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Templates Preview Guild Chat -- We want your questions!

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I do have a question... so will there be _3 separate things_ being sold in the gem store accompanying the update or am I just tripping?


* _"You can purchase additional **Equipment Template tabs** from the Gem Store."_

* _"You can swap the contents of the **Build Template tabs** for use in any game mode or purchase more **tabs** from the Gem Store."_

* _"Your account will have access to three **Build Storage Spaces** for free. To obtain more, you can purchase them in **packs of three** in the Gem Store."_


And will these things be... ahem...





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So why are there only 2 free gear build templates per character? The people who use arc build templates on average use 6 or more. Some raiders I know use 20 builds for one elite spec. Others use 10. Before they didn't have to pay anything for that. How is this fair to them? I understand that devs need to get paid, but it's not like the gemstore doesn't have a large revenue already. I've spent a gross amount in the past year. Since it's a terrible experience to play without account upgrades. Moreover most new players need to spend at least $75 to play this game, which most would assume comes with build templates. Since every other game does. And even if you buy everything what is the cap on builds per character? You can easily have 5 builds for each specialization. For example each one could have 1 for WvW, 1 for open world, and 3 for Raids.


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> @"FrigginPaco.4178" said:

> I'm very disappointed, but not surprised, to see that additional templates will need to be purchased via gemstore. People who play a higher number of build variations and game modes are ironically the ones hit hardest by this decision. I play across PvE, WvW, and PvP. Even if you get a new set of fresh templates per game mode that's an astonishing amount of locking done by this marketing decision.


They did the work, created a product, and you have to pay for it. What's hard to understand?


You aren't being forced to buy it. I too would like everything for nothing, but that's how you go broke.

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> @"blambidy.3216" said:

> I honestly don’t think Arenanet knows how many people use arc. Or how many builds raiders/wvw players use in game. Not to mention they are adding pvp builds in the future. People like us have at least 3-4 builds per character. And we are multi classed. So Arenanet is telling me to get the native feature of build templates the way I want, I need 5-6 tabs per character. Not to forget it seems like it will be 400-800 gems per pack. And they are only giving 6 storage for free in the beginning. Gw1 has this feature free. Gw2 all a sudden needs money for this feature? if gw2 needed money Then make expansions. Don’t make us pay for gem store items when gw1 build templates are free. So Arenanet will be disappointed because not many will purchase these packs since arcdps build templates are free. I’d rather help fund that developer then fund arenanet with their absurd gemstore ways.


Just because you got something free previously, it doesn't give you a lifetime entitlement to getting future content and features for free.


> So Arenanet will be disappointed because not many will purchase these packs since arcdps build templates are free.


Oh, I bet they will. Also, the the arc version is being removed and who's going to want to get banned?

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What a joke. So many tears here. What did you expect. If they gave us free infinitive equipment and build template they wouldn't sell any character and bag slots. Anet has to earn money so they can keep this game in maintenance mode (or game for casuals if you prefer this term).

And this is perfect sum up

> @"Shena Fu.5792" said:

> what a waste of time and effort.

> so 90% of players don't care ; but for the 10%, it won't satisfy their needs at all.



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"At release, each character will get three Build Template tabs, which will be preloaded with their existing equipped builds from PvE, PvP, and WvW. "


Really hope 3 per character and not 3 per account.


I know I would be happy with 3 free on each of my 7 characters: one for core, 2 for specs or if I want can do 1 PvE, 1 fractal, one WvW (I don't go pvp).


But I'm sure some want more for x reasons. Raids, pvp etc...


It's an overdue feature, came only now, 6 years after, It's reasonable to give one build slot per year of playing.

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Sure, Anet has to make money, and it's their game to monetize how they choose. That doesn't make it any less disgraceful that they took what should have been the ultimate convenience feature, and made it a clunky mess so they could push more aggressive monetization on it. That doesn't make it any less disappointing that it took them years of development work to move backwards from existing implementations. That doesn't make it any less of an insult to the playerbase that they hamstrung a feature we've begged for for years so they could sell it back to us piecemeal.

Yes, it's their prerogative to monetize QoL features, but this was clearly designed as a cash grab first and foremost, and QoL improvement a distant second. And when they choose to do that with a feature this important, it sheds a very unflattering light on their priorities as a developer.

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Okay all jokes aside I do actually have a legit question(s) regarding the following statement:


_"Swapping can be done whenever you’re out of combat, with limitations in competitive modes."_


**How long is the limitation, are presets instant and are there any further restrictions involved?**


* _Example 1:_ **WvW scenario.** I'm on ~~most annoying addition to WvW~~ a Warclaw and see an enemy in pursuit. Am I still able to switch builds while on a mount or do I have to dismount first?


* _Example 2:_ **WvW scenario.** Will using all utility slots for buffs etc retain the universal CD (including any boons/buffs involved) when switching over to a build with different utilities slotted? I can see this maybe being abused by pre-buffing with unique skills/traits/weapons (e.g; _Zealot's Flame_) then switching immediately to something that benefits from it.


* _Example 3:_ **WvW scenario.** You get pre-buffed by a venomshare thief with many venoms to use. If that thief switches to a build with no venoms, do you still retain the ability to use the venoms he pre-buffed you with or does it all disappear?

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> @"Haywire.3495" said:

> Sure, Anet has to make money, and it's their game to monetize how they choose. That doesn't make it any less disgraceful that they took what should have been the ultimate convenience feature, and made it a clunky mess so they could push more aggressive monetization on it. That doesn't make it any less disappointing that it took them years of development work to move backwards from existing implementations. That doesn't make it any less of an insult to the playerbase that they hamstrung a feature we've begged for for years so they could sell it back to us piecemeal.

> Yes, it's their prerogative to monetize QoL features, but this was clearly designed as a cash grab first and foremost, and QoL improvement a distant second. And when they choose to do that with a feature like this, it sheds a very unflattering light on their priorities as a developer.


I remember recalling that they specifically stated the gem store would be cosmetics and convenience. That's been a thing since the beginning. Just because someone spent their free time making a .DLL file that gave pseudo build templates for free doesn't mean you should expect that from a bunch of devs who need to get paid.

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My question is how many people had gear deleted by the arcdps tool that is constantly getting peddled here? It is an api hook for DirectX , I don't know why people would think that it can be better than an ingame option that people can load templates from and share equipment through.



I think most people that don't raid don't install arcdps for this reason among others (such as lack of caring about damage over time rather than perusing combat log). WvW players usually prioritize framerate so as long as the commander or someone in squad occasionally runs it to see if their composition is underperforming it isn't a necessity.


My second question is when will non-cosmetic WvW trinkets with a stat-swap option be implemented? WvW players have access to WvW legendary armor and 1st gen legendary weapons from the trading post, but are missing easily swappable trinkets (you must remove any infusions and then use the mist capacitor for 250 shards of glory). Right now a stop-gap measure is using the unique blood ruby band + amulet + backpiece as well (you can swap the stat for 100 unbound magic but must remove all infusions). Maybe a badge of honor (6000+ each) and testimony/proof of heroics sink could be made (have it cost 2000 testimonies?) , with a sort of discount implemented for each maxed WvW title (i.e. rewarding 250+ testimonies per maxed title).




Also it seems some people didn't even bother reading the article and are posting kneejerk emotional reactions.

1. each character will get three Build Template tabs --- the people complaining that don't PvP or WvW have enough for power, condi, and support so I don't see the validity of complaint

2. Build Templates can be copied as chat links --- which means that unless you are running something often, you can just save it as a chat-link outside the game

3. Build Storage Spaces : 3 free , a limited time after release, you’ll be able to pick up a free pack in the Gem Store _for a total of six free_


"Items added to Equipment Templates will no longer take up space in your character’s inventory" --- last I checked arcdps can't offer this.

* "You can copy and paste an Equipment Template from one tab to another"

* "Each of your characters will have access to two Equipment Template tabs for free"

* " you can create multiple Build Templates that work with a single Equipment Template"


Considering I have characters where 40+ of the inventory slots are gear (armor +trinkets+2 weapons ) ... this is a welcome change. Before chrono nerf, much of my mesmer's trinket and weapons took up almost all its inventory. Power, Boon duration, support, minstrel, condi, etc.


The other change that really helped was Armistice Bastion's golems which allowed WvW damage testing in a sterile environment absent of enemy gear variance, keep bonuses and bloodlust.

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I like the idea of build templates, it's an nice quality of life change. I do question weather or not you can switch your previous build with your saved build into the template and vise versa so you at least have 2 builds to chose from when switching for each game mode. The equipment template is just icing on the cake to me you can still use your inventory for armor.


The build storage has me puzzled though, do you get to have storage for each profession in each storage slot available? For instance 1 slot holds one warrior, ele, mes, necro etc builds but just one for each profession in each slot so in storage if you have 6 slots you always have 6 warriors, 6 guardians, 6 engie etc to choose from or just 1 of any build in each slot and that's it? If it's the latter that's kind of disappointing as there's 9 professions (8 if it's just GW2) in the game if it's not too much it would cool to start off with 9 if it's the latter.


Overall this to me is just based on much wanted convenience there's other ways for the community to inventory and share more builds with or without this QOL add on or ArcDPS through outside means such as screenshots taken ingame on your phone or pc or maybe through an pc app or phone app that could be made. GW1 is coded differently to have the flexibility with build templates that it has, GW2 seems much more complicated code wise to where it's unable to have the ease to share builds as GW1 does which is why Devs are doing it this way. If you don't like it it's not worth getting upset about and threaten to quit the game over.

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> @"Game of Bones.8975" said:

> > @"GloomxWar.8793" said:

> > Why do you force players to pay for something that they already got for free with a third party program?

> > I think making players pay for this is one of the worst things Anet could do.


> No one is forcing you to use this update. It's there because many people were asking about it for years.


Problem is, they do force us to use this update because they remove the possibility that we already have and give us only paid one.

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> @"MashMash.1645" said:

> > @"FrigginPaco.4178" said:

> > I'm very disappointed, but not surprised, to see that additional templates will need to be purchased via gemstore. People who play a higher number of build variations and game modes are ironically the ones hit hardest by this decision. I play across PvE, WvW, and PvP. Even if you get a new set of fresh templates per game mode that's an astonishing amount of locking done by this marketing decision.


> They did the work, created a product, and you have to pay for it. What's hard to understand?


> You aren't being forced to buy it. I too would like everything for nothing, but that's how you go broke.


I feel like you misunderstand where my frustration comes from. When this feature was implemented in GW1 there were no such machinations or limits like are present in this iteration. They're fundamentally the same company as well, so I really find it hard to understand how something that is a fundamental game feature and not a cosmetic upgrade can be held up in this manner.

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Hey there, few questions :

* Are unlock character bound or account wide?

* What is the price tag? (depending on point 1, hopefully cheap enough or what's the point of this vs new character slot)

* Do you have any plan to unlock more equipement templates for players that equiped full legendary gear? I built 4 of them and was working on a 5th one because of the convenience brought by arcdps gear swapping, but as of now it just seems like a slap in the face to me only having 2 slots...


Thanks !

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Incredibly disappointing to see build template tabs as a gem store purchase. This is nothing but an insulting decision by anet. The people who use the most templates will likely be pvp and wvw players who have been neglected and ignored for years. GG anet for this joke, any reasonable pvp and wvw player shouldnt be giving you a cent.

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I'm perfectly fine with Anet selling **equipment templates slots** since they also will hold your gear and save up inventory space. But selling **build templates slots** is unacceptable and I'm very disappointed with this decision, we should be able to create as many build templates we want to, since those templates will mostly be just one line of information and there is no reason for you guys monetize that.

This is wrong, please take back on that for build templates.

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> @"Game of Bones.8975" said:

> Will the equipment slots use a transmutation charge when swapping between characters? Or will it retain the same skin no matter who wears it?

> That will be a little awkward.


It sounds like that skins and colors will be saved, which makes this also a fashion wars template

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