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Welcome to PvP Discord [Repost]


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> @"Aaron Forestman.4758" said:

> @"guest.9472" This was a post about a fun and helpful discord for our PvP community which is constantly suffering. People like you are what's wrong with this community; constant aggression and inability to cool off and have a good time together runs rampant. I believe you stated in another post that you've been banned from the game, so good riddance. We don't need anyone that's only here to make others' lives worse.


This was was about fun and linked a troll infested discord that frequently bullies players out of the game, most recently an mAT finalist from NA. Helpful discord that rarely ever holds serious discussion and regularly answers newcomers' questions with troll answers. They pick on basically any player from NA and make fun of certain tourny teams despite barely making p1. Its groups of toxic meme posters that literally just caused a hardcore player to quit the game. But keep showing bias and making excuses for their behavior. Its the same as what you try to label me. Your entire discord feed is filled with memes lmao cys good riddance buddy hahaha

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> @"Largo Cifer.3495" said:

> @"guest.9472" You are just sad that you got kicked out of the discord server because of all your spamming. No one really paid attention to you when you were craving for it and instead you just got kicked. Now here you are, putting out your rage like a baby in here lol. Go cry somewhere else.




Thats a funny way to put the fact that you all come running to ANY thread i post and literally talk about me the second i arrive back. Yet you claim i want your attention? I already have it without even being there. Its shown all in your feed, a simple search shows how many times im mentioned. So how do i crave your attention when you guys clearly crave my presence? Im still waiting on gratitude for making an appearance. If you guys didnt care, you wouldnt keep talking about me 5 days after kicking me. Send someome smarter from that discord. I can tell youre all still rambling in there. Only continuing to prove all of my points. Use that frontal lobe kid

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> @"guest.9472" said:

> Tyga, there has never been constructive feedback on that discord. In fact, even though I'm banned I can bet 1 million USD that after getting embarrassed and out smarted here, Falan takes the insults to discord where she knows I won't be able to reply. I dare you to prove me wrong. Everything I do even if it is for the benefit of the community, will always be insulted in your discord. And unlike me, there are many people who haven't even slightly earned that treatment. What do you say to them other than "I'll do better." Lol whether you like it or not, you harbor a circle of toxic children incapable of even a mildly intellectual debate. I mean seriously @"Falan.1839" even called my vernacular half intelligent despite the fact that 5th graders are capable of this level of discourse.


> I honestly wonder what life would be like if I had to run to an emotional support group after attempting to prove that someone wasn't intelligent; only to prove myself to be even less intelligent. :) easy


None of this is related to what I wrote and @everyone here, I got no message frimm this dude yet and also no message from the people that feel the same way as him. Everything you state here is completly subjective and to act up, I need valid points. If you criticize my discord, do it properly or leave it as it be.

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> @"Tyga.7056" said:

> > @"guest.9472" said:

> > Tyga, there has never been constructive feedback on that discord. In fact, even though I'm banned I can bet 1 million USD that after getting embarrassed and out smarted here, Falan takes the insults to discord where she knows I won't be able to reply. I dare you to prove me wrong. Everything I do even if it is for the benefit of the community, will always be insulted in your discord. And unlike me, there are many people who haven't even slightly earned that treatment. What do you say to them other than "I'll do better." Lol whether you like it or not, you harbor a circle of toxic children incapable of even a mildly intellectual debate. I mean seriously @"Falan.1839" even called my vernacular half intelligent despite the fact that 5th graders are capable of this level of discourse.

> >

> > I honestly wonder what life would be like if I had to run to an emotional support group after attempting to prove that someone wasn't intelligent; only to prove myself to be even less intelligent. :) easy


> None of this is related to what I wrote and @everyone here, I got no message frimm this dude yet and also no message from the people that feel the same way as him. Everything you state here is completly subjective and to act up, I need valid points. If you criticize my discord, do it properly or leave it as it be.


You must be trolling. Go look in your discord lmao and search my character name. Or how about you even bother asking? Your entire discord sends insults and filthy messages in game and there is no hiding it at all. They make up lies like "omg he bought a new account to reply" yet too primitive to use the post search function. Every ranger they fight and beat they take videos and say its me but it doesnt have any of my names lmao. Clearly what im saying is correct. You all want to make it seek like i crave your attention but you guys cant stop talking about me. Im not even there this entire week yet im the topic if discussion. YOUR entite discord feeds of toxic drama. Only proving my point. Its pathetic how many of you ive beaten in game. Hit the gym

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> @"guest.9472" said:

> > @"Tyga.7056" said:

> > Why do you keep dodging?


> No one is dodging i answered you 3 times. Invest maybe 1 minute of your time and look at your own toxic discord. Lazy


It's funny how you're talking about bullying when you, just a week and a half ago released a video filled with nothing but toxic spew against one of NAs top rangers.

Not only making a joke of his name, but also calling people out with nothing but a screenshot.


You said yourself that you deserved the kick you got, and I very much agree. As for the NA finalist that got kicked, I don't know. I wasn't there.


The discord started out great. Extremely helpful and had a great many profession coaches that were glad to answer all and any questions.

I myself have and still offer to review guard footage as stated in that discord on multiple occasions.

As PvP has declined, so has the server. Shocker shocker.


We are currently lacking coaches on a few classes.

Elementalist, ranger and necromancer.

But all other classes have coaches that are more than happy to help, and I have an entire discord to prove it.

So you can keep your baseless accusations to yourself.


Also also, not everyone's a native speaker. Myself included, pretty sure my English is better than your swedish though.

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> @"Falan.1839" said:

> Since you don't mention who is supposedly was forced to leave the discord due to attempted bullying I can't really be sure, but if it is the person who I have in mind: That guy has a very long history of wintrading, stealing gold from accounts he got shared, catfishing, insulting, randomly asking girls for nudes, and a lot of other inappropriate behaviour. So if he got a reception like you describe, there are a lot of reasons for it.


> Oh and thanks for the corrections, as you might have noticed, or maybe haven't, I am not a native speaker of English, so equating language proficiency with intelligence is, as you might put it, "literally a fallacy lmao".


> I will now leave you to your intellectual brilliance and immaculate argumentation, so you can continue to derail this thread without me, since I have more important things to do.


Wow what in the world happened in the discord?

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