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Item skins in template

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Based on what was shown on stream, as of right now, dye/color information is not saved in a build template. It uses the existing dye systems instead.


The good news is: if your Scourge and Reaper are different characters, you won't have to reset the dyes/color schemes when loading or changing a template.

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> @"Hoover.6394" said:

> So if I understand it right, for the equipment template, it won’t allow same item in different skins/dyes for different slot?

> Say I have a shoulder piece and I can’t have it in gold in my scourge template and green in my reaper template?


From the stream uploaded to Youtube, dyes are fixed to the equipment template. The skins themselves is something they want to do in the future, but there's technical stuff and the question of transumation.

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> @"Hoover.6394" said:

> So if I understand it right, for the equipment template, it won’t allow same item in different skins/dyes for different slot?

> Say I have a shoulder piece and I can’t have it in gold in my scourge template and green in my reaper template?


Did they cover it?


If they don't support it right now, it seems like something that they would eventually allow to work as part of an equipment template, since (like attributes/upgrades on a legendary), you can freely swap it at will.


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