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Appeal of the Russian-speaking community Guild Wars 2


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how could it be good business to make a large chunk of your players feel they are not getting the full game "immersion" . I think it's fairly reasonable to ask for a Cyrillic

alphabet for chat. Perhaps a Far European North in game guild is an idea for playing on the same server in the same time zone? Good luck. ;)


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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> And how do you propose to cover for the increased cost in support personel to read any request of support or accusation of harasment in Cyrillic?


But we don't need the full translation and the dev's ingame support thing, only the possibility to use some extra symbols. Of course, all requests should be in English.


There still could be harrasment, with typing russian words with latin.

Look, here's the word ''cheesecutter'':


Сырорезка - all cyrillyc

CbIPoPe3Ka - all latin


you probably wont understand both of these.

It's too hard too type this way, that's all.


P.S. I'm not supposed to understand what words ''merde'' and ''puta'' mean, but I can see those in world map chats, flooded with French, Spanish, and other languages.

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> @"Ol Nik.2518" said:


> Вам может быть проще добиться результата, если вы попробуете объединить усилия с людьми из стран, где используются алфавиты не построенные на латинице. Юникод в чате был бы оптимальным решением для всех.

Ты абсолютно прав, дружище! Если добавлять , то не только кириллицу. "Счастье для всех даром, и пусть никто не уйдёт обиженный!"


> @"Wakani.1829" said:

> Im all for this, if theres an option included to automatically block / filter cyrillic out.

> This is a western MMO, and while this is going to sound mean, that is not the intent.


> while you hate having to talk in english, we hate having to look at hieroglyphs that make zero sense to anyone in the west who isnt born in or around russia.

> I had enough of that back in League of Legends, and you'll find that this is infact a western MMO, not a russian MMO, you've played well with others for this long, i see no reason to split the community now by entering in a lanquage alot of us simply don't understand.


> I know that sounds like a double standard, but i'll remind people again, this isn't a russian MMO, and Cyrillic was left out for a reason.

That is, it's better to see this in a chat "reb9ta, pomogite ubit 4empiona" , then "ребята, помогите убить чемпиона"? You still don’t understand both options. Then what's the difference for u.


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> @"teonanakatl.1289" said:

> > @"Ol Nik.2518" said:


> > Вам может быть проще добиться результата, если вы попробуете объединить усилия с людьми из стран, где используются алфавиты не построенные на латинице. Юникод в чате был бы оптимальным решением для всех.

> Ты абсолютно прав, дружище! Если добавлять , то не только кириллицу. "Счастье для всех даром, и пусть никто не уйдёт обиженный!"


> > @"Wakani.1829" said:

> > Im all for this, if theres an option included to automatically block / filter cyrillic out.

> > This is a western MMO, and while this is going to sound mean, that is not the intent.

> >

> > while you hate having to talk in english, we hate having to look at hieroglyphs that make zero sense to anyone in the west who isnt born in or around russia.

> > I had enough of that back in League of Legends, and you'll find that this is infact a western MMO, not a russian MMO, you've played well with others for this long, i see no reason to split the community now by entering in a lanquage alot of us simply don't understand.

> >

> > I know that sounds like a double standard, but i'll remind people again, this isn't a russian MMO, and Cyrillic was left out for a reason.

> That is, it's better to see this in a chat "reb9ta, pomogite ubit 4empiona" , then "ребята, помогите убить чемпиона"? You still don’t understand both options. Then what's the difference for u.



There is a difference. Most of us don’t want to have Cyrillic in the chat. We want Latin letters, doesn’t matter if we understand or not. It would destroy our gaming experience having the chat full of letters that are different than ours. So Cyrillic letters should be on Russian servers but not on the European server.



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> @"yoni.7015" said:

> > @"teonanakatl.1289" said:

> > > @"Ol Nik.2518" said:

> >

> > > Вам может быть проще добиться результата, если вы попробуете объединить усилия с людьми из стран, где используются алфавиты не построенные на латинице. Юникод в чате был бы оптимальным решением для всех.

> > Ты абсолютно прав, дружище! Если добавлять , то не только кириллицу. "Счастье для всех даром, и пусть никто не уйдёт обиженный!"

> >

> > > @"Wakani.1829" said:

> > > Im all for this, if theres an option included to automatically block / filter cyrillic out.

> > > This is a western MMO, and while this is going to sound mean, that is not the intent.

> > >

> > > while you hate having to talk in english, we hate having to look at hieroglyphs that make zero sense to anyone in the west who isnt born in or around russia.

> > > I had enough of that back in League of Legends, and you'll find that this is infact a western MMO, not a russian MMO, you've played well with others for this long, i see no reason to split the community now by entering in a lanquage alot of us simply don't understand.

> > >

> > > I know that sounds like a double standard, but i'll remind people again, this isn't a russian MMO, and Cyrillic was left out for a reason.

> > That is, it's better to see this in a chat "reb9ta, pomogite ubit 4empiona" , then "ребята, помогите убить чемпиона"? You still don’t understand both options. Then what's the difference for u.

> >


> There is a difference. Most of us don’t want to have Cyrillic in the chat. We want Latin letters, doesn’t matter if we understand or not. It would destroy our gaming experience having the chat full of letters that are different than ours. So Cyrillic letters should be on Russian servers but not on the European server.




lol ugly pink mans , korean wings are desstroy my experiance and i can off this. You dont woona help ppl communicate like a nazi you from german or what?

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I've only skimmed this thread, since I'm late to the party, but I hope this is just a request for cyrillic alphabet and not full Russian translation or other languages that uses said alphabet. That latter part is not going to happen any time in the near future, since that requires hiring a lot of staff and other resources, including translating all released content so far which is growing by the day (or at least major releases). However, it shouldn't be too invasive to include coding for a new alphabet, though it might set a precedent for other alphabets to be added like the Greek one. This issue is not as cut and dry as it might initially seem.

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> @"yoni.7015" said:

> > @"teonanakatl.1289" said:

> > > @"Ol Nik.2518" said:

> >

> > > Вам может быть проще добиться результата, если вы попробуете объединить усилия с людьми из стран, где используются алфавиты не построенные на латинице. Юникод в чате был бы оптимальным решением для всех.

> > Ты абсолютно прав, дружище! Если добавлять , то не только кириллицу. "Счастье для всех даром, и пусть никто не уйдёт обиженный!"

> >

> > > @"Wakani.1829" said:

> > > Im all for this, if theres an option included to automatically block / filter cyrillic out.

> > > This is a western MMO, and while this is going to sound mean, that is not the intent.

> > >

> > > while you hate having to talk in english, we hate having to look at hieroglyphs that make zero sense to anyone in the west who isnt born in or around russia.

> > > I had enough of that back in League of Legends, and you'll find that this is infact a western MMO, not a russian MMO, you've played well with others for this long, i see no reason to split the community now by entering in a lanquage alot of us simply don't understand.

> > >

> > > I know that sounds like a double standard, but i'll remind people again, this isn't a russian MMO, and Cyrillic was left out for a reason.

> > That is, it's better to see this in a chat "reb9ta, pomogite ubit 4empiona" , then "ребята, помогите убить чемпиона"? You still don’t understand both options. Then what's the difference for u.

> >


> There is a difference. Most of us don’t want to have Cyrillic in the chat. We want Latin letters, doesn’t matter if we understand or not. It would destroy our gaming experience having the chat full of letters that are different than ours. So Cyrillic letters should be on Russian servers but not on the European server.



That may be a tad over the top.. I mean its a chat box, not the game.

Whether it is feasible to add Cyrillic or not is ANET's call, but ruining someone's gaming experience due to seeing Cyrillic in a chat box probably wont even make the first business pass on the Monday meet and greet.

If that was the case, I would be banging on their doors to have the unending stream of "X" player laughs/sits/claps etc emotes taken away cos that ruins my experience :)


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> @"yoni.7015" said:

> And if there would be Cyrillic letters in European servers most of us couldn’t even read the name of the players. I don’t want to play with people whose name I couldn’t even read.


Are you sure you can properly read names and conversations written in languages that use Latin-based alphabets but aren't in your native or closely related to it language?


What about sub-par support for European languages that use diacritics?


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> @"yoni.7015" said:

> And if there would be Cyrillic letters in European servers most of us couldn’t even read the name of the players. I don’t want to play with people whose name I couldn’t even read.


That is, you would not want to see the Cyrillic alphabet in the game, because it will break your ideas about this fragile world, but when other people see languages ​​that they do not understand, is this the norm? So it turns out? It smacks of egocentrism ...

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I support this request. I speak English well enough to enjoy the lore/story/side-quests and back in 2012 even considered buying GW2 as a way to improve my English. But transliteration... it's ugly. Some Cyrillic letters become 4 Latin letters.

I'm a software developer so I believe it's not much of a technical issue - GW2 already supports letters with diacritics for French, Scandinavian languages, Polish so looks like the game doesn't use plain ASCII, but something like UTF-8 which can represent basically any character of any language in the world. Maybe the chat font doesn't have symbols for Cyrillic letters? I would rather use Times New Roman than transliteration. And, BTW, Trading Post and "buy the game" page are already translated in Russian and have some nice-looking font.

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> @"Aaralyna.3104" said:

> While I get the point of adding non Latin alphabets, I think it may bring quite some issues on the backends. As players will then also use different characters (as in letters/symbols) for player characters and guilds then (which most ppl cannot type easily). Not to mention LFG can also be flooded with letters nobody else can read (and we shouldn't exclude players that are not Russian from group content do we). It would also need a lot of dev work if it is even possible. And as someone mentioned the game is created by an American company which uses the Latin alphabet (with only NA/European servers).


UTF (Unicode) support is very much universal these days even by the companies that gear their products toward US audiences. There is absolutely no reason to limit text fields exclusively to Latin 1 or ASCII, except shortsightedness or straightforward xenophobia.


Please also note that the game has an option to limit chat to English only. Are you saying that it is totally fine for English-speaking players to exclude everybody else from group content?


The LFG also has language options to denote the preferred squad language. Does it bother you? Or are you saying that despite not being able to understand French you will still feel comfortable and perfectly included just because you can recognise the alphabet?


> So I think you can better search for a solution outside of the game. A party like Discord could be a good one as it also has an overlay. I do not know if those do Cyrillic but I assume the Russian community may know of a similar thing that does support it. It can be used to chat with each other while playing the game and outside and you can use the speech as well. And it can be set up for the whole Russian community or for a guild seperatly. For the rest you would have to remain to English I am affraid. In most games this is a similar thing unless you have a server dedicated to Russia only (which is also out of scope financially and dev wise I think).


This is not something that affects only the Russian community. Cyrillic alphabet is used '_exclusively or as one of several alphabets for more than 50 languages, notably Belarusian, Bulgarian, Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Macedonian, Montenegrin (spoken in Montenegro; also called Serbian), Russian, Serbian, Tajik, Turkmen, Ukrainian, and Uzbek_' (from Encyclopaedia Britannica). The game is built in such a way that some Europeans are unable to communicate in their native languages on European servers, just because their writing system happened to be different from the Latin alphabet.

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> @"evocatus.3482" said:

> I support this request. I speak English well enough to enjoy the lore/story/side-quests and back in 2012 even considered buying GW2 as a way to improve my English. But transliteration... it's ugly. Some Cyrillic letters become 4 Latin letters.

> I'm a software developer so I believe it's not much of a technical issue - GW2 already supports letters with diacritics for French, Scandinavian languages, Polish so looks like the game doesn't use plain ASCII, but something like UTF-8 which can represent basically any character of any language in the world. Maybe the chat font doesn't have symbols for Cyrillic letters? I would rather use Times New Roman than transliteration. And, BTW, Trading Post and "buy the game" page are already translated in Russian and have some nice-looking font.


TP uses Coherent UI, which is completely separate code ArenaNet bought from another company. I suspect that the rest of the game uses something like Latin 1 rather than UTF. It can be that there are some old libraries and dependencies that will have to be fixed/reworked for the UTF support. Unfortunately, unless someone decompiles the code or the devs give us a straightforward explanation we will not know what exactly is the problem.

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> @"yoni.7015" said:



> There is a difference. Most of us don’t want to have Cyrillic in the chat. We want Latin letters, doesn’t matter if we understand or not. It would destroy our gaming experience having the chat full of letters that are different than ours. So Cyrillic letters should be on Russian servers but not on the European server.



You don`t want to have Cyrillic in the chat. Very well...


1. Bulgaria is a member of the European Union.

2. Bulgarian uses the Cyrillic alphabet.

3. You don`t want to have Bulgarian players in the chat. What is this: xenophobia, racism, fascism? Help me choose ...


p.s. And throw your money in the trash: there is a Cyrillic text on euro notes.


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