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Bound By Blood has the best story line.


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Realy? that bound by blood was realy pain to play without skip button. Why i must have with me 2 usseles morons like Braham an Rytlock,can we finally leave them to die somewhere far away ? I dontl ike any of them except maybe Taimi. There was a part where player must patricipate in events and still it has 0 impact on story and progress as a MC


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- beautiful map

- Change of pace and atmosphere (probably quiet before the storm)

- The metal concert and the shooting event

- The characters writing



- Same old narrative tricks as always: comic relief from Bramham instead of Tami, run around the map and overhear some lore, being told what to do by all npcs.


Overall, it was a most welcome change of pace and atmosphere. The map is gorgeous and some activities / events are fun. As for the story, it was well executed but nothing new in the delivery of the narrative.

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> @"Psientist.6437" said:

> With Braham, it felt like when a character behaves a certain way because the plot demands certain behavior and less like it emerges from their character. Braham has gone from someone bound by duty to someone who does dooty, from challenging the Commander to Staning the Commander. I hope he recovers his senses. Imo, his role wasn't terrible or unbelievable, just over played for laughs at his expense.



Actually, I thought HoT, Ls3 and LS4 braham was a result of ls2 Braham seeking the approval of his mother, and the depression that settled in after the shock of HoT, knowing he will never get it after coming so close. His mindset wasn't healthy, and he was thrust into an isolated leadership role without the follys and connections that come with being a young adult. As we're likely to find out with his guildmates in episode one, his results will be half arsed as a result.


Prologue Braham was a much more healthy character, imo, and is only now regaining his senses. There's no point saving the world if you can't let your hair down and enjoy it every now and then.

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