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IF you could kill off one of the NPC who would it be?

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> @"hugo.4705" said:

> > @"yann.1946" said:

> > > @"hugo.4705" said:

> > > Aurene. I hate it since the start, just a weapon we used. Plus, what's the point of being an elder dragon if all the other are dead? Aurene's Tyria? Nah I'm out of it then, will join Primordius before it's too late. Or better, sbubbles since nobody know its name and where is is: I hope it's ability is mind/memory washing, that way it is invincible. How to fight something you have never heard about?

> > >

> > > Frankly, Aurene is too powered, and she is already causing havoc, daring to interrupt a charr ceremony! They are true, we have 0 influence on it, and it shocked me that the commander simply say "she does what she wants" PFF if she didn't did that, bangar would have never go to jormag.

> >

> > Tbh it is because bangar believes we control it that he wants to go to jormag.

> >

> > And isn't the idea that we will look for replacements for the others also?


> I would like to seek replacements, but how it's going, Aurene will replace them all, I bet as a prism dragon, it can absorb any magic.


> For Bangar, I dunno, for a first impression from us, the commander, Aurene ruined the occasion. Maybe It's just because we interrupted the celebration, can be possible, Bangar to me seems very patriotic, fan of war sure, and only like blood legion. I think he doesn't accept that Aurene is flying around making brand opale everywhere. We aren't implied, I really think he see Aurene as a threat that has to be eliminated even if it requires Jormag.

> If you inspect the office, you will see an icebroodish scepter, I think he is planning that since he heard about aurene.


In The speech in the end he mentions the fear that the commander will point aurene to him(the char).


The title of the story step also gives it away as it mentions an arms race.


Personally I believe that the people in lore are not that afraid of Aurene because they believe that the commander has control.


But for bangar that just means the commander/ the pact has a nuke at their disposal.

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I also think we aren't in control of Aurene, I share the feeling of Bangar.

He just think that we will point Aurene to him, but it's more like Aurere will eat him if it wants.

Still, he think it's a threat (maybe us too), the tribunes weren't that positive about Aurene too. Just Flame legion said it's a new world, and we aren't all used to it.


I agree with everything after "arms race".

But, well this is my opinion, I think Aurene is annoying and bring nothing to story.

And again, it was disapointement, that dragon interrupting bangar.

Just wanted to /facepalm when aurene stopped the devourer.


Just: I'm okay with some liking Aurene, but I'm not along them.


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> @"hugo.4705" said:

> I also think we aren't in control of Aurene, I share the feeling of Bangar.

> He just think that we will point Aurene to him, but it's more like Aurere will eat him if it wants.

> Still, he think it's a threat (maybe us too), the tribunes weren't that positive about Aurene too. Just Flame legion said it's a new world, and we aren't all used to it.


> I agree with everything after "arms race".

> But, well this is my opinion, I think Aurene is annoying and bring nothing to story.

> And again, it was disapointement, that dragon interrupting bangar.

> Just wanted to /facepalm when aurene stopped the devourer.


> Just: I'm okay with some liking Aurene, but I'm not along them.



Sure, I was only giving my interpretations of the dialogue.



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As someone that has more Norn characters then any other race, Kill Braham, make it painful as hell , I really want him to suffer badly for making all Norn look like Whiny, Drunk, Spoiled Mamma's Boys without a single redeeming quality. Sometimes when I'm in a cut-scene and he's there being his usual whiny ***hole self, I have to skip it because otherwise I will put a greatsword through my monitor. He dishonors Eir every time he's on my screen.

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> @"Richard Marcinko.5132" said:

> I really want him to suffer badly for making all Norn look like Whiny, Drunk, Spoiled Mamma's Boys without a single redeeming quality.


He doesn't though. Sure he makes himself look like that perfectly. (To a lot of people at least). But for all the faults he has, he is not responsible for people thinking they have seen all norn after seeing one. Even if he is the norn we see most, we have seen enough other norn, to know that not all norn are like him.

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Logan, he doesn’t add anything. Don’t miss him.


I think Taimi is going to die but become a golem.


I love Braham. His story is going to get worse We will find out he failed his Norn guild, they kicked him out. He has lost all honor and glory and the woman he loves. But I think we are going to travel on a great redemption story with him.

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Most characters seem so disney-esque and boring. Too less edgy. The only really likeable and well written character is Canach. I also like Rytlock, Kasmeer and Marjory. BTW I nothing hate more than short names in fantasy universes. Names like Jory, or Kas or Ani (for Anakin in Star Wars): Don't do it, it just doesn't fit. Fantasy has to remain 'classic'. It just destroys it.

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> @"Urgi.3504" said:

> Taimi, Gorik, any Asura or all Asura.


Pretty much this. Way too much self-important posturing, way too much magitech-this-that-and-everything, way too much "Taimi is the only one who knows anything". And if she does bite it, being remote-controlled by a different asura who instantly assumes her role (i.e. what Gorik seems to be built up as) isn't going to be any better. The only asura I've met and didn't immediately despise were Demolitionist Tonn (RIP) and Warmaster Efrut. If we must have an asura in the "guild", can they just have their niche and stick to it, please?


The really ticked-off part of me wants her death to be no more than a brief laughing stock and then instantly and utterly forgotten, like the Commander's death and resurrection which she turned into a slapstick moment.


I don't really have much positive feelings for any of the "guild mate" NPCs. There are some moments in which I do like one or the other, but that's rare and tends to be overshadowed by "meh" or negative ones ... especially with all the "let's put all the emotional focus on the NPCs, even at the PC's expense" moments in this game.


That said, I don't loathe Braham as much as I used to, in fact even felt happy that he got along so well with a certain someone in the new story, until the

happened, which made me sad and angry on his behalf. Though I *really* hope we're going to see some good and deeper norn writing soon now, because "oversized humans" and "drunk idiots" isn't what they deserve.


(I did actually like Trahearne except for the "meekly observe how badass and confident he suddenly is" mission which was really on the nose.)

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