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Forum Signatures [merged]


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Regarding 'Veteran':

My first post was made on [september 12th at 9:39PM](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/115913/#Comment_115913 "September 12th at 9:39PM") (I believe it displays in my local time for me).


According to math, and [this helpful site](https://www.timeanddate.com/date/dateadded.html?m1=9&d1=12&y1=2017&type=add&ay=&am=&aw=&ad=30&h1=21&i1=39&s1=0&ah=&ai=&as=&rec= "this helpful site"), 30 days from that post should have been Thursday, October 12, 2017 at 9:39:00 PM.


It is now 5:09 AM on Friday, October 13, 2017 and 'Veteran' status was not applied to my forum account.


This leads me to believe that either something more than 30 days from your first post is required, or that there may be an issue of 'Veteran' status not properly being assigned for some members. (If it didn't properly for me then it is likely there are or will be others as well)


I do not think I am in error, and I believe I've followed the discussion properly to reach the conclusion that only 30 days from your first post is required and not a certain 'helpful' or 'thumbs up' amount as well (of which I currently have 12 and 24 of respectively). Perhaps it does also require having at least 'X' Thumbs Up?


Regarding Signature unlock:

~~I have seen [one](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/profile/discussions/Archranis.2375 "one") or[ two](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/profile/discussions/costepj.5120 " two") with only 'Member' status and not 'Veteran' who have signature unlocked, so it does seem to not be tied to having 'Veteran' status. They also have 5 badges due to many thumbs up (108 and 79 atm), so signature seems to be reliant on acquiring 5 badges. This might explain why I've not unlocked a signature, but not for why I did not acquire 'Veteran' status due to it being beyond 30 days since my first comment.~~


If I am mistaken on something, I welcome enlightenment by those that may be interested in helping me to understand this.




- Edit: the forum redirect breaks the specific time and date link with the values entered, but they can be manually entered again to verify if desired.

- Another edit: Apparently I do have signature unlocked as now I can create one, but there was no notification of having achieved this capability. Apparently signature unlock does not require 5 badges (I have 4), 25+thumbs up (I have 24), or even 'Veteran' status (as I am still 'Member'). I'm quite confused.

- Update: At the time of this edit, it has been [30 days, 14 hours and 30 minutes](https://www.timeanddate.com/date/durationresult.html?m1=09&d1=12&y1=2017&m2=10&d2=13&y2=2017&h1=21&i1=39&s1=&h2=12&i2=9&s2=38 "30 days, 14 hours and 30 minutes") since my first comment was made and Veteran has still not been awarded. My state of confusion regarding Veteran awarding requirments persists.

- Update: Another day beyond 30 without Veteran status granted. I now believe that this is tied to having any 5 badges, likely in addition to the 30 days after your first comment requirement. Sadly, this requirement would likely just lead to 'Reaction' farming to get 5 badges after having acquired the 'easy' ones gained via normal forum use. Oh well. Thankfully signatures are not tied to gaining this badge, so it's just another badge that can be ignored instead of being a blocker to normal forum functionality.

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> Hey guys,


> While signatures are available for many of you now, we'd like to let you know that we anticipate that signatures will be standard text. Lonami kindly pointed out that the new signature block for their account was wonky, and it definitely is. As it turns out, disabling heading text on the signatures would involve disabling heading text on the content, too. And as you can imagine, we quite *like* having headings on the new forums because they enhance things like update notes, so we don't want to give up that option for possible edge cases with too-large signatures. So....


> **Please use standard forum text for signatures.**


> If someone uses larger text (through heading options) the moderators will be asking them to change to standard text. I'd like to reduce the time wasted handling those situations by asking for everyone's cooperation. If signatures are standard text, all is well. Thanks!


No need to disable options, give your web team a call and tell them to edit the .css file. Something like this would fix it:


.UserSignature {font-size:12px;}

.UserSignature h1 {font-size:14px;}

.UserSignature h2 {font-size:13px;}


Or if you want no visual differences for signature headers:


.UserSignature {font-size:14px;}

.UserSignature h1 {font-size:14px;}

.UserSignature h2 {font-size:14px;}


Right now, the font for normal text is 11px, which is unreadable. 12px and 14px look better. Consider that normal body font is at 16px right now. It's a simple change, I'm sure they'll understand the problem if you show them the above directly :).

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As far as I know, there are only two features locked for the forums, neither of which is directly gated by "badges":

* **Signatures:** locked by "veteran" status, which is apparently one month (30 days?) after the first post made on the forums. (Indirect gate: [First Post](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/badge/comment "First Post").)

* **Initiating Private Messages:** locked by "member" status, which is apparently 3 days after the first post and also requires at least 5 total posts. (Same indirect gate.)


I don't know of anything that unlocks with any other 'badge' nor for having 5 or 8 or 10 badges (I think 10 might be the most anyone has so far).

(I'll be happy to update this list if anyone has other examples.)

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> As far as I know, there are only two features locked for the forums, neither of which is directly gated by "badges":

> * **Signatures:** locked by "veteran" status, which is apparently one month (30 days?) after the first post made on the forums. (Indirect gate: [First Post](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/badge/comment "First Post").)

> * **Initiating Private Messages:** locked by "member" status, which is apparently 3 days after the first post and also requires at least 5 total posts. (Same indirect gate.)


> I don't know of anything that unlocks with any other 'badge' nor for having 5 or 8 or 10 badges (I think 10 might be the most anyone has so far).

> (I'll be happy to update this list if anyone has other examples.)


I've been noting my observations on this matter a few posts above.

The gist is that I have signature unlocked, but I do not have Veteran status despite it having already been over 32 days since my first comment. Based on this, I think that Veteran may require 5 badges in addition to 30 days from first post to be awarded as I have not seen anyone with Veteran yet that has fewer than 5 and I have only 4 currently. I expect if/when I get a 5th (from 50 thumbs up or helpfuls), Veteran will finally unlock for me.


(Also on your last note: post edit time made unlimited is tied to Member status as well as private message access. It isn't exactly 'locked', but it's limited until that rank is gained. Not sure if it is worth noting in your list.)




EDIT: Another note

- Veteran Status was awarded to me a few hours after my 100th comment was made (48 days, 15 hours, 43 minutes after my first comment was made at a time when I was asleep and not on the forums.

- I was at 38 helpful and 39 thumbs up, so it was unlikely related to them.

- However, I see others with Veteran who only have ~30 comments made so it seems to also not be related to number of comments made.


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  • 2 months later...

My first post was made on September 12th, I made 37 posts, have 6 badges... and I am still rank 2 and can't have a signature.

So if I wanna have a signature I have to spam the forum with more posts? Comment on random stuff? Fish for upvotes/helpfulls?

I want at least some transparency on this. Atm it's just this pseudo-mysterious thing where it will automatically unlock once Rytlock farts loud enough. This is isn't funny, or a surprise, it just feels either buggy as hell or if somebody is randomly asigning those ranks.

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> @"Ashamir.9574" said:

> My first post was made on September 12th, I made 37 posts, have 6 badges... and I am still rank 2 and can't have a signature.

> So if I wanna have a signature I have to spam the forum with more posts? Comment on random stuff? Fish for upvotes/helpfulls?

> I want at least some transparency on this. Atm it's just this pseudo-mysterious thing where it will automatically unlock once Rytlock farts loud enough. This is isn't funny, or a surprise, it just feels either buggy as hell or if somebody is randomly asigning those ranks.


Apparently you can have a signature with still being Member (rank 2) and it does not require Veteran (rank 3).


As I noted in my observations in some prior comments avove, I was still Member rank and I found that I could add a signature. I wasn't alerted to this unlocked ability in any way.


You may be able to add a signature despite not having been alerted that you unlocked that ability.


Have you attempted to add a signature via the [Preferences](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/profile/preferences "Preferences") > [signature Settings](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/profile/signature "Signature Settings") area? It may accept your signature addition if you were stealth given the ability.



As for why you have not attained Veteran (rank 3) yet, observations I noted above in other comments support your idea that it may actually be manually awarded by someone behind the scenes as there is no consistency to the state of user accounts when that rank is granted (even awarded while sleeping with no change to elements of a user's account).

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Indeed, I can change my signature. I've no idea when that sneaked in since I wasn't really active here for like a month and last I checked it I deifnitely couldn't edit a signature.

This is just... yeah, I didn't expect it to change out of the blue (?)

Thank you for your help and have a Merry Christmas (if you celebrate it) :)

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