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Combat Tonics : Perm or 60min Duration


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i've brought this topic up tons of time on the old forum, until now anet has yet to give a single world that

they're even aware of the _problem_ so I wouldn't hold my breath.

Personally, I am really annoyed by this, sizing tonics (big and small) as well as the Kodan tonic,

are completely and entirely usable in a wide range in combat. If not for the fact that we have to

constantly reapply them EVERY 15 MINUTES.


There are two issues here:

1. Why was the timer put in, in the first place, since you can already toggle the effect off on your own, the timer is just an arbitrary second mechanism.

2. Who decided 15 minutes was okay? that's a really short time for a combat-enriched period. Both role players and people who use it for fun suffer under this timer.

3. which brings me to point 3: it's code, right? the code of the item says eith 15 minutes, or 900 seconds or whatever, all they have to do is open the code, find the number, and change it to 1440 minutes (24h) or 86400 seconds. It's just a number in the code. done in 3 seconds tops, and your entire playerbase will be happy.


Please anet, tell us why this arbitrary annoyance exists, and why it hasn't been fixed yet, if there's a good reason, I'll accept it and be quiet.

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Maybe there's some sort of problem we don't know about. I've read on the WoW forums how their transformation tonics only last a few minutes [(one was a 30 minute transform with a 2 hour cooldown)](http://www.wowhead.com/item=86568/mr-smites-brass-compass) and this game's Watchknight tonic used to be 5 minutes with a 25 minute cooldown. This sort of thing, short durations and cooldowns, makes me wonder if there's an underlying problem with transforms. I know ANet is aware of this as a question about the Watchknight tonic transform had a direct response on Reddit (where else) :/ before its recent change but even then it was only given 15 minutes with no cooldown.

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