgur.com/QUOu3uJ.jpg "")


The doppelganger only lasts about a minute before disappearing. (It's the one without a weapon). Even _more_ often, this happens in my Hero Panel (assuming it is open when I use the Hair Kit). One image merged with the other, competing for space.


Anyhow, I get a kick out of this when it happens out in the game world. I don't know if other folks can see it or not. My computer is relatively nice. My internet connection is a step or two up from two cans with a string pulled tightly between them. So I'm thinking it's a game glitch and not my equipment.


I was just wondering if this happens to anyone else, and if you know whether or not the Doublemint Twins are visible to other players.

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Was happening with decorations last night in our Guild Hall.. I was placing a few new ones, didn't like how it was positioned (godawful placement system) removed it and went else where in the guild hall to place it and others.

Ended confusing a guild mate cos he kept seeing all the decos I was removing still, in fact he was rapturing across one such removed deco up high when it suddenly disappeared for good and all I heard was holy cra.. moly. Wish I had got a screenie of his unplanned decent though.. priceless.

But all seriousness, I could not for the life of me work out why it had happened until he showed a screenie of other decos that had already been removed, but were still showing up for him.. seems some kind of desync had occurred between me and the other person in hall perhaps?


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The same thing can happen any time your character model changes. I see it every so often when my norn switches into the snowleopard form and back - a clone of her in her previous form will be left behind for a few seconds.


I've never been sure if it's server-side or client-side. I've tried asking other people if they see it too, but couldn't seem to make it clear what I was asking about and couldn't get it to happen again to demonstrate.


(And if anyone's wondering yes I sometimes use the norn racial elites. I know they're not good, but if I'm playing open-world PvE it doesn't really matter and they're fun, so I use them.)

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> This is the first time I've ever heard of this. It has never happened to me. Intriguing, I would love to know what's causing it, though.


I understand the programmers at ANet enjoy free Twix bars and Doublemint gum in their break room. Not to mention pears (pairs) for the health-conscious. Maybe it's crossing over into their work.

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