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WvW Skill lag is still a problem.


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This was during NA reset on tier 1.





Last I heard @"Stephen ClarkeWillson.1802" was working on this. Back on August 26th which he stated..



>2019 08 26: I went into Blackgate and watched the CPU and some fights; pretty sure this is a problem with too much CPU requirements and it only happens in big battles with lots of skills flying. Sometimes players, who are clever and amazing, figure out a new way to use a skill that is expensive so we'll be evaluating skill performance.


Just wondering what has been going on since then? Is this something that's being put on the back burner until after world reconstructing?

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Look at the bright side, at least it wasnt EU T5.


Outnumbered yet map is queued (no fake), heavy warping and skill lag when the 3 zergs are at 3 completely different locations.


> Nothing can be done about this unfortunately without scrapping the game and starting a brand new engine and all. That's not going to happen in a f2p game like this.

Oh you mean something like a billion dollar subscription game in WoW which even had a DX12 patch not long ago and is *faaar* simpler than GW2 for its effects and skills?


Look at asmongolds city assault. Then laugh. Laugh real hard. Or cry. It doesnt really matter which you pick. It's hilarious either way.

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> Look at the bright side, at least it wasnt EU T5.


> Outnumbered yet map is queued (no fake), heavy warping and skill lag when the 3 zergs are at 3 completely different locations.


> > Nothing can be done about this unfortunately without scrapping the game and starting a brand new engine and all. That's not going to happen in a f2p game like this.

> Oh you mean something like a billion dollar subscription game in WoW which even had a DX12 patch not long ago and is *faaar* simpler than GW2 for its effects and skills?


> Look at asmongolds city assault. Then laugh. Laugh real hard. Or cry. It doesnt really matter which you pick. It's hilarious either way.


Now cmon Dawdler. We obviously don’t understand how awesome WoW is. We are only poor GW2 players who don’t know what they’re missing..

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About 1-2 days ago when I was doing key runs on alts I just kept getting timeouts. If I noticed the timeout early and tried to go to char select screen I would just get a black screen, but if I let it ride out for a few minutes I was able to go to char select screen no problem. Definitely sounds like something wonky happening server side but last night and today I did not get those random timeouts but the skill lags are still apparent even in pve. Did anyone get login server problems lately too?

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> @"Notjes.7182" said:

> I imagine 3way slaughter fests around a keep with 3 map blobs could be super fun. But oh well, no one ever experienced it, because the skill lag prevents it. Everybody comes on hyped at reset times and every time everybody is equally disgusted by the skill lags - until next reset hype.


I had one last week (maybe 2...i cant remember) in ABL...3 way zerg fight for one of our north towers and it was epic (very little to no lag on my end).

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