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Path of Fire is unrewarding


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Why? Because even as early as the first week of the expansion, the new maps have felt dead.


Imagine if they added the Hydra staff to a meta event as a rare drop instead of to the gem store.


The devs have said that they're watching things closely and changes to rewards is a possibility.

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I wanted today to just roam around the POF maps and since I had around 50 treasure-detection-thingies I did so for about 3-4 hours, doing random events and bounties, opening chests, harvesting material that came my way. After those hours I sold everything I got almost 25g and still have 40 treasure thingies. I'm happy with that. Most fun farming sessions I've had in a while.


Edit: Forgot to mention that I also went for maps completion. So alot of my time was spent on that also.

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> @MrRay.3027 said:

> I wanted today to just roam around the POF maps and since I had around 50 treasure-detection-thingies I did so for about 3-4 hours, doing random events and bounties, opening chests, harvesting material that came my way. After those hours I sold everything I got almost 25g and still have 40 treasure thingies. I'm happy with that. Most fun farming sessions I've had in a while.


> Edit: Forgot to mention that I also went for maps completion. So alot of my time was spent on that also.


I'm glad you had fun, but that's terrible gold/hour for rewards.


For reference, a well run SW RIBA is/was around **32g/hour**


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I love miniatures (!), and those contracts are not merely for miniatures. You can also get crafting materials in exchange, for instance. :)


Apart from that I mostly agree with the OP. **Especially the AP rewards are completely unsatisfactory** regarding the amount of time many of the achievements take to complete (which are all **a lot** of fun, by the way, so it's not an issue with the content but really just with the rewards).


P.S. I am waiting for the new ascended stats to become available for crafting, too!

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I'm all about better rewards in GW2; but I love the inclusion of minis as PvE rewards. Does anyone remember how you got minis way back when GW2 was released?!?! You either grabbed a couple from the Hall of Monuments, or you bought them. That's right, you bought them. :(


So, +1 to the Devs for adding minis as rewards. Lots of love from me. <3

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I have to agree since I found it's almost incredible that my gold amount didn't increase at all during the entire map and story completion on my first character (currently on my second one). True, there is a way of getting rares from identifying yellow items but I found it strange enough that salvaging those didn't yield that much valuable stuff.

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> @Terrahero.9358 said:

> > @bOTEB.1573 said:

> > > @Terrahero.9358 said:

> > > > @Ayrilana.1396 said:

> > > > It's what the subset of players that disliked HoT wanted. They didn't like the map metas and preferred maps like core Tyria.

> > > >

> > > > We got a taste of this with LS3 where those maps only remained relevant because of ascended trinket farming. Due to lack of replayability, the maps will be just like the core maps when there isn't a world boss going on.

> > > >

> > > > People need to be careful about what they ask for.

> > >

> > > It has nothing to do with meta events. It has to do with reward. The new PoF events and bounties are just not rewarding enough to do, not being an hour long meta event chain is not the problem. People still run the vanilla world bosses and events because it's worth their time and effort to do. People ran events even in starter maps like Queensdale for a long time, the only reason they stopped was because anet nerfed the everliving out of the rewards.

> >

> > You see... this is chained. You can't expect to get good rewards from short/easy meta events that require 10-15 people to complete nor from bounties that you can auto attack without moving and semi afk for 5-8 min.

> >

> > The only exception is the Serpent's Ire in Vabbi, however, let's not forget that HOT metas were harder in the beginning too and this is only a matter of time to get easy.

> >

> > You can't get the rewards or similar that HOT metas give simply because POF metas don't have this difficulty level or complexity.

> >

> > People ask for easier content but people have to accept worse rewards from them - simple logic.

> >

> > In every good game the harder the content - the better the rewards. GW2 shouldn't be an exception.


> That's not true. Worldbosses are still ran and a popular activity because for essentially a simple event players get a good reward.


> A single champ doesnt have to give the same reward as a 1.5hour meta event, but currently the bounties offer such a poor reward you're better off just running worldbosses. Its all about effort (or time spend) vs reward.


> Again, this has nothing to do with meta events. People just don't feel their time spend doing events or bounties in PoF is adequately rewarded, so they're not doing it.


Which means World Bosses are overdue for a reward nerf, because the difficulty scale is reduced due to the Power Creep we've been seeing from the Especs. But that aside, I'm starting to expect the real issue is people's expectations for ever increasing scales of rewards, when we're already over-tuned and inundated with rewards for every little thing we're doing. The parallels to Addiction arguments with reward cycles are becoming too relevant to ignore at this point..... the game's reward system is officially at odds with itself, because players no longer have a clear idea of what they want. Its just become this nebulous idea of either needing more or not getting "enough stuff" for their efforts. I'm actually surprised Gold-per-hour has come up yet.

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> @Ahlen.7591 said:

> > @MrRay.3027 said:

> > I wanted today to just roam around the POF maps and since I had around 50 treasure-detection-thingies I did so for about 3-4 hours, doing random events and bounties, opening chests, harvesting material that came my way. After those hours I sold everything I got almost 25g and still have 40 treasure thingies. I'm happy with that. Most fun farming sessions I've had in a while.

> >

> > Edit: Forgot to mention that I also went for maps completion. So alot of my time was spent on that also.


> I'm glad you had fun, but that's terrible gold/hour for rewards.


> For reference, a well run SW RIBA is/was around **32g/hour**



Terrible for you, maybe. Not everyone wants to live in SW. Some people are happy with getting 25g no matter how long it takes and where they get it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The game is about lore, magic, beautiful images and maps, more like roll playing than hard core gaming or progress or competition. The only reason i started this game was because i saw a video back in 2015 about world bosses and that all players were getting their own rewards and i thought " no more ninja loots no more rolls on items no more anxiety, will i get that item? ".

In the first months i was so in love with this game and thought " this is the best game ever " then i crafted my ascended sets, my ascended weapons, my legendary weapons completed the map with many chars, still i was okay.

Hot came, i made more ascended weapons, completed the hot maps, stories, most of the achievements ( not all ).

Living World Season 3, completed the maps, run the story, some achievements.

Pof came :D wow i was so happy, i completed the map, started the story...wait...something is missing here!!!


Meanwhile i was active at spvp, not a pro, not a noob i was doing okay. After Two thousand games and many balance patches, meta changes, class swaps ( i played thief, elementalist, necro, warrior, guardian,ranger, some engi), so many reward tracks completed but still...something was missing!!!


I also tried WvW not much, only 340 rank, i was part of some battles and sieges it was fun, really!!! Why i feel that something is not correct?


Then it hit me. The only thing that is missing in this almost perfect and well made game is the rewards. I spend so many hours on doing all these things and it felt like i did for nothing. Since the game has no gear progression there is no competition so, why don't you reward us with something cool and by that i don't mean one mini that costs 5silver. Give something that feels rewarding for all the things i did.

For example:

.Core tyria map completion is not an easy job, we need time, we need patience. Still we get what? Green gear ? GIve us a nice skin at least, or a big amoung of usefull mats and not 50 iron ore because i spend real time for this.

.I achieved 10 rank in wvw, here is an exotic, then i achieved 100 rank in wvw here is an ascended ring, then 200 here is an ascended armor part. With that way the player will think " Wvw is so fun i will spend my time and i will try to get more ranks, it feels rewarding "


Maybe some people think that rewards are fine!!! okay i respect it of course, i only say my opinion here.


I wish you all the best.


PS. I am sorry for my english i hope you understand me!!!

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If you really want to see population in these maps, anet should put in specific map currency for each, and allow this currency to buy an ascended head (oasis), gloves(desert),feet (elon), and legs (vabbi). Then you'll see people flocking by the thousands into this map, regardless how much of the map currency is needed.


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