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An open letter to PvE players

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The overwhelming majority of Gw2 players, PvE or otherwise, have already tried WvW, and judging by it's consistently low population numbers, did not like it.


Stop blaming the players when the issue is the game mode. WvW is shallow mindless zerging interspersed with pointless egocentric ganking.


Even if there were anyone left to "try" WvW, getting more people to try a failed product, does not change the content of the product, it only exposes more people to the products failures.

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> @"Conncept.7638" said:

> WvW is shallow mindless zerging interspersed with pointless egocentric ganking.

Yeah, this. When I am roaming and get downed and the opposing player decides rather than finish me, they'll do a dance emote on me knowing that I can't teleport away... Things like that turn players off and, in my experience and my opinion, it is these players in that community that keep players away.



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Not going to get a lot of people from pve to join wvw these days, too many problems and not rewarding enough for time spent. Taking two hours to kill the world bosses is probably more rewarding than spending 2 hours in wvw, unless you're in a zerg the entire time and get some lucky drops, wvw rewards is more long term based.


Players want to be on winning populated servers, easier to do stuff with more people around.

Players want commanders to follow around, new players don't have the sense to navigate around maps, like what's white and orange swords, they need to be pointed into a direction to do something, like meta maps.

Players don't have the will to venture out on their own in pvp, not confident in their skill or gear or spec.

Players don't like dying especially to broken/op/stealth/one shot/combo specs.

Players don't like long walks on the beach back to their group, they have mounts now, but it's still seen more of a a hassle walking around wvw maps than pve maps.

Ultimately what's the point? where's the tequatl end boss to drop the loot? so I can take my 5 min break to make a sandwich until next event.


Wvw at the core is a very easy concept, capture and hold objectives, like silverwastes, the boss for the map is the enemy zerg that comes by to take it, either you have good defenses built for it or your zerg shows up to counter. Rewards? Kill players to get badges and drops(I've gotten like 5 pre's in the last year after not getting any in 6 years), reward tracks, skirmish rewards for tickets to buy ascended, farming objective nodes, wxp level up chests. The fights you get into in between are what keeps it random and entertaining, and there's a lot of tricks to learn, you learn much more about your class in there because so much more is required to survive every situation.





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No interest in Walk v Walk or Follow The Teleporting Dorito. I only touch it under extreme duress, like the old world completion (yup, I did it once before it was no longer necessary), gift of battle (why didn't I buy more when they were sold), or Warclaw.

It's maybe 1% engaging gameplay, and otherwise following around a zerg from base to base, and Six help you if you miss meeting up with them.

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Are you tired of rushing through events just to get to the rewards?

Do you want to get the rewards first and take your own sweet time to savor the PvE events?


Come WvW to earn your Potion of WvW rewards!



Doing all dailies in WvW grants up to 6 potions per day!

Saving 80 potions allows you to complete a WvW reward track instantly!


That's how I completed the Grothmar Valley reward track instantly in a day and got my rewards!




I can now play the new map at my own pace without needing to worry about rushing to get the new shinies!

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