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Vault of the Khan-Ur/Grothmar Meta reward structure is horrid and needs severe improvement.


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> @"yann.1946" said:

> > @"MokahTGS.7850" said:

> > > @"Ol Nik.2518" said:

> > > My main concern is that after a very short time, metas like effigy will be impossible to complete unless there is a dedicated squad doing metas. Unfortunately, the reward structure makes it highly unlikely that such squads will be formed.

> > >

> > > I hope ArenaNet will address downscaling of all events, so they are doable with a small number of people. Or they make meta more rewarding, so the map is included in LW meta trains.

> >

> > Like they addressed the events in HoT that you have to do to complete masteries and legendaries? Still can't get several because no one ever does them...the same will happen here. They used the same formula that they can't seem to see is broken.


> can you give an example of an event that doesn't get done? Cause every time i enter the jungle their are still people doing them.



There are multiple boss mobs in HoT that have mastery point tied to them that are never being done because they are outside the meta. Just go through the mastery list and you'll see them. You mileage may vary, but this is my experience.

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Yea..its kind of dumb honestly..Really want the helmet for my charr, but hey. Nope..not gonna happen. i dont expect the rewards to be given freely but for the love of god it would be nice to have a -Good- chance at it. Especially after the map dies off and keys become more and more expensive.

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> @"Devildoc.6721" said:

> > @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> > > @"Devildoc.6721" said:

> > > We unlock a vault with piles of gold... and only take one crappy piece of gear.

> > If all you get is one piece of gear, then they are indeed being tricked. Every time I have opened the vault I have come away with about two dozend pieces of unidentified gear as well as some other stuff (empyrial fragments, chilis).


> the same junk chests you can get outside of the vault, which is more salvage fodder this time blue and green. I don't think anything good CAN drop from them.


I was wondering about that, whether there was some rare drop from the grothmar chests similar to the music boxes from pof chests or the like . . .


In other news, there is a visage box listed on the tp for 7k. Two more like that and the cheeve will become theoretically obtainable for one lucky player . . .

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It would make sense if the visage box leveled out to around 100-200g initially given weapons were around 40g during the first few days. Right now the drop rate must be astronomically low.


The weapons don't seem to have this issue because the price has halved and will continue to decrease since the daily reward culminates in a weaponbox (the PvP/WvW reward track rewards one guaranteed also).


It is kind of hilarious that the Ebon Vanguard shoulderbox is ~150g but the Visage box is over 20x more.


There was probably an extra 0 or two added to the visage box drop rate since I can't see a charr-only headgear being that popular. _Maybe it only drops on charr characters and people are playing humans._

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> @"signarokkaos.4035" said:

> I tried opening all of them on my charr characters thinking the same thing. Not any luck so far haha.

Without sufficiently big samples and non-charr control group... there is still a possibility that it drops to charrs only, but the drop rate is very low...

I think I'll just make money and wait a bit, then I'll buy those helmets.

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> @"Infusion.7149" said:


> There was probably an extra 0 or two added to the visage box drop rate since I can't see a charr-only headgear being that popular. _Maybe it only drops on charr characters and people are playing humans._


Nope, I'm a heavy charr main and nothing ever came out of these. I'm actually only opening the vault 10 times for the achivement and then I'll just leave it alone I guess.

The only "rare" that dropped for me was on the second day after release from the strike which was the ebon shoulder box which I sold because it was worth a lot and I desperately needed the gold and didn't care for the skin or the tied collection.



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> @"Ol Nik.2518" said:

> Without sufficiently big samples and non-charr control group... there is still a possibility that it drops to charrs only, but the drop rate is very low...

> I think I'll just make money and wait a bit, then I'll buy those helmets.

Yeah I know but in my mind I am hoping that is the solution and will keep trying.


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False scarcity RNG with transferable real money currency is G A M B L I N G. I don't care what your legal definitions are. It activates the same damn dopamine center of the brain to addict you to chasing an eternal fake goal in the attempts that you swipe your card for the high you were seeking. This is because, if you were to take away all rare RNG content, the new content sucks. Anet has done this mildly before, but now they are straight up milking the last of a dying cow. I'm going to laugh so hard as lawmakers eventually shut down the ESA and force you to disclose drop-rates and all your tactics @anet.


Also, to anyone supporting this as a legitimate game mechanic, you are a detriment to the industry right now. You are the reason everyone suffers. Try taking a gamble on Russian roulette and do us all a favor.


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I think the reward structure for Grothmar and the Strike Mission could use some tweaking, yes. Here's how I think it should be adjusted:


1. Add the Visage of the Khan-Ur box to the reward for completing the Bound by Blood meta-achieve (this makes it more in line with the armor skin rewards for previous LS maps). Move the /rockout emote reward to the Master of Ceremonies achieve (for the Metal Legion concert) instead, as it makes more sense thematically there. This change can be made retroactive. Remove the Visage box from the list of drops from the Recovered Charr Artifact; existing boxes can stay on the TP.

2. Add 1 Recovered Charr Artifact to the daily rewards for the Strike Mission. (I decided to go with 1/day considering the Strike Mission is pretty quick to complete and can be repeated daily for other rewards.)

3. Increase the number of Recovered Charr Artifacts dropped by the Vault chest to 4, one for each of the 4 daily metas one must have completed to access the vault. I think that 4 guaranteed Rares for sticking around for 2 hours in Grothmar is a fair enough return, considering you can get more Rares than that just by showing up to the Auric Basin or similar metas.

4. Increase the drop rate of the Ebon Vanguard Shoulder chests from the Strike Mission slightly. (Perhaps 1/20?) This one I'm open to feedback on because I'm not sure where these chests come from; do they drop from the daily bouncy chests or the repeatable loot chests? If they come from the daily chests, then perhaps a 1/10 chance is more appropriate. (A 10% chance for a bonus 2.5g for a daily mission sounds like a nice enticement to keep players doing strike missions daily for well into the future.)


EDIT: On a related note, the Hatched Chili Node REALLY needs to be improved. It's a very underwhelming reward compared to previous HI nodes. Perhaps one way we could improve it (as well as improve demand for the tradable variant) is that you can add the Hatched Chili Node twice to your HI; doing so transforms it into a Lush Hatched Chili Plant, which provides 3x the usual drop tables for a Chili node. Finally, there needs to be an option for one to liquidate the Hatched Chilis, either by consuming them for Volatile Magic, or by giving them a merchant value. Otherwise, years down the line we're going to wind up with it being a dead currency.

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