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Dwayna's Reliquary and the skyscale.


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I went to Dwayna's Reliquary on Siren's Landing this morning. It was the first time I did the heart with my skyscale. It's almost like the skyscale was made for it. Dashing through the clouds to purify them then hearing the melodic tones is very satisfying.


I would love to see some changes that would make it a longer and more enjoyable experience. Allow the skyscale to use Unbound Magic just like Volatile Magic to push the flight endurance and when the burst of light with the tones hits as you pass through a cloud leave behind some Unbound Magic that the player has to double back on to collect. This would allow the player to extend the fun past finishing the heart.

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I'd like unbound to work like this too.


It's the closest i'm going to get to free flight which I still agree won't change anything about the game.

People say it'll break the maps but I can already guarantee that the very existence of mounts have already done that in core Tyria, and the Skyscale can break out of any map already without free flight.

As for skipping content with it, I've been skipping content with mounts since PoF came out.. it's hardly changing anything or breaking anything that isn't already exceptionally easy to do on any other mount.

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> @"Teratus.2859" said:

> I'd like unbound to work like this too.


> It's the closest i'm going to get to free flight which I still agree won't change anything about the game.

> People say it'll break the maps but I can already guarantee that the very existence of mounts have already done that in core Tyria, and the Skyscale can break out of any map already without free flight.

> As for skipping content with it, I've been skipping content with mounts since PoF came out.. it's hardly changing anything or breaking anything that isn't already exceptionally easy to do on any other mount.


I agree skyscale should fly normally and not just scale the sky as her name suggest.

You have no idea how disappointed I was when I learn that skyscale cant fly freely. My disappointment was beyond measure.

And as you said, it wont break anything that mounts didnt break already. I cant imagine going back to pre-PoF and traveling tyria without mount.


But I doubt Anet will do it. Best case scenario I see them doing is *maybe* adding special updraft for skyscale to boost you high to the sky where you can sort of fly (more like gliding slowly but you start at higher point).

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