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Appeal of the Russian-speaking community Guild Wars 2


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> @"Lara Kroft Rus.3954" said:

> @"Wrong Device.3014" , About Germany wrote "Vinceman.4572", a link to his post, just above the link to yours.

> My answer is to both of you.


> I am born in 1976. In Moscow, there may have been schools with English. At the school where I studied, only in 2016 appeared.

> Why did not learn English in the 90s, I already wrote. This lack of teaching (wrote above) and in those years, I perceived English as the language spoken by the Russian mafia that robbed our country.

> And with German, at school I had big problems, because of the problem with memorizing words.


So it seems that is an individual case that you are not able to speak English, which is by the way a very important language in our days, and that there are people in Russia who can speak English and don’t necessarily need Cyrillic ingame.



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> @"noviiparen.8163" said:

> > So it seems that is an individual case that you are not able to speak English, which is by the way a very important language in our days, and that there are people in Russia who can speak English and don’t necessarily need Cyrillic ingame.


> God ... if people didn’t need, there would be no appeal to ArenaNet! People gathered just because they really need it! What will improve their quality of life! In response, we received a complete ignore! I know that forums often ask players about certain issues, but our case is unique precisely because we went out in an open video, showed our faces, talked about our problems, and the company pretended that we did not exist.


> This forum has a topic called Quality of Life. What quality can be discussed if the company ignored the request of thousands of people? They just pretended that nothing was happening. I wrote Rubi Bayer - she is silent (and this is a specialist in public relations). I wrote to her during a live broadcast on Twitch. As soon as she saw my message, she pretended not to see anything.


> After this behavior of the company, people from my guild began to slowly leave the game, because they expected the most unpleasant answer, but they did not expect that they would simply be ignored! You should not compare our case with others, because over the past 7 years I don’t remember a single appeal to the company, so that people create a video and address the game’s management directly. Frankly, I myself, as the largest blogger of GW2 in Russia, was shocked by the behavior of ArenaNet .........


> In this thread, the moderators gave me 4 warnings, and then silently renamed the topic. Which means: "Shut up, man, we don't like you." You have no right to speak out, criticize. You should just smile and say "everything is fine."




Just because you created a video? That doesn’t make it unique. You should not overrate this.


Maybe they don’t want or can’t answer to the request because they have not thought about it or can’t say anything to you. You can’t force someone to answer. Because for the last seven years there did not seem to be a problem or the need for Cyrillic.


I don’t know why it is important that you call yourself the largest GW2 blogger in Russia? You think you will get a special treatment?


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> Maybe they don’t want or can’t answer to the request because they have not thought about it or can’t say anything to you. You can’t force someone to answer. Because for the last seven years there did not seem to be a problem or the need for Cyrillic.


> I don’t know why it is important that you call yourself the largest GW2 blogger in Russia? You think you will get a special treatment?


The fact that I am the largest blogger in Russia for this game suggests that I appeal not only on my behalf, but I represent the interests of the whole community. But you are fixated on the fact that I'm big.


I already answered you before that 7 years ago, Guild Wars 2 didn’t have any blogger at all, so no one represented the interests of people in this game. There was simply no person who could take on this responsibility. Everyone played scattered piles.


And no, our appeal makes us unique, because we are not just letters on the page. We are real people who live in different countries, but speak Russian. You can write anything you want. Most people are not even responsible for their words! But when people show themselves to society, then they probably know what they are going to ..



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> @"noviiparen.8163" said:

> > Maybe they don’t want or can’t answer to the request because they have not thought about it or can’t say anything to you. You can’t force someone to answer. Because for the last seven years there did not seem to be a problem or the need for Cyrillic.

> >

> > I don’t know why it is important that you call yourself the largest GW2 blogger in Russia? You think you will get a special treatment?


> The fact that I am the largest blogger in Russia for this game suggests that I appeal not only on my behalf, but I represent the interests of the whole community. But you are fixated on the fact that I'm big.


> I already answered you before that 7 years ago, Guild Wars 2 didn’t have any blogger at all, so no one represented the interests of people in this game. There was simply no person who could take on this responsibility. Everyone played scattered piles.


> And no, our appeal makes us unique, because we are not just letters on the page. We are real people who live in different countries, but speak Russian. You can write anything you want. Most people are not even responsible for their words! But when people show themselves to society, then they probably know what they are going to ..




I never heard about you so you shouldn’t overestimate yourself :) did they elect you or who said that you represent other people? Or is it something you say about yourself?



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> I never heard about you so you shouldn’t overestimate yourself :) did they elect you or who said that you represent other people? Or is it something you say about yourself?


It's ridiculous! How can you hear about me if I don't exist? And, let me know where you live to hear about me? If not in Russia, then it would be strange to know about me. I do not broadcast in English, my language is not represented in the game. People from my country cannot be Anet's partners. How should you find out about me? :-D But now they’ve definitely found out!


Nice to meet you!


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Oh ... there is still debate continues) I want to tell you about their thoughts on the above (one particular do not mean just a quote from there, here a quote ...)

I love the English language, I love and study it for the few independently (by the method of Pimsleur and so forth.). But my knowledge is not yet sufficient to freely and easily communicate, so use a mechanical translator. And I try to articulate thoughts just choose my words to the translation of the meaning is not lost what I have said.

• It seems to me that the community, whatever it may be, large or small, **has the right to live**. 40 000 people who signed the petition - I do not think this is an exhaustive figure. I think we have a lot more. And these 40,000 people is not a crowd of young people with unstable mentality and mature people who give an account of their actions (more or less). And to explain it simply. The very model of the game Payment (Buy to Play) explains it, because we have in Russia is not everyone can afford to buy this game. And also, a factor which eliminates frivolous, lazy players, this language barrier. Yes, the game is in English, and localization in the Russian language will not be, **we know it**! And this is good, it spurs to learn English.

• I admit the possibility that the addition of the Cyrillic alphabet in the chat a little worsen the communication with other players. Just a little, I do not take into consider. But I see the chat messages in German, Spanish, French. I see the announcement for admission to the guild in Polish and other languages, which I could not identify. People communicate in their own language, **to find his countrymen**. Here are the lucky ones, I guess. But they all have an alphabet based on the Latin script and do not experience any problems with this. One day I saw an advertisement for the set in the Russian-speaking guild and it was written in transliteration, the message is very easy to miss and do not give it a value, as it is not immediately clear what kind of language is this)))

• I was in a huge amount of a variety of groups to communicate in their native language. I do not understand German, French, Spanish, but the question in English, in such groups I answered in English. And this is good. It is an international language, which aims to facilitate mutual understanding of each other. I'm not against. And if suddenly the game will add the ability to communicate in the Cyrillic alphabet, the group consisting of Russian-speaking players, there is someone who **asked to answer in English for English **This is my vision of the future. This in fact possible?

• All unwilling to see the Cyrillic alphabet in the chat will be sufficient to choose the **menu option **'Show only English "I think this option is already chatting. Correct me if I'm wrong

• About the abuse and did not understand them if they are expressed in Russian ... Seriously? If you are a mature and independent person, what difference there shouting this bully, this upstart? Do not pay attention, maybe he's not talking to you!

• I recently came to a head one guess. About Arena.net silence towards our community. Yes, I know about the events within the company and a difficult period. I know about the care of some important people in the company. I understand. I do not understand why there is no answer? It only takes 5 minutes. It's easy, just say, "yes, there is Cyrillic" or not, is not the Cyrillic alphabet, and do not dream "Others answer we also arrange!. What's the matter? In international politics and stereotypes about the Russian? I do not think management should be apolitical and loyal to the players of different nationalities and point. And here's my guess: it is in the business model of the game? Buy to Play? Arena net not important community, it is important only to the number of sold copies of the game and quarterly financial reports? Let's say I bought the game, the developers have thanked me for the support and all the ... more I do not wonder. Sorrowfully.

• • My conjecture can be verified. I played in the Free to Play projects, I played in Pay to Play projects, the majority are located in my native language, and almost everyone has a Cyrillic chatting! Teso, Wow, Terra, Black desert, and so forth.

• P.S my thesis can be fragmented and do not follow each other, but I think you get my point. Good luck to all! See you at the expanse of Tyria.

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> @"lare.5129" said:

> > @"noviiparen.8163" said:

> ork podkaster name you blogger?



Orc Podcaster is the largest MMO blogger in Russia. But he does not cover any one project. He makes a video about everything. Lost Ark, ArchAge, WoW, Conquerors Blade and much, much more. But most of his audience came precisely through videos about WoW. As you know, the audience of this game is many times greater than GW2. And this game is completely localized in Russian.



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> @"Sir Shreder.4206" said:

> > @"Ulysses.9345" said:

> > > @"Sir Shreder.4206" said:

> > > > @"Ulysses.9345" said:

> > > > Well, when you bought this game, did someone promise you the opportunity to use the Cyrillic alphabet in the chat or add the Cyrillic alphabet to the chat in the future?

> > > > If nobody promised you why you bought this game? To demand support Cyrillic?

> > >

> > > Let's split topics: buying the game and willing (not demanding) use mother tongue.

> > >

> > > What is it wrong to will to speak in mother tongue? Doesn't matter where. And ask an opportunity to do that.

> > If you want speak in your native language and it doesn't matter where, you can speak through discord. This is easy and faster than typing in chat. And not need to ask opportunity.

> >

> > ИМХО, единственное что хочет Inoy - это популярности и известности в GW2, и плюшки от Arena.net, что видно по его видео. Поэтому он и затеял этот шум.

> > Есть способ общаться на русском быстро и эффективно, но для этого ведь не надо подымать шум. А если не подымать шум, кто про тебя узнает?

> >


> If you are against an exact person just say it them face to face.

> What to show how bad public person? Give us any proves.

> No need to shoot out about it.


> If you like to use Discord, please, do that and don't bother the rest people to make their requests.


Where was that poster being rude... all I read @"Ulysses.9345" calling out a vid poster for their use of obscenities in their vids.. and offering a suggestion to utilise Discord if you want to use mother tongue or Cyrillics in game, which has actually been mentioned several times already in this particular post.

The poster has even highlighted (through experience as a programmer), that introducing Unicode into the game comes with possible issues and isn't as easy to do as many on here like to think. All this has to be weighed up by ANET as well as the cost to make it happen and support it after..

I would hazard a guess they have already done their own homework on what effects Unicode support can do for growing the game as well as determining whether it would be cost effective to do so... unfortunately nothing comes freely in this world


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Yes, there is often justified arena.net silence that is not economically viable. Add support for the Cyrillic alphabet. Very hard to justify, if this is the reason. But I do not think so) In one of the posts of someone calculated the approximate cost of the work required. And we agreed to donate this amount. Still no answer. It's not in the finance and economic benefits. Then something is wrong ...

 And enough about Discord! We know what it is. You offer the following: let's say I want to answer the question, the player in the game, who wrote to me in the chat. In response, I print it: Bro, here is the link - an invitation to my Discord, come in and there I will answer you! Well, it's ridiculous, agree. To communicate through Discord need to agree in advance, or spam ads chatting - "follow the link, I'll answer all your questions, you can install the program on the link ...!" And what about the spontaneous meetings? Discord is not the way out here.

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> @"Drevin.5392" said:

> tā

> 它

> zài

> 在

> shī zǐ

> 獅子

> de

> 的

> gǒng mén

> 拱門

> shàng

> 上 This is an example of Chinese transliteration. feel the difference? no? maybe you are not Chinese. also with Russian transliteration, you are not able to understand, because you are not Russian.


Well there is no problem if I dont understand it aslong as you and your friends do.

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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> > @"Drevin.5392" said:

> > tā

> > 它

> > zài

> > 在

> > shī zǐ

> > 獅子

> > de

> > 的

> > gǒng mén

> > 拱門

> > shàng

> > 上 This is an example of Chinese transliteration. feel the difference? no? maybe you are not Chinese. also with Russian transliteration, you are not able to understand, because you are not Russian.


> Well there is no problem if I dont understand it aslong as you and your friends do.


why then do you talk about communication on transliteration? if you don’t understand?

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> @"yoni.7015" said:



> So it seems that is an individual case that you are not able to speak English, which is by the way a very important language in our days, and that there are people in Russia who can speak English and don’t necessarily need Cyrillic ingame.




yoni.7015, do not confuse, speak English and write in Cyrillic. The big difference between Cyrillic and Latin. The Latin alphabet is not suitable for writing in Russian, since twice as many letters are required.


My case is far from infrequent. People have different levels of language training and pedagogues are different.

In a nearby branch, the Italians asked for localization and you will say that in Italy, is there a problem with the English language?


Well, let's say otherwise. So, you speak English, would you be comfortable playing a game where everything is in German and even chatting is only necessary in German?

You ask, English is in the game, but they answer you - learn German.




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> @"Lara Kroft Rus.3954" said:

> > @"yoni.7015" said:


> >

> > So it seems that is an individual case that you are not able to speak English, which is by the way a very important language in our days, and that there are people in Russia who can speak English and don’t necessarily need Cyrillic ingame.

> >

> >


> yoni.7015, do not confuse, speak English and write in Cyrillic. The big difference between Cyrillic and Latin. The Latin alphabet is not suitable for writing in Russian, since twice as many letters are required.


> My case is far from infrequent. People have different levels of language training and pedagogues are different.

> In a nearby branch, the Italians asked for localization and you will say that in Italy, is there a problem with the English language?


> Well, let's say otherwise. So, you speak English, would you be comfortable playing a game where everything is in German and even chatting is only necessary in German?

> You ask, English is in the game, but they answer you - learn German.





I would most likely play something I understand, but you guys seem diffrent since you all have played gw2 without your language in a time span bettwen 7 years and 1 day.


Do you also go into a pizza place complaining that they dont sell traditional russian food aswell?

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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> > @"Lara Kroft Rus.3954" said:

> > > @"yoni.7015" said:

> >

> > >

> > > So it seems that is an individual case that you are not able to speak English, which is by the way a very important language in our days, and that there are people in Russia who can speak English and don’t necessarily need Cyrillic ingame.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > yoni.7015, do not confuse, speak English and write in Cyrillic. The big difference between Cyrillic and Latin. The Latin alphabet is not suitable for writing in Russian, since twice as many letters are required.

> >

> > My case is far from infrequent. People have different levels of language training and pedagogues are different.

> > In a nearby branch, the Italians asked for localization and you will say that in Italy, is there a problem with the English language?

> >

> > Well, let's say otherwise. So, you speak English, would you be comfortable playing a game where everything is in German and even chatting is only necessary in German?

> > You ask, English is in the game, but they answer you - learn German.

> >

> >

> >


> I would most likely play something I understand, but you guys seem diffrent since you all have played gw2 without your language in a time span bettwen 7 years and 1 day.

> Edit

> Do you also go into a pizza place complaining that they dont sell traditional russian food aswell?


no, but I can ask the cook to add some Russian ingredient to pizza)

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> @"Lara Kroft Rus.3954" said:

> > @"yoni.7015" said:


> >

> > So it seems that is an individual case that you are not able to speak English, which is by the way a very important language in our days, and that there are people in Russia who can speak English and don’t necessarily need Cyrillic ingame.

> >

> >


> yoni.7015, do not confuse, speak English and write in Cyrillic. The big difference between Cyrillic and Latin. The Latin alphabet is not suitable for writing in Russian, since twice as many letters are required.


> My case is far from infrequent. People have different levels of language training and pedagogues are different.

> In a nearby branch, the Italians asked for localization and you will say that in Italy, is there a problem with the English language?


> Well, let's say otherwise. So, you speak English, would you be comfortable playing a game where everything is in German and even chatting is only necessary in German?

> You ask, English is in the game, but they answer you - learn German.




There is a huge difference between English and other languages like German: most people learn English and English is considered to be a universal language.



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> @"Drevin.5392" said:

> > @"Linken.6345" said:

> > > @"Lara Kroft Rus.3954" said:

> > > > @"yoni.7015" said:

> > >

> > > >

> > > > So it seems that is an individual case that you are not able to speak English, which is by the way a very important language in our days, and that there are people in Russia who can speak English and don’t necessarily need Cyrillic ingame.

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > yoni.7015, do not confuse, speak English and write in Cyrillic. The big difference between Cyrillic and Latin. The Latin alphabet is not suitable for writing in Russian, since twice as many letters are required.

> > >

> > > My case is far from infrequent. People have different levels of language training and pedagogues are different.

> > > In a nearby branch, the Italians asked for localization and you will say that in Italy, is there a problem with the English language?

> > >

> > > Well, let's say otherwise. So, you speak English, would you be comfortable playing a game where everything is in German and even chatting is only necessary in German?

> > > You ask, English is in the game, but they answer you - learn German.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >

> > I would most likely play something I understand, but you guys seem diffrent since you all have played gw2 without your language in a time span bettwen 7 years and 1 day.

> > Edit

> > Do you also go into a pizza place complaining that they dont sell traditional russian food aswell?


> no, but I can ask the cook to add some Russian ingredient to pizza)


How many pizza places store russian ingredients to put on the pizza? :)



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> @"yoni.7015" said:

> > @"Drevin.5392" said:

> > > @"Linken.6345" said:

> > > > @"Lara Kroft Rus.3954" said:

> > > > > @"yoni.7015" said:

> > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > So it seems that is an individual case that you are not able to speak English, which is by the way a very important language in our days, and that there are people in Russia who can speak English and don’t necessarily need Cyrillic ingame.

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > yoni.7015, do not confuse, speak English and write in Cyrillic. The big difference between Cyrillic and Latin. The Latin alphabet is not suitable for writing in Russian, since twice as many letters are required.

> > > >

> > > > My case is far from infrequent. People have different levels of language training and pedagogues are different.

> > > > In a nearby branch, the Italians asked for localization and you will say that in Italy, is there a problem with the English language?

> > > >

> > > > Well, let's say otherwise. So, you speak English, would you be comfortable playing a game where everything is in German and even chatting is only necessary in German?

> > > > You ask, English is in the game, but they answer you - learn German.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > I would most likely play something I understand, but you guys seem diffrent since you all have played gw2 without your language in a time span bettwen 7 years and 1 day.

> > > Edit

> > > Do you also go into a pizza place complaining that they dont sell traditional russian food aswell?

> >

> > no, but I can ask the cook to add some Russian ingredient to pizza)


> How many pizza places store russian ingredients to put on the pizza? :)




Im more curious what these ingredients are that we dont have in the rest of the world.

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> @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> Where was that poster being rude... all I read @"Ulysses.9345" calling out a vid poster for their use of obscenities in their vids.. and offering a suggestion to utilise Discord if you want to use mother tongue or Cyrillics in game, which has actually been mentioned several times already in this particular post.

I dont't use dicrord, dont need lag-land on pc.


> The poster has even highlighted (through experience as a programmer), that introducing Unicode into the game comes with possible issues and isn't as easy to do as many on here like to think.

This is on row fix in config, NOT in code.


>All this has to be weighed up by ANET as well as the cost to make it happen and support it after..

cost is 0


> I would hazard a guess they have already done their own homework on what effects Unicode support can do for growing the game as well as determining whether it would be cost effective to do so... unfortunately nothing comes freely in this world

sorry, translator here say understood-able, try normal simple English



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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> > @"yoni.7015" said:

> > > @"Drevin.5392" said:

> > > > @"Linken.6345" said:

> > > > > @"Lara Kroft Rus.3954" said:

> > > > > > @"yoni.7015" said:

> > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > So it seems that is an individual case that you are not able to speak English, which is by the way a very important language in our days, and that there are people in Russia who can speak English and don’t necessarily need Cyrillic ingame.

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > yoni.7015, do not confuse, speak English and write in Cyrillic. The big difference between Cyrillic and Latin. The Latin alphabet is not suitable for writing in Russian, since twice as many letters are required.

> > > > >

> > > > > My case is far from infrequent. People have different levels of language training and pedagogues are different.

> > > > > In a nearby branch, the Italians asked for localization and you will say that in Italy, is there a problem with the English language?

> > > > >

> > > > > Well, let's say otherwise. So, you speak English, would you be comfortable playing a game where everything is in German and even chatting is only necessary in German?

> > > > > You ask, English is in the game, but they answer you - learn German.

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > I would most likely play something I understand, but you guys seem diffrent since you all have played gw2 without your language in a time span bettwen 7 years and 1 day.

> > > > Edit

> > > > Do you also go into a pizza place complaining that they dont sell traditional russian food aswell?

> > >

> > > no, but I can ask the cook to add some Russian ingredient to pizza)

> >

> > How many pizza places store russian ingredients to put on the pizza? :)

> >

> >


> Im more curious what these ingredients are that we dont have in the rest of the world.


this is a metaphor. I answered by comparison to comparison. but if you want, I will explain what I meant. The cook is arena.net, pizza is gw2, the Russian ingredient is our request for the addition of the Cyrillic alphabet. but if you want to talk about cooking ... do you add pickles to the filling? no, not marinated. exactly salted? do you add a few grams of vodka to the pizza dough? Believe me, it will become more magnificent and softer. and a little about marketing. and if you are an American businessman and set up a pizzeria in Brooklyn, on Brighton Beach? because many Slavs live there. why don't I go meet customers?

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