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Fix Staff Elementalist


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Can we please fix some of the drastic unnecessary changes made to elementalist, particularly conjure nerfs, meteor shower and glyph of storms. A DH greatsword 2 should not do more damage than a lightning hammer 4, and meteor shower shouldn't be hitting less than air sigil procs or primordial stance ticks.


It's gotten to the point where conjures are so trash, no matter how good you use them, primordial stance which is a condi focused skill does higher dps on a power build and is afk dps... Even arcane blast is better than conjures on small hit boxes...

At the very least you can fix conjures and make them work like engineer kits, then look at fixing some skills you have destroyed. Particularly lava font and meteor shower, at least in pve because it is fairly balanced in wvw atm.


Staff ele should be high dps rewarding because it's extremely glassy, requires standing still to burst and loses a lot of damage to mobile enemies. The fact something as brain dead as DH can do more on a boss like KC is disgusting.


Several of friends and people I know have quit because staff ele was one of their favorite builds and none of these current ones are that interesting. Sword Weaver is not the same and is really boring.


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Bump! Conjure Kits is one of the coolest ideas I've heard yet!


Also, please compare deflecting show to gust...

and true shot to lightning surge...

I know that class differences can alter the effectiveness of skills, but even when analyzed in the right context, the differences are just crazy!

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Staff has always had serious problems. It can work effectively in certain types of specialized builds for organized group play but is and always has been pretty terrible for general use. That is pretty sad considering it's their only long-range weapon and staffs are so iconic for wizards in fantasy.


Of the four attunements, only Fire does respectable damage. This forces you to pretty much always camp Fire while using a staff with the other three attunements only offering situational utility. I severely dislike this because I don't want to be forced to play what is basically a Fire mage just because I'm using staff. There's no reason that Earth and Water should have such crippled damage because of the utility they offer. Less than Fire, sure, but not that much less. And Air needs buffs also, with several of its skills being both clunky with targeting and undertuned in damage.


The #1 skills are slow and use very dull and uninspired animations, and they all need significant buffs (with the possible exception Fireball.)


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> @"Einlanzer.1627" said:

> Staff has always had serious problems. It can work effectively in certain types of specialized builds for organized group play but is and always has been pretty terrible for general use. That is pretty sad considering it's their only long-range weapon and staffs are so iconic for wizards in fantasy.


> Of the four attunements, only Fire does respectable damage. This forces you to pretty much always camp Fire while using a staff with the other three attunements only offering situational utility. I severely dislike this because I don't want to be forced to play what is basically a Fire mage just because I'm using staff. There's no reason that Earth and Water should have such crippled damage because of the utility they offer. Less than Fire, sure, but not that much less. And Air needs buffs also, with several of its skills being both clunky with targeting and undertuned in damage.


> The #1 skills are slow and use very dull and uninspired animations, and they all need significant buffs (with the possible exception Fireball.)



Changing water autoattack to be both a heal and a significant damage source, and earth autoattack to send out 3 faster projectiles instead of 1 slow projectile, would make things a lot nicer. Eruption CD is understandable because it hits quite high, but, it doesn't need to be so long.

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> @"Paradoxoglanis.1904" said:

> Im still waiting for the staff dual skill changes so you can actually hit something further than melee range with them. 1200 range skills yet they are so slow that they are useless outside of melee pve.


Well said. This is a very good point, most of them are projectiles too so are irrelevant in large scale wvw due to projectile reflect and destruction. Sure would be nice... But how often does anet actually rework elementalist skills and traits xD

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