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Story mode too hard

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> @"Irensaga.6935" said:

> > @"MikeG.6389" said:

> > Death should be final. Would make a very interesting game...


> Go play Eve Online.


Maybe I should try that one...

At any rate, I just thought to spin OP's first and ONLY post in this thread, He or she made a vague comment on the game and then seemingly abandoned the thread. To me, it smells like trolling.

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> @"MikeG.6389" said:

> > @"Irensaga.6935" said:

> > > @"MikeG.6389" said:

> > > Death should be final. Would make a very interesting game...

> >

> > Go play Eve Online.


> Maybe I should try that one...

> At any rate, I just thought to spin OP's first and ONLY post in this thread, He or she made a vague comment on the game and then seemingly abandoned the thread. To me, it smells like trolling.


It's the only post they've made on this forum. I think it's more likely they either posted this in a moment of frustration and then forgot about it, or maybe decided following up wasn't worth it because it would involve going through their whole build trying to work out what info is relevant to share and then potentially having to change it all. Or maybe they got an answer and just haven't responded to say so.

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> @"SeikeNz.3526" said:

> change your items and traits, full zerk don't work for pve out of a party


Full zerk absolutely works outside of a party. My thief, Ele and Ranger all run full zerk, and all but my thief has finished the story on my own with no help. You get less mistakes.


OP, what are you finding hard exactly?

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I use full zerk on my Reaper, because I can get toughness (well, they call it carapace now) from my minions. Most of my other classes I run marauders, though for now my Soulbeast is doing fine with zerker and Vampire runes. And I can be kind of slow on reaction times too, with arthritis in my hands.


On story bosses, I've found you need to be able to step back, think about what is killing you, and change skills on your utilities (and sometimes even change weapons) accordingly. Meta is helpful, but you need to be flexible too.

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I'm not sure if this was meant to troll as the OP has not responded to provide more detail. But assuming the validity of the complaint I think the problem is that arenanet never really provided in game meta info to tell the player you should really do this with some help. But the real problem stems from the concept that the story is "personal". Because naming that implied that not only is it centered on you but that you were alone with involvement aside from NPCs. In other words solo play. But in reality portions of it and the later progression of the story after the original content of the game was not for solo play. Thought process continued after quote.


> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> Wish ANet would implement levels of difficulty to choose from (and reserve certain story achievements for the hard mode), then everyone would be happy.


That is where this quote comes into play. Arenanet realized later with future content of GW1 that groups of people were looking for more than just always needing a group. This mainly was two things. Solo friendly group and much more challenging group. For the solo group they did what they could and created heroes so that they could more closely replace human party members for those who wanted solo. And they created hard mode for those seeking much more of a challenge while leaving the "easy" intact. With GW2 this apparently was ignored. And little has been done to improve the situation in one direction or the other. Before the game ever launched my feedback was that they needed to compensate for these groups in GW2 with a easy, normal and hard mode. Easy mode: In story instances NPC needed to reasonably contribute rather than as very weak versions of henchmen and failed at all healing or reviving the players that found the content too hard. Normal mode: for those that found challenge level just fine as it is. And Hard more: for those players that felt there was not enough challenge. None of these groups are completely satisfied with things as the game stands today. To a lot of people there is just too much content that is "hard mode" and very little improvement for easy mode. And for those who like that very " hard mode" content complain as much about the stuff that appeals to that other group. The only solution is difficulty levels that way everyone can hopefully make the game as challenging as they want. The problem is complexity of coding because now several versions of the same content has to be evaluated and potentially maintained after creation.

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Have to agree with prior post. Where once I failed, my builds slowly started to improve. Now I know where I’ll struggle, if at all, and where I can glide.

-Does it make sense for me to weapon swap range with melee for the given challenge/story..

-weapons id like to try, Gear stats, runes, traits + skills, double check weapon selection

-test it on 2-3 different mobs

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Story Mode for what? Dungeons? I can do it solo on my weaver or mesmer (no skipping). It's not difficult. Just learn how to use utility skills, how and when to dodge. Having other gear than Berserker's would help (e.g. Marauder's).

Regular story? You can die in story instance only if you go AFK during the fight.

If they could have made the story easier, all mobs couldn't attack you and die in one hit like ambient creatures.

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