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Forum Signatures [merged]


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I don't think the badges have much to do with it. I think the main issue is a timegate one, as I know some people with the gold level thumbs up badge who still havent' unlocked signatures, and I'm sure some members are approaching that for helpfuls as well.


I also don't understand why Gaile was so cryptic. Its one thing to surprise and delight us with how to rank up on the forums if there is no functionality tied behind higher ranks (

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Here's what happened in this topic: a developer wanted to reward dedicated forum users and have signatures as more of a status symbol. Someone said it's not a game but I think they're treating it like that. I honestly think it was well intentioned and they thought it would be fun. I think Gaile has been asked to be tight lipped over it.

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> @OriOri.8724 said:

> I don't think the badges have much to do with it. I think the main issue is a timegate one, as I know some people with the gold level thumbs up badge who still havent' unlocked signatures, and I'm sure some members are approaching that for helpfuls as well.


Oh i can tell you its not gold level thumbs up as i have Plat (500).

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> @TexZero.7910 said:

> > @OriOri.8724 said:

> > I don't think the badges have much to do with it. I think the main issue is a timegate one, as I know some people with the gold level thumbs up badge who still havent' unlocked signatures, and I'm sure some members are approaching that for helpfuls as well.


> Oh i can tell you its not gold level thumbs up as i have Plat (500).


Oh lol I honestly haven't even checked the badge listings more than once, didn't realize there was a platinum.

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> Thanks for making me aware that there may be a discrepancy between forums as far as signatures. I had no idea! We're going to align the DE, ES, and FR forums to match the English, since that seems the best of the options we have at hand. Granted that will appear to be "taking away" something from some forum members, and I regret that very much. On the other hand, all of us who are involved with the forums fully discussed and agreed on the elements, including signatures availability, so I think it's best to not continue with a "have" and "have not" situation. This is all subject to testing, because while I do believe you're reporting accurately, I wonder if there's an off chance that the signatures are "client side" and not visible to others. In the end, we want to make sure that we have things properly aligned for *all* members in *all* languages.


> Thanks again.



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I don't think signatures are at all important for healthy & productive discussions. I think they distract more than they benefit the community.


However, if ANet intends to include them as a feature (especially since so many people here want them), then

* The requirements should be modest: a modest number of posts (upvotes shouldn't matter at all) and a modest time-since-first-post (e.g. a week).

* The requirements should be public.


There's simply no "delight" in what seems like an arbitrary gating of a feature common to most official gaming forums. In addition, there are players that have already achieved 10 badges and if they don't have access to signatures, well, why the heck not?

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> The Rank and Badge system was developed to -- to borrow a phrase from our game developers -- surprise and delight. I don't think there's anything so critical about this particular element of the forums that we need to outline the this's and that's of it. I am sure that when someone achieves that rank, they'll let everyone know. :)


These new forums have certainly been a constant source of surprise. The delight has been less forthcoming. If I ever find it, I'll be sure to let everyone else know where it is. Perhaps it's off hiding with the ability to create signatures or other basic communication functions. If we can't be told how to get signatures, can we at least be told why the subject of how to obtain signatures has to be shrouded in mystery? Are we meant to solve The Mystery Of The Signatures like it's some kind of game? Because that seems bizarre to me. Just because this is a forum for a game, it doesn't mean that the forum itself needs to be treated like a game. We already have the actual game we all paid for to act like a game. The forums can just be forums without having basic functions gated behind needless gamification. Presuming, of course, that this is what's happening here since we apparently can't get straight answers for heady, existential questions like, "How do we get a signature?" and "Why can't we be told how to get a signature?"

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> @Tapioca.9062 said:

> > @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> > The Rank and Badge system was developed to -- to borrow a phrase from our game developers -- surprise and delight. I don't think there's anything so critical about this particular element of the forums that we need to outline the this's and that's of it. I am sure that when someone achieves that rank, they'll let everyone know. :)


> These new forums have certainly been a constant source of surprise. The delight has been less forthcoming.


This is my feeling as well. The removal of an annoyance doesn't create delight, it just leaves lingering frustration.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> I don't think signatures are at all important for healthy & productive discussions. I think they distract more than they benefit the community.


> However, if ANet intends to include them as a feature (especially since so many people here want them), then

> * The requirements should be modest: a modest number of posts (upvotes shouldn't matter at all) and a modest time-since-first-post (e.g. a week).

> * The requirements should be public.


> There's simply no "delight" in what seems like an arbitrary gating of a feature common to most official gaming forums. In addition, there are players that have already achieved 10 badges and if they don't have access to signatures, well, why the heck not?


I disagree with just requiring a "modest number of posts". There's nothing stopping a troll from just trolling and then unlocking signatures. Not that this is inherently bad in and of itself to let a troll have a signature. But more so that Anet restricted them for a reason, ans then giving it away to trolls could undermine that reason depending on what it was.

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It seems like you need to be "Promoted" to unlock Signatures.

Which seems like over 10 Helpful and 20 Thumbs Ups on a **single ** post. Only way to really test this theory (unnaturally) for science is a asking for Helpful/Thumbs Up and seeing when it actually triggers. Which I don't want to encourage...


Can't confirm, but looking at [Gaile Gray](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/profile/reactions/Gaile%20Gray.6029?reaction=promote "Gaile Gray")'s Promote, it kind of leads to that?

Regina Buenaobra also has a promotion, but it doesn't link to the specific posts which triggered it...but there are [two posts that fall into that criteria](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/profile/reactions/Regina%20Buenaobra.6193?reaction=insightful "two posts that fall into that criteria") that were done before the forum maintenance.

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> @Boysenberry.1869 said:

> If people try to test things and learn how to "game" the system then Anet will probably just change it.



Alternatively, they can just say what it takes instead of making it a Hidden ~~Mount~~...~~Achievement~~...feature. It's just the forums, leave the theory-crafting for the game!

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> @Arzurag.7506 said:

> In the german forum are signatures possible without restriction. I was really surprised when I saw that.

> It seems only this part of the GW2 forums is left out while they added signatures.


They won't be soon (if not changed already); the new implementation will be no forums have signatures until unlocked.

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> @LUST.7241 said:

> It seems like you need to be "Promoted" to unlock Signatures.


Not by the forum's mechanics, though. I reached 500 Thumbs Up third on this forum, and it did not unlock signatures for me. I assume those are reserved for ANet employees only, while the German version of this forum allows signatures for everyone from the start.


However, it did unlock the mail feature. But that's of no use when the person you want to write to can't respond. ;)

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> The Rank and Badge system was developed to -- to borrow a phrase from our game developers -- surprise and delight. I don't think there's anything so critical about this particular element of the forums that we need to outline the this's and that's of it. I am sure that when someone achieves that rank, they'll let everyone know. :)


Sorry Gaile but that does not make a lot of sense. All we are asking are "what are the rules for a common function" not "what is the root password".


On another thread it was theorized it was 20 thumbs up and 10 helpfuls all on the same post. That seems pretty arbitrary (and will yield to threads with people farming responses) but can you at least confirm it if that is true?


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> @DebraKadabra.5278 said:

> This whole system is just weird and frustrating if we don't have features that others have had from inception.


That's what I don't understand either. Any other forum you go to, including the old GW2 forum has all this from the outset, why now does it have to be unlocked? It's not 'fun' it's silly design. A certain number of comments for validation I can understand, the rest makes zero sense to me.

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As others have noted they seem to view this forum as a game and are putting hidden achievements in. I do not go to a forum for the same reasons as I go to a game, nor do I expect it to act like one.


Then we wonder why other forums are so popular. Why is it gaming companies are always SO bad at running a tool that has existed in one form or another since the net was even a thing?

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> The Rank and Badge system was developed to -- to borrow a phrase from our game developers -- surprise and delight. I don't think there's anything so critical about this particular element of the forums that we need to outline the this's and that's of it. I am sure that when someone achieves that rank, they'll let everyone know. :)


Given that any forum you go to outside of this one, including the old GW2 forums has most of this straight away, how do you perceive removing standard features and forcing them into random unlocks as "suprise and delight"? They aren't new special features, you've just removed ones we previously had and have forced them into a mystery unlock feature, some of which make no sense at all.


I don't even understand how you can consider this to be 'fun', it's just gating standard features for very little rhyme or reason - **we have collection items in game, do we really need to 'grind' on a forum just to get basic features we used to have access to?** What delight is there that we can eventually do what we used to be able to do on the old version of the forum? All you've done is over-complicated things and to consider it fun is purely asinine.

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> The Rank and Badge system was developed to -- to borrow a phrase from our game developers -- surprise and delight. I don't think there's anything so critical about this particular element of the forums that we need to outline the this's and that's of it. I am sure that when someone achieves that rank, they'll let everyone know. :)


As much as I like my *games* to have surprising and delightful features, the forums are not a game, they are a communication and discussion tool and should be treated as such.


Please make public the requirements for advancing ranks, or (ideally) don't lock *basic, common features seen on every single forum for decades* behind obscure requirements beyond a post count

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